
Psychology Shows 12 Things Men and Women Need to Change in Their Communication Styles in Order to Understand Each Other Better

Psychology Shows 12 Things Men and Women Need to Change in Their Communication Styles in Order to Understand Each Other Better
4 years ago

Men and women... we might speak the same language, but that doesn’t mean we understand each other. A study found that words and phrases can have different meanings to each of us when we’re talking. This is why, sometimes, we can’t communicate without getting into an argument, raising our voice, or throwing some pillows (sorry, guys). But if you’re willing to put in some mental effort, you can learn how to communicate better with each other and save yourself some misunderstandings, tears, and sighs in the long run, with just a little psychology.

The Unexpected Reason Why Men Are Afraid of Menstrual Periods, Although It’s Normal

The Unexpected Reason Why Men Are Afraid of Menstrual Periods, Although It’s Normal
Girls stuff
2 days ago

The topic of menstruation often remains shrouded in mystery and discomfort. Despite its natural and essential role in women’s health, the periods can evoke fear and unease among men, largely due to misconceptions and lack of education. This fear is not only rooted in a misunderstanding of the biological process, but also in the cultural stigmas that have persisted for generations.

I’m Convinced My Husband Cheated on Me During a Business Trip — Here Is How I Found Out

I’m Convinced My Husband Cheated on Me During a Business Trip — Here Is How I Found Out
3 days ago

Trust issues may happen in any relationship, especially when you notice changes in your partner’s behavior, which can lead to suspicion and eventually conflicts. A concerned reader recently sent us a message detailing her troubling experience with her husband, Mark. She shared her story in hopes of finding guidance and clarity as she navigates through a series of unsettling events that have left her feeling confused and anxious. Here’s her story.

I Refuse to Babysit My 3 Stepchildren for Free

I Refuse to Babysit My 3 Stepchildren for Free

Navigating blended families isn’t always easy, and Carla is experiencing these challenges firsthand. She finds herself expected to care for her husband’s 3 kids for long hours each day while his ex-wife works extensively. Dissatisfied with this arrangement, Carla reached out to us for advice.

I Left My Fiancé at the Altar Over a Last-Minute Prenup Demand

I Left My Fiancé at the Altar Over a Last-Minute Prenup Demand

In the world of romance and fairy tales, wedding days are supposed to be filled with joy, love, and the promise of a shared future. But sometimes, reality has other plans. Today, we're addressing a letter from Sarah, a 32-year-old bride. She found herself in a hotel room on what should have been her wedding night, still wearing her wedding dress and grappling with a decision that turned her world upside down.

I Refused to Have an All-Vegan Menu at My Son’s Wedding

I Refused to Have an All-Vegan Menu at My Son’s Wedding

Our wedding day is meant to be one of our happiest, meticulously planned to reflect our preferences. However, Norma felt that her daughter-in-law's decision for a strictly vegan menu was selfish, given Norma's family's love for meat. She took matters into her own hands and arranged for meat at the wedding without the bride's knowledge. This has caused significant issues, prompting Norma to reach out to us for advice.

I Did the "Unforgivable" When I Saw My Baby’s Memory Being Dishonored

I Did the "Unforgivable" When I Saw My Baby’s Memory Being Dishonored

Sometimes life presents challenges that can overwhelm us, and Evie found herself in one such moment. After her miscarriage, the young woman couldn't bear to see her stillborn baby's clothes, so she asked her husband to dispose of them. What unfolded next was unexpected, prompting Evie, in her grief, to take a surprising action. Although her journey ultimately concludes on a positive note, even a year later, Evie remembers the events vividly and has reached out to share her story with us.

My Husband Urged Me to Get Pregnant Right After Our Wedding Day— I Was Devastated to Know His True Motive

My Husband Urged Me to Get Pregnant Right After Our Wedding Day— I Was Devastated to Know His True Motive
2 weeks ago

Various factors can erode a couple's happiness, with infidelity being one significant issue. It may not manifest only after years of marriage; sometimes, it surfaces much earlier. Recently, a newlywed woman found a notification on her husband's phone, exposing a shocking truth that would have otherwise remained hidden. Devastated, she sought advice from Bright Side.

My Husband’s Been Spending Our Savings Behind My Back and I’m Putting a Stop to It

My Husband’s Been Spending Our Savings Behind My Back and I’m Putting a Stop to It
2 weeks ago

Of all the nuances of married life, the management of household finances is a fundamental pillar of the family’s balance and security. However, when this delicate balance is threatened, profound conflicts can arise. Such is the story of the protagonist of our article, who finds herself caught in a distressing dilemma: her husband is spending the family’s savings for purposes of which she does not approve, and this has jeopardized the financial stability they have painstakingly built up.

I Lied to My Husband and Now He’s Taking It Out on My Daughter

I Lied to My Husband and Now He’s Taking It Out on My Daughter
Family & kids
3 weeks ago

We all wish to have an honest marriage with transparency between partners. However, Lorraine felt compelled to lie in her marriage. She didn’t tell her husband how much she was earning because she wanted to save half of her money for her daughter’s future. When her husband found out, he did something that shocked both Lorraine and her daughter. She wrote to us seeking advice.

My Husband Wants a Divorce Because I BREASTFEED Our SON — His Reason is Sick

My Husband Wants a Divorce Because I BREASTFEED Our SON — His Reason is Sick
Family & kids
3 weeks ago

The journey of childbirth is not for the faint-hearted, a reality every partner should brace for when preparing for a shared delivery. Today, we meet a woman whose life was akin to a fairy tale, until the arrival of her long-awaited baby brought unexpected challenges. Seeking guidance, she reached out to our editorial team, sharing her story and seeking advice on navigating the difficult situation unfolding within her family.

I Humiliated My MIL in Front of Everyone — She Deserved It

I Humiliated My MIL in Front of Everyone — She Deserved It
Family & kids
3 weeks ago

In mere moments, a joyful gathering can sour into discomfort. Paulina, a new mother, became enraged over her mother-in-law’s gift choice at her son’s birthday party. Her fury overwhelmed her, leading to an immediate response. Paulina reached out to us to recount her upsetting experience and seek advice.

I Made a Big Scene at The Restaurant Because of The Waiter’s Nasty Attitude

I Made a Big Scene at The Restaurant Because of The Waiter’s Nasty Attitude
3 weeks ago

Imagine a scenario where you’re celebrating a special occasion with a delightful dinner, but rude service throws a wrench into the evening. Amelia’s recent restaurant experience, detailed in her letter, sparks important questions. These questions touch on proper tipping etiquette, how restaurants handle customer complaints, and navigating conflict in a dining setting.

I Wanted to Protect My Son’s Best Interest — but I Was Cruelly Deceived

I Wanted to Protect My Son’s Best Interest — but I Was Cruelly Deceived
Family & kids
3 weeks ago

Mothers want the best for their children, even after they become adults. Rosanne's son was helping her get physical therapy sessions. However, he informed her that he couldn't continue because he needed the money for his wife's breast lift. Rosanne felt hurt and feared her son's money was being misused, so she spoke her mind. Things then took an unexpected sour turn. She wrote to us asking for advice.

I Want My Ex-Husband’s New Wife to Stay Far Away From Our Kids After I Noticed a Huge Red Flag About Her

I Want My Ex-Husband’s New Wife to Stay Far Away From Our Kids After I Noticed a Huge Red Flag About Her
Family & kids
3 weeks ago

Our reader, a 35-year-old woman, has a strong urge to protect her kids from another lady. She penned us a letter and shared her story, which sounded like a real cry for help. The topic which the woman raised is very sensitive for all sides of the conflict. But the worried mom wants to know our readers’ opinions about her situation, where her children and her ex-husband’s new wife are involved. She told us the details of the conflict, and here is her emotional story.

I Told My Mom Not to Attend My Wedding to Make My MIL Happy

I Told My Mom Not to Attend My Wedding to Make My MIL Happy
Family & kids
4 weeks ago

A wedding is usually a joyous occasion in a woman's life. However, it's common knowledge that conflicts, often involving mothers-in-law, can arise and overshadow the celebration. Recently, Lara, a newlywed, contacted Bright Side for comfort and guidance after a deeply distressing incident occurred during her wedding.