6 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Piercing

4 years ago

Most of us have seen or heard of people who’ve gotten their earlobes pierced with a piercing gun. We don’t question it and think it’s normal, because so many people do it that way. However, piercing guns can actually damage our ears. We might not think twice about such a quick procedure, but it’s important to know a couple of things before you decide to make an appointment.

We at Bright Side hope that when you get a piercing, there will be no problems and you’ll be satisfied with the result! But there are a few things you should know before you do this.

1. Some metals aren`t safe.

With unhealed piercings, it’s better to avoid sterling silver because it easily tarnishes and can cause allergies and collect bacteria. Nickel and gold wouldn’t be a good choice either, because they can irritate your skin. For new piercings, it’s better to opt for metals like titanium, surgical stainless steel, and niobium. Titanium is perfect for people with sensitive skin.

2. There might be some problems afterward.

Make sure that you know the risks that come with piercing your body. If you learn the warning signs, you can prevent the problem from developing into something more serious and complicated to treat.

Here are the things that are normal when your piercing is still healing:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • a thin white or clear discharge
  • pain

These symptoms, on the other hand, could be a cause for concern:

  • an increased redness, swelling, or pain
  • a greenish-yellow, brown, or gray discharge
  • a burning sensation
  • an unpleasant smell
  • a fever or nausea

3. It’s not enough to just rinse the piercing with water.

Infections can be prevented if you don’t forget about regular aftercare. However, cleaning your piercing is not like washing your face. It needs to be washed with a saline solution. For example, if you got a nose piercing, you can fill a small cup with the saline solution, and dip your nose in there. You can also use cotton balls to apply this solution if you have other types of piercings.

4. It might take a long time to heal.

Depending on where the piercing is located, it might take shorter or longer to fully heal. For example, a nose piercing usually takes from 4 to 6 months to heal. Earlobes might only need 4 to 8 weeks, while for the ear cartilage it can take 6 months. And belly button piercings might even take a whole year to heal. So it`s important to keep up with the aftercare and avoid swimming in places where the water might have a lot of bacteria, like public pools, hot tubs, and lakes.

5. Skip the piercing gun.

You’ll see piercing guns if you decide to get a piercing at the mall. They’re reusable, and they can’t be sterilized properly, so it increases your risk of getting an infection. Because of how the piercing gun’s mechanism works, it’s likely to cause tissue damage and further serious issues. They might also malfunction, or be used improperly. Although store employees are trained on how to use them, the training is not standardized.

That’s why it’s better to go straight to a piercing salon. The requirements there are strict, so you’ll be in the safe hands of a professional. They’ll also use needles instead, which are single-use, sterile, and won’t damage your skin.

6. Don’t get a piercing on an empty stomach.

Eat a nutritious meal and drink enough water before you go get a piercing, otherwise, you might feel dizzy and nauseated. Make sure to get enough sleep, too, and assess whether you’re feeling well in general. If you’re sick, it’s better to reschedule.

Do you have any piercings? What’s your experience with them? If you don’t have any piercings yet, would you like to get one?


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Big Brother is watching you.
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As a kid I always wanted one because I thought they looked cool :DD but now I changed my mind


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