Researchers Found That Pregnant Women Who Suffer From Nausea Are More Likely to Have Smart Children
Pregnancy can be a wonderful but also very challenging time and morning sickness is one of the most unpleasant aspects of it.
Pregnancy can be a wonderful but also very challenging time and morning sickness is one of the most unpleasant aspects of it.
Gluten might appear harmless, but for some individuals, it can silently provoke significant health problems. Often lacking clear warning signs, its impact may remain undetected, potentially causing long-term harm. Recognizing how your body responds to gluten is crucial for safeguarding your overall well-being.
Why do we remember things that once made us feel embarrassed even years later? The most simple way to explain this is that some external stimuli signal a past memory unintentionally. These memories are usually negative experiences since we are motivated to avoid unpleasant moments. These 18 stories may make you feel second-hand embarrassment or remind you of a personal story.
Our readers sometimes find themselves in difficult situations, and Mark’s story is no exception. Recently, Mark has been grappling with a challenging dilemma in his personal life. He is asking for your advice on how to navigate this personal crossroads and find a path that leads to peace and fulfillment.
Even a short flight can cause a lot of inconvenience to passengers if some little things are not taken into account. But flight attendants have to spend a lot of time in the air because it’s their job, so they have a lot of tricks that help to make travelling by plane more comfortable.
There’s nothing wrong for many women asking their partners to pick up tampons for them at the store. While it’s an absolutely normal request, many men are happy to help out in this way. The same was for our today’s hero, a married man, 30, who just wanted to help his wife. But when he went to the store, he unexpectedly got involved into a huge and unpleasant drama, and he wrote to us about it to find out what we and our readers think about the whole situation.
Dwarfism, a rare condition affecting approximately 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 40,000 individuals, frequently leads to discrimination and societal indifference. Yet, an increasing number of people with dwarfism are bravely sharing their life experiences, aiming to challenge and diminish societal prejudice directed toward this condition.
Dwarfism is a rare condition that affects between 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 40,000 people. People with dwarfism often face discrimination and indifference from society. However, more and more people with this condition are sharing their life stories to combat prejudice against it.
Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born with a rare birth defect called polymelia, meaning born with extra limbs, in her case, she had 4 legs, 2 normal ones and 2 smaller ones that grew from her hips. But there was more to it. She also had 2 sets of reproductive organs and 2 pelvises. Because of this rare occurrence, she’s probably one of the few people in history considered wonders. Let’s delve into Myrtle’s story and discover her exceptional life milestones.
We all have body problems that can make us feel uncomfortable and trapped. Our organs and limbs don’t always work together in harmony, and the brain can often prioritize pleasure over overall well-being. While we can’t eliminate all problems at once, we can use certain products to make life easier. Here are 10 highly effective products that will leave your body in eternal gratitude to you.
Pregnancy can be a roller coaster of emotions, as it’s both super tough and amazing at the same time. Not only do women go through a lot during the 9 months of pregnancy, but they also have to deal with the whole childbirth process. Hollywood has a history of not treating female characters fairly, especially when it comes to pregnancy. Even today, movies still don’t seem to get it right.
Many of us are used to brushing our teeth as soon as we get out of bed. But although good oral hygiene is key to maintaining a beautiful smile, brushing your teeth right after you wake up might not be as effective as we think. Some medical experts believe that having a glass of water before brushing your teeth is much better for your oral health, and might even increase the effectiveness of tooth brushing.
Pregnancy, by all means, isn’t easy, and growing an entire human inside your body is incredibly hard work. But as we read the happy news shared by celebrities, we rarely see the less-than-glamorous side of expecting a baby from them. Luckily, over the years, celebrity moms have also started to talk about some pretty challenging parts of pregnancy and childbirth to help women all over the world feel that they’re not alone.
The ancient Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu believes that every issue in the human body has its roots in tension. And the best way to get rid of that tension is by clearing the blocked energy pathways through hand massages. According to this practice, every finger is connected to certain organs and emotions. So, all we need to do is apply pressure and gently massage our fingers and hands in order to feel relief from a certain problem.
Each pregnancy alters your body irrevocably. And we don’t mean the stretch marks or the scars. We mean the forever-changed DNA. Ask any new mother and she’ll list out a litany of things that are now different for her. Like a forgetful mommy brain that, according to science, makes the mother-child bond stronger.
Nothing is probably as relaxing as a sunny day on the beach. But even the most carefree vacation can be ruined by these little guys if you unexpectedly come across them. These sea creatures, snails, starfish, and even snakes, are beautiful but venomous, and they may be lying right next to you while you are sunbathing.
Sweating can be very annoying — bacteria can stick to it and make you smell bad, and if you don’t clean your face after sweating, you might get pimples. You also need to wash your hair often if you sweat a lot, even though frequent hair washing isn’t necessarily good for you. So it’s easy to assume that all of these troubles would go away if you just didn’t sweat anymore. But there are pros and cons to your body stopping this important process.
Vegan, no gluten, low-fat, and even superfood labels are constantly promoted as “healthy” and “guilt-free” options to help you achieve perfect well-being. However, lots of junk ingredients can be sneakily added to them, turning our favorite snacks into less obvious junk food. In the end, we might end up damaging our health and unexpectedly putting on extra pounds.
Pregnancy is a unique moment in the life of any woman, and any couple. Therefore, each person experiences it in a different way, and the same situation gives rise to extremely diverse stories and anecdotes. Our readers were encouraged to share some memories of these special moments, from the moment they found out they were pregnant to the strangest cravings they had to cope with for 9 months.
Following a low-carb diet is a fast way to lose weight, and many celebrities use it to keep the pounds off. While it is true that eliminating carbs from your diet will help you burn fat, it also has a number of unpleasant side effects.
Most of us have seen or heard of people who’ve gotten their earlobes pierced with a piercing gun. We don’t question it and think it’s normal, because so many people do it that way. However, piercing guns can actually damage our ears. We might not think twice about such a quick procedure, but it’s important to know a couple of things before you decide to make an appointment.
It seems like many people have started to carry a bottle of water wherever they go and this is a good way to stay hydrated. Water helps us transport body nutrients, create saliva, maintain our body temperature, and more. However, drinking too much (like more than one liter per hour) can in fact create health issues that can do just the opposite, and you need to be aware of them.
We often fail to recognize symptoms of a carb intolerance and can even misdiagnose them as signs of other problems. This condition appears when your body can’t effectively digest foods that contain starch or that are high in sugar, like processed treats, some fruit, and milk. And as it turns out, this is relatively common, especially in children, and can cause a lot of discomfort.
Instant Noodles are not as harmless as some of us might have previously thought. They often cause health problems that we would never attribute to Instant Noodles. But they are quick and easy to prepare, so many of us end up choosing to eat them as a meal. We at Bright Side have done research that will show you the effects and harm that Instant Noodles can have on your body after you ingest them.
Indoor plants tend to be more and more popular due to people living in small apartments. When decorating their homes, people might end up choosing plants that they should actually be careful of, especially when your health may be at risk. Here at Bright Side we do understand that having a houseplant brings joy and a little green into our lives, but we also want to keep you and your family safe from becoming intoxicated. Beware: the list of plants below may surprise you!
Burning, dull, sharp pain or cramping in different areas of your belly can tell a lot about how your body currently feels. Since the belly contains a lot of important organs and nerve endings, there are many factors that can cause pain in different places. An unhealthy diet, too much food, and some medication can cause ulcers, gallstones, or even heartburn. That’s why it’s important to locate the pain and take the necessary measures immediately.
If you often suffer from headaches, you certainly know how awful their symptoms are — along with pain, you might also experience dizziness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and even vision problems. To prevent this condition, you should regularly train your muscles and blood vessels. A great way to do this is to perform moderate exercises for at least 10 minutes every day.
Very few people would call an encounter with a snake pleasant, even if it’s just a harmless grass snake. But an encounter with a venomous snake can lead to health problems or even death. Almost every region of the world has its own venomous species, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to learn more about them. There are also some specific signs that can help you to distinguish whether the snake is venomous or not.
The most common side effects of taking antibiotics are nausea and diarrhea. Almost everyone knows about them either from doctors or from their own experience. But American scientists found that at least 20% of people who have taken antibiotics in their life have experienced other side effects. We want to tell you about these side effects in this article.
Acid Reflux or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common medical problem. It affects millions of people, and sometimes they don’t even realize that they have it. Moreover, acid reflux can cause other diseases. According to researchers, it may aggravate asthma which is proven by the fact that the majority of asthmatics have GERD.
The human body is an amazing thing. But apart from the tremendous opportunities it gives us, it also makes us vulnerable. Indeed, unlike Achilles, the body of an ordinary person has more than just one sensitive point...
Summer is a beautiful season but it doesn’t come without certain issues. This article will highlight 8 common problems that can spoil your summer, and the tricks for dealing with them.
Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years, and selecting the right points can significantly reduce physical pain or mental imbalances, as well as improve general well-being.
The ancient practice of acupressure can provide more help than just relieving us of little annoying health issues like headaches, colds, the flu, and fatigue. It can also aid us in our overall well-being.
You have probably seen crooked ginger root at the supermarket and not known what to do with it. But its useful medicinal properties have been well-known since ancient times. It’s a source of vitamins, micronutrients, and essential oils that have strengthening, invigorating, and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
Prevention is better than cure. This simple rule applies to any disease and is especially valuable when symptoms are not properly acknowledged. Bright Side will describe crucial symptoms that might occur one month (or even earlier) before a heart attack. You don’t need to become a total hypochondriac, but a bit of health awareness never hurt anybody. Pay close attention in case you are at risk. Several often-missed indicators are listed at the end of the article.