SENIOR People always just alwaaayyysss think their grey hairs make them entightled to everything ...
An Elderly Couple Tried to Steal My Extra Leg Room Seat on 12 Hour Flight
Navigating unexpected and uncomfortable situations can indeed be challenging. We received a letter from a reader grappling with guilt, and we’re here to offer some guidance that could provide support and understanding.

We appreciate you reaching out to share your recent travel experience. It’s not every day that we find ourselves in such peculiar situations, and it’s clear that you handled it with a great deal of patience and understanding.
Empathy is key: First and foremost, it’s important to acknowledge the empathy you displayed by considering the elderly couple’s request. Your initial willingness to entertain their request demonstrates your kindness and thoughtfulness. It’s evident that you took their situation into account before making your decision.
Know your boundaries: You were well within your rights to decline their request, given the extra amount you paid for your own comfort. It’s crucial to recognize your own needs and boundaries, especially during long journeys. Being assertive in situations like these is not unkindness; it’s a way to ensure your own well-being and comfort.
Effective communication: You did an excellent job by politely explaining your situation and showing them your ticket and seat number. Clear communication is key in such scenarios, and you handled it with grace. You were firm but respectful, ensuring there was no room for misunderstandings.
Validation from authority: The fact that the flight attendant intervened and confirmed your seat assignment speaks volumes. Their verification not only validated your rightful claim to the seat but also ensured that the situation was resolved fairly. It’s essential to respect the decisions made by authorities in such matters.
Acceptance and moving forward: While it’s natural to reflect on such encounters, it’s equally important to accept that you did nothing wrong. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, situations unfold beyond our control. You can find solace in the knowledge that you acted respectfully and adhered to the rules.
In summary, Mark, your experience serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between empathy and self-care. You exhibited kindness, assertiveness, and understanding throughout the situation. Remember, it’s crucial to be kind to yourself too. Acknowledge your actions, accept the outcome, and continue your journey with a compassionate heart and a clear mind.
The elderly couple’s attempt to snatch away the extra legroom seat might have been thwarted this time, but the sky-high saga doesn’t end here. Brace yourselves for our next adventure, where one of our readers explains why she refused to give up her airplane seat to a woman with a crying baby.
Try spell check, it works.
No. You are making an erroneous generalization. I'm 70 and my husband is 74. We would never attempt to steal someone else's seat. None of our senior friends would do this either.
Trust me, that's rare for your generation......most boomers I've crossed paths with are entitled as all heck....
Now that's just mean
Not really
After spell check go back to English class.
How were both elderly people in Mark's seat? Very strange. And not explained at all.
Yes the very beginning says they were sitting in the seats...
You learned early on that you needed the extra legroom and now they know they should pay a little extra for the added comfort for long trips. Sometime life's lessons can be hard. Don't feel bad because you were the teacher.
I feel you were honest, you paid for the seat it was respectfully your's
Old people love to push the envelope but sooner or later someone is going to punch a hole through their face when they push the wrong person too far. Not everyone has warm fuzzy feelings for granny. This generation of olds are entitled for no reason. They act like they fought in WWII. They didn’t. What they did do is tank the economy, hog all the wealth and make life harder for everyone. They don’t deserve a thing!
Some day the shoe will be on the other foot. Carma
I agree with you bless you
Please don't group us all together. I'm old at 79 and would never think to do something as grossly inconsiderate as that couple. I have taken my share of lumps because folks think I want extra treatment because of age. I do not! But I do have health issues that cause me difficulties. I use a wheelchair and canes but I ask for no special treatment. However if it is offered i am not above accepting it with graceful Thank Yous and appreciation. But when I feel I need extra assistance, I am willing to pay the costs for it. But I won't steal it from someone else. Oh, I didn't fight in WWII, but I am a Vietnam Veteran which is why my health is what it is. And I Chose to serve my country and accept what happened to me because of my choice.
Just because you are elderly doesn't give you the right to exploit others, some people just feel like they are entitled,
The solution is simple. All the airlines have to do is create a policy that does not allow seat swapping.
Sense able polite add only if they wish to
They probably could have afforded the upgrade, but hedged their bets on swindling some sucker. They've most likely had success with this tactic before. "Babyboomers" are stingy, selfish, rude, demanding and act entitled AF!
I'm a GenX female... offspring of that generation. And I've had to deal with them while working in Healthcare the last 25 years.
How do they have the nerve? Surely they must have noticed that the person they were trying to take advantage of was very tall (6'3) and obviously NEEDED the extra leg room! I'm 5'10, and even a 2 hour flight in coach kills me. But 12 hours??? No f**king way!!!
And I do believe in Karma... shame on them... I hope they get theirs.
Thick sliced bal0ney
Yeah get that one passed on judgement day
If they wanted extra legroom, they could have paid for it like OP did. I'm sick of hearing passengers trying to swindle and guilt people out of seats they rightly paid for. If you want a certain seat, fork out the extra cash for it. I myself always prefer the aisle seat so I pay extra to be able to choose said aisle seat. No muss; no fuss.
Ever think there income was limited, getting plane tickets cost me pride is pride
I don't care if they were 110!! Entitled aholes are Entitled aholes PERIOD!!!
They were on a flight, the assumption would be they had the opportunity to buy the extra legroom seats as well. They were playing the "decrepit poor senior citizen" card and got busted. I'm a senior citizen, I also want a seat with extra legroom......I pay for it. I detest entitled selfish people, they are no better than anyone else.
How old are u?
I am not a boomer, entitlement can be found in all ages, genders ethnicities etc. I'm very tired of the blanket statements denigrating "boomers" or anyone else. Statements and attitudes like these are why we are still fighting racism and classism. Entitled people are entitled people, I run into just as many young entitled people as I do older ones.

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