Healthy eating

12 People Who Realized Their “Perfect Childhood” Was a Big Lie

12 People Who Realized Their “Perfect Childhood” Was a Big Lie
Family & kids
7 months ago

When we are kids, everything seems dreamy, innocent, and pure because of our untainted hearts. However, as we grow older and revisit our memories, we might begin to notice details and clues that reveal much more serious truths about our parents and families. The narratives we’re sharing today highlight these realizations. The people who experienced them believe that understanding our past helps us find the strength to create a brighter future.

You Are Not Doomed to Age Like Your Parents, Here’s Why

You Are Not Doomed to Age Like Your Parents, Here’s Why
2 years ago

Imagine being born old and getting younger for the rest of your life. Well, we’ve seen this movie before, haven’t we? Benjamin Button taught us some valuable lessons. As we get older, our body changes. Our habits, our likes and dislikes, our emotional intelligence, all of this changes with time. But what exactly is aging? And how come every living being on the planet is subject to it?

You Can Now Buy a Tiny Vacuum Cleaner to Remove Crumbs From Your Desk and Bed

You Can Now Buy a Tiny Vacuum Cleaner to Remove Crumbs From Your Desk and Bed
2 years ago

Funny thing: the state of our environment seems to encourage different kinds of behavior. Keeping your table tidy can promote healthy eating and generosity while maintaining a picturesque mess can boost creative thinking. No matter what your choice is for today, you can always delegate tidying up to this tiny helper.Also, don’t forget to check out our bonus section, where we compiled all kinds of portable devices for easy cleaning.

11 Products That Are Disguised as Healthy but It’s Actually Not True

11 Products That Are Disguised as Healthy but It’s Actually Not True
2 years ago

Everyone has heard about the importance of healthy eating. For some it’s a physiological necessity, for others it’s a lifestyle. Many people prefer to buy products that are considered “healthy.” However, it’s not quite clear if these goods are truly affecting our health positively or whether it is another marketing trick.

What Might Happen to Your Skin If You Stop Eating Salt

What Might Happen to Your Skin If You Stop Eating Salt
2 years ago

When we decide to start eating healthy, salt is often one of the first things we want to banish from our diet once and for all. While it is true that eating too much salt is harmful to your health, not getting enough sodium on a daily basis can also affect your overall wellbeing. Sodium is an essential electrolyte that is responsible for keeping fluid within the cells of your body, and cutting it out of your diet completely might not be the best choice for the health and beauty of your skin.

10 Things We Do as “Good” Parents That Actually Harm Our Children

10 Things We Do as “Good” Parents That Actually Harm Our Children
Family & kids
2 years ago

Being a parent is something you learn from the moment you hold your baby in your arms, and unfortunately there is no book that explains how to do it, so it is normal that, basically, everyone does whatever they can. In that learning adventure, there may be attitudes and things we do as parents that we think are beneficial for our children, but in reality, they have negative undertones.

What Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar Altogether

What Happens If You Stop Eating Sugar Altogether
3 years ago

Sugar is often the first thing we want to banish from our diet when we start eating healthy. But there are actually good sugars, such as sugarcane or those found in fruits and vegetables that can benefit your health and your looks. When consumed in moderation, good sugars can satisfy your sweet tooth, calm your nerves, and may even keep you from gaining weight.

10 Rules That Little Princes and Princesses Around the World Have to Follow

10 Rules That Little Princes and Princesses Around the World Have to Follow
3 years ago

There’s no doubt that being born into a royal family has its perks. However, with such a title comes great responsibility and some strict rules that must be followed regardless of age. We know that little royals are kids after all, but some of the guidelines they have to follow remind us of how their upbringing is worlds apart from our own childhood.

13 Phrases Parents Use That Can Push a Kid to Seek Therapy in the Future

13 Phrases Parents Use That Can Push a Kid to Seek Therapy in the Future
Family & kids
3 years ago

Within the last decades, parents have started to spend more time with their kids. This means that modern mothers and fathers approach the question of their child’s upbringing more responsibly and this fact makes psychologists and teachers happy. But even the most responsible parent is not completely protected from mistakes. For example, using random and not-well-thought-out phrases can affect a kid’s mental well-being.

Why You Still Don’t Have a Six-Pack After Doing 1000 Crunches a Day

Why You Still Don’t Have a Six-Pack After Doing 1000 Crunches a Day
4 years ago

At times, you might think it’s impossible to get that shredded 6-pack, even though you’ve been doing ab exercises for ages. But there’s no reason to get desperate. People who already have that perfect look often say that “abs are made in the kitchen.” And it seems like this curious phrase might be the secret to success.

8 Tips for How to Make Your Child Eat Healthy Food

8 Tips for How to Make Your Child Eat Healthy Food
Family & kids
4 years ago

A research team from the UK discovered that 46% of children refuse to eat vegetables. Moreover, 75% of surveyed parents expressed concerns over their kids’ nutrition. It’s quite understandable that we want to give our children all the vitamins they need to grow strong and healthy. The only obstacle is that some kids constantly act up about eating fruits and vegetables, but have no fear, there might be a solution.

15 Celebrities Who’ve Started Growing Their Own Fruits and Vegetables at Home

15 Celebrities Who’ve Started Growing Their Own Fruits and Vegetables at Home
4 years ago

Edible gardens have become a trendy thing to do in recent years, and because you don’t need a large amount of land to grow your own vegetables, this hobby has spread throughout the world. In many cities home rooftops have been converted into small-scale fruit and vegetable orchards. It seems that this initiative is appealing to everyone, and clearly celebrities were no exception. Actors like Julia Roberts, Jennifer Garner, and Natalie Portman, among others, have shared pictures of their crops on their social media, but for some it goes beyond a regular hobby. Jack Gyllenhaal is one activist who is eager to share his passion for sustainable food.

10 Wise Rules That Our Parents Followed, but That We’ve Forgotten

10 Wise Rules That Our Parents Followed, but That We’ve Forgotten
Family & kids
5 years ago

When we become parents ourselves, we realize our own parents might have had more sense than we usually give them credit for (and they probably realized the same thing about your grandparents!) Even today, we can admit that a lot of the words of wisdom families of the past used to live by... are actually pretty good advice.

7 Japanese Exercises That Are Perfect for the Female Body

7 Japanese Exercises That Are Perfect for the Female Body
6 years ago

Did you know that Japanese women have been holding the world record for longevity for more than 25 years? They do not get old and amaze the world with their ideal physical shape. It is no wonder since exercising (supported by healthy eating) is one of the great secrets of perfection in Japanese culture.

7 Harmful Foods We Often Give to Our Children

7 Harmful Foods We Often Give to Our Children
6 years ago

Many children start eating foods that contain a lot of sugar at a very young age. This causes a child’s taste buds to reduce their sensitivity, so normal food doesn’t seem appealing anymore. There are also foods that children shouldn’t eat because of the physiological characteristics of their body.

15 Things Dieticians Want You to Know About Weight Loss

15 Things Dieticians Want You to Know About Weight Loss
6 years ago

Weight loss has become the chief concern of most of today’s population. It’s a fad now to try different exercise regimens and various kinds of diets. However, there isn’t much reality in what’s believed to be true about these weight loss tricks. A few sachets of tea or saying goodbye to your favorite food may not be all that you need.

9 Habits You Can Use to Lose Extra Pounds With Minimal Effort

9 Habits You Can Use to Lose Extra Pounds With Minimal Effort
6 years ago

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people suffering from obesity has tripled in the past 40+ years. In 2016, there were more than 1.9 billion adults that were overweight. It is no wonder that more and more people are starting to pay attention to their diet. Of course, not everyone has to have a strict diet, sometimes it’s enough to just use a few tricks that will keep you from overeating.

9 Gadgets That Will Bring You Directly Into 3019

9 Gadgets That Will Bring You Directly Into 3019
6 years ago

Just 10 years ago we were completely fine with simple phones and we wrote people real letters on paper. Nowadays, we have lots of apps, a digital wallet, and a camera on our smartphones. Nevertheless, scientists and engineers don’t stop working hard in order to surprise us with their latest inventions. Some of them are already a part of our everyday life, and some just exist as projects for the moment.

17 Inspiring Photos of Couples Before and After Major Changes

17 Inspiring Photos of Couples Before and After Major Changes
7 years ago

In a study conducted on middle-aged couples, it's shown that they are heavily influenced by each other either for better or for worse. One's strong determination and fitness goals play a strong role in motivating the other. When one person is choosing to eat healthy, the other automatically falls into a similar routine.