
12 Stories That Prove Kindness Is Such a Rare Gift

12 Stories That Prove Kindness Is Such a Rare Gift
2 weeks ago

In a world that can often feel overwhelming, there are individuals who radiate kindness like rays of sunshine. With a simple smile, a few encouraging words, or a selfless act, these remarkable people remind us of the goodness that exists in humanity. Their compassion not only restores our faith in others but also inspires us to extend that kindness to those around us, creating a ripple effect of generosity and warmth.

10 Celebrities Who Used Their Money to Make a Stranger’s Day Brighter

10 Celebrities Who Used Their Money to Make a Stranger’s Day Brighter
2 years ago

They say that giving is better than receiving, and some celebrities swear by this rule. Even though they have extra busy schedules and endless distractions, these kind-hearted stars always remember to give back to society and pay it forward. Whether it is a spontaneous act of generosity or a well-planned surprise, they make it their mission to put a smile on other people’s faces, and we love them even more for it.

20 Stories That Prove Heroes Don’t Need Capes

20 Stories That Prove Heroes Don’t Need Capes
2 years ago

Living our lives can be tricky, as sometimes we can find ourselves in situations that are difficult to get out of on our own. Fortunately, the world is filled with good people that are always willing to go out of their way to help others in need and make us somehow feel special and cared for.To honor these kind people, Bright Side decided to gather these examples that can fill your heart with hope in humanity.

15 Gold-Hearted People That Can Touch Our Soul With Their Selfless Acts

15 Gold-Hearted People That Can Touch Our Soul With Their Selfless Acts
2 years ago

Thoughtful, unexpected deeds can brighten a person’s day, as well as our own. In fact, there are scientifically proven benefits to being kind. For instance, research indicates that kindness increases feelings of well-being, happiness, and life satisfaction for all age groups. So, we invite you to implement and engage in random acts of kindness. Meanwhile, enjoy these people’s descriptions of how strangers made their day.

16 People With Hearts of Gold Remind Us That the World Is Full of Kindness

16 People With Hearts of Gold Remind Us That the World Is Full of Kindness
2 years ago

Many of us do care what happens around us, and we try to help out those in need in any way we can. For example, there are 25 international human rights organizations with hundreds of sub-organizations and thousands of members in each. It doesn’t always have to be in such an organized environment though. Even everyday people do extraordinary good deeds, both big and small, that help other people or animals.

15+ Tender Pics That Will Melt Your Heart

15+ Tender Pics That Will Melt Your Heart
2 years ago

Life’s ripe with situations where we can experience hope and generosity if we pay good enough attention and look closely enough around us. From neighbors supporting one another through tough times to people rescuing orphaned animals, or even pets being there for each other. These kinds of moments make us sigh in relief and fill our lungs with an air of positivity. Proving to us that the Universe is a wonderful place to live when we choose kindness.

15 Reminders That the World Is Filled to the Brim With Love

15 Reminders That the World Is Filled to the Brim With Love
2 years ago

Ancient Greeks had 6 different words for different kinds of love. This included the romantic feeling of love, but also familial love, love between friends, self-love, and love to humanity as a whole. So it’s no wonder that love is all you need, according to The Beatles, and it applies to every creature on Earth.

A Photographer Takes Close-Up Photos of Women From Different Ethnic Groups to Show the Unique Beauty of Every Nation

A Photographer Takes Close-Up Photos of Women From Different Ethnic Groups to Show the Unique Beauty of Every Nation
3 years ago

Russian photographer, journalist, and producer Natalia Ivanova decided to demonstrate the ethnic diversity of humanity to the world and came up with a large-scale project The Ethnic Origins Of Beauty. Women of different ethnic groups became its heroines. They posed for portraits, and also gave interviews in which they talked about their people, culture, and traditions. Later, these videos will become part of a documentary series, each episode of which will be dedicated to a different ethnic group.

15 People Who Could Pass a Lie Detector Test Without Any Effort

15 People Who Could Pass a Lie Detector Test Without Any Effort
3 years ago

Sometimes it seems that the world around us is hopeless and that people around us are selfish and angry. Luckily, small acts of kindness tend to take place in “dark times,” which are sometimes hard to notice in the chaos of life. Let’s say a car driver who accidentally scratched the bumper of a different car leaves a note with apologies and his phone number, or someone returns a piece of jewelry that had been missing for many years. These moments help us believe that not everything is lost.

14 Times People Cared About Others and Made Their Day Brighter

14 Times People Cared About Others and Made Their Day Brighter
4 years ago

Nowadays, it’s quite easy to lose faith in humanity. But fortunately, it can be restored just as quickly. This is because there are more good people living on Earth than we think, and their good deeds are a constant reminder of this. The kindness you can find in their big hearts speaks louder than 1,000 eloquent words.

15 Photos That Prove We Know Very Little About This World

15 Photos That Prove We Know Very Little About This World
4 years ago

Earth is 4.54 billion years old, and humanity has only existed for 6 million years. The world had plenty of time to create its masterpieces, and studying human life is not even close to learning it all. The world will never cease to amaze us because, with every step we take, there’s always more to go.

20+ Precious Photos That Show the Miracle of Unconditional Love

20+ Precious Photos That Show the Miracle of Unconditional Love
5 years ago

From stories of people who try to protect their kids to devoted couples that grow old holding each other’s hand, love is undoubtedly the most powerful of all emotions and needs to be celebrated in every aspect. There are hundreds of moments when humans prove that the impossible can become possible if you want it to. Luckily a lot of them are captured in pictures that help us restore our faith in humanity.

20+ People Show How Easy It Is to Make the World a Better Place

20+ People Show How Easy It Is to Make the World a Better Place
2 years ago

In this world full of negativity, there are people who offer a ray of hope and positivity with their kindness and thoughtfulness. These people are working everyday towards bringing a positive change in the world with their selfless acts — be it picking up trash in their locality, rescuing a helpless animal, or just cutting down on food waste. These acts might be small but are changing the world significantly and making it better.

17 Ordinary People Whose Kindness Made This World a Little Brighter

17 Ordinary People Whose Kindness Made This World a Little Brighter
2 years ago

No act of kindness, even a small one, is ever wasted. You never know how that kind act of yours can have a huge effect on the other person. Be it offering clothes to the needy, caring for a stray animal, or just being there for one another — it is amazing to see how compassionate and thoughtful people really are.

What Will Earth Look Like in 1,000 Years?

What Will Earth Look Like in 1,000 Years?
year ago

One year ago in his speech at the Oxford University Union, the legendary Stephen Hawking proclaimed that humanity can only survive for another 1,000 years. We at Bright Side wanted to know whether our future is doomed or bright, and so we compiled the most exciting predictions for a new millennium.

6 Mysterious Historical Objects That Remain Unexplained

6 Mysterious Historical Objects That Remain Unexplained
year ago

The history of humanity spans several millennia, and historians will never know all of its secrets. Artefacts found during the course of archaeological excavation sometimes throw up questions which baffle even the most learned experts. But this just makes the search for the truth even more interesting.

12 wonderful photographs which prove that kindness is all around us

12 wonderful photographs which prove that kindness is all around us
2 years ago

Kindness is one of the great forces in this world. The more good deeds we do, the more the world will be filled with tiny little wonders going on all around you, and the chances of the dreams of each and every one of us coming true will grow. No one’s perfect, but so long as there are still people out there who are still capable of kindness, then not everything is lost.