
12 Food Industry Workers Spill Secrets That Can Make You Rethink Your Next Order

12 Food Industry Workers Spill Secrets That Can Make You Rethink Your Next Order
4 months ago

When you wonder whether it’s safe to order that hot dog, your gut feeling might actually be right. People who know firsthand what really happens behind the scenes at your favorite restaurants and cafes have decided to share secrets that could reshape your dining experiences. Knowing some of these truths could actually save your taste buds—and your health.

10 products to ease your frustration with endless household chores

10 products to ease your frustration with endless household chores
year ago

Sick of battling the never-ending saga of household duties? We feel you, and we’ve got your back with this thorough analysis of these treasures with all of the pros and cons. These cool items will make your tasks as pleasant as possible (or at least close to bearable). Now you’re the chore boss, not the other way around! And here is a nice bonus: we’ve also prepared a handful of coupons for the purchase to be a hoot.

10 Amazon Choice Products That’ll Help You Fix Things Instead of Tossing Them in the Trash

10 Amazon Choice Products That’ll Help You Fix Things Instead of Tossing Them in the Trash
year ago

When something broke in our great-grandparents’ house, they took it to be fixed. They didn’t immediately decide to throw it away. After only a few decades, the landscape has changed significantly.Today, we quickly decide to throw something away because it’s easy for us to find a new product that’s basically the same. However, this behavior affects not only our budget but also the environment. That’s why we found a few recommended products from Amazon that you can use to repair your old stuff.

Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You

Put Garlic Under Your Pillow 1 Night, See If It Works for You
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

You know, garlic might not smell like roses because of the sulfur-containing compounds it has, but the odor won’t bother you before long since you’ll get used to it. As a benefit, that smell will have a calming effect, helping you sleep safe and sound. It’s even better if you eat it! Garlic contains vitamin B1 that is responsible for producing melatonin, a sleep hormone.

10+ Tricks That Can Make Your Home Smell Like a Luxury Hotel Suite

10+ Tricks That Can Make Your Home Smell Like a Luxury Hotel Suite
2 years ago

After a thorough cleaning, one’s living space looks renewed. However, sometimes after spending a whole weekend tidying up, we can’t shake the feeling that the home is not ideally clean. And this is all because of the smells that have penetrated the walls, furniture, and household items. Thankfully, we have learned a number of simple tricks that can help neutralize the main sources of odor in the home.

28 Tips to Make Your Life Run Smoothly

28 Tips to Make Your Life Run Smoothly
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

If you’re struggling with opening a container or a jar, don’t exert yourself too much. Just run the lid under hot water for half a minute, then dry it for a better grip, and see how it “magically” opens.

At 77, Goldie Hawn is Aging in Reverse Thanks to Her No-Fuss Beauty Routine and Green Juice

At 77, Goldie Hawn is Aging in Reverse Thanks to Her No-Fuss Beauty Routine and Green Juice
2 years ago

Every time we read that Goldie Hawn is approaching her 80s, we end up doing a double-take. As an avid yoga lover, Hawn managed to keep herself in spectacular shape and in a peaceful state of mind, which seems to be prolonging her youthfulness as the years go by. But physical activity is not her only secret, Goldie cracked the ultimate worry-free skincare regimen for herself, which, judging from her glowing face, is one we should all consider.

6 Effective Tips to Help You Get Rid of the Most Annoying Beauty Problems

6 Effective Tips to Help You Get Rid of the Most Annoying Beauty Problems
Girls stuff
2 years ago

Time passes and manners change, yet beauty struggles seem to stay with us. No matter how technologically advanced we are, flyaway hairs and strawberry legs will probably keep bothering us for the next 100 years. It’s time to deal with the problem right now because we girls deserve the best.Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide, lemon, and other natural ingredients can cause irritation and inflammation on sensitive skin. Please consult a competent medical professional before trying any of the mentioned DIY treatments.

15 Products That Will Sweep Coffee and Tea Lovers Off Their Feet

15 Products That Will Sweep Coffee and Tea Lovers Off Their Feet
2 years ago

Good news for coffee and tea lovers — both drinks benefit your health. People who prefer drinking tea have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. While those who drink a cup or two of coffee in the morning also tend to have a lower risk of heart problems. Not only do these drinks taste good, but they are such a great help to your body.To celebrate their benefits, Bright Side decided to compile a list of things that could make your hot beverage experience a lot cozier.

15+ Women Reveal the Deepest Secrets of Their Jobs

15+ Women Reveal the Deepest Secrets of Their Jobs
2 years ago

Most people seek a college degree to pursue the job they long for. However, one of the most valuable points for recruiters is the practice we have gained in the work field. What we learn in the “school of life” is not found in classrooms or books. That is why, when a professional advises or recommends something to you, they speak with the voice of experience.

5 Things You Can Do to Get Fresh Breath

5 Things You Can Do to Get Fresh Breath
2 years ago

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, affects 1 in 4 people around the world. It’s important to take good care of your oral health and keep your mouth hydrated because it may cause uncomfortable situations and anxiety. You can use some natural remedies at home to keep your breath fresh, but if this is a constant problem for you, then it’s advisable to visit your dentist.

15+ People Who Weren’t Prepared for the Unexpected

15+ People Who Weren’t Prepared for the Unexpected
3 years ago

Having your water stolen by a monkey or getting your milk in solid form at school — some situations are simply impossible to prepare for. It’s almost like when life gives you lemons, but instead of the sour yellow fruit, you get something so exotic that you don’t even know what to do with it. One of the ways to deal with this confusion is what our article’s heroes did: they shared it online.

11 Rules of Social Behavior That Each of Us Should Remember

11 Rules of Social Behavior That Each of Us Should Remember
3 years ago

Everyday etiquette is not just about choosing the right fork for eating a salad. It is also expressing respect to oneself and to those around. Sometimes seemingly insignificant actions can show a person’s good manners, or, on the contrary, characterize them as a person who could easily insult others.

10 Tips No One Told You That Can Make Your Life Way Easier

10 Tips No One Told You That Can Make Your Life Way Easier
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

The more years that go by, the more evident it becomes that life moves like a missile, and we humans try to keep up with it. For example, that’s partially why so many people have resorted to meal subscriptions in an effort to prepare their meals faster. And it’s not only food that requires time, but so many other house chores do too. But you don’t have to worry too much since there are tons of tricks that can help you do everything in a much quicker manner.

9 Culinary Mistakes We Continue to Make That Ought to Be Ditched

9 Culinary Mistakes We Continue to Make That Ought to Be Ditched
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

Oftentimes, we unconsciously adopt methods of how to do things from our relatives and other people around us, subconsciously implementing them into our routine for years. At the same time, we assume that since these methods have been used for a long time, they must be effective and solely true. However, in fact, the noble age of certain traditions, like those in the culinary arts, for example, doesn’t always mean we should follow them.

12 Details That Ruin Even the Best Interiors

12 Details That Ruin Even the Best Interiors
3 years ago

There are times when you spend several hours a day cleaning, but the place still doesn’t look good in the end. Just like many other things in our lives, it’s all about the details. One little thing can simply ruin the impression of your home.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them
Tips & tricks
4 years ago

There are many times when we wonder why we do things a certain way, and usually, there’s a very rational reason behind it. For example, Queen Elizabeth is known for always carrying her handbag in her left hand because she wants to keep her right hand free for handshakes. The only time she will change her purse placement is if she wants to let her staff know that she wants to end a conversation.

9 Cleaning Hacks to Finally Kiss Those Germs Goodbye

9 Cleaning Hacks to Finally Kiss Those Germs Goodbye
Tips & tricks
4 years ago

Our toothbrushes hold tons of microbes in their bristles that can be damaging for our oral health. Other unwanted germs within our lives can hide in many places we never thought of cleaning, or we simply don’t know how to properly clean them. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of bacteria growth in our homes and know how to combat it effectively.

9 Simple Ingredients to Get Rid of Facial Hair at Home

9 Simple Ingredients to Get Rid of Facial Hair at Home
Girls stuff
4 years ago

Typically, the unwanted growth of facial hair on women happens because of high levels of androgens (like testosterone) in their bodies. These strands aren’t necessarily dangerous to your health but you may want to remove them, and there are many options you can choose from, like electrolysis, laser removal, or waxing. But many of these techniques can be expensive and even painful.

9 Tips to Lighten Your Hair at Home in an Easy, Natural, and Gentle Way

9 Tips to Lighten Your Hair at Home in an Easy, Natural, and Gentle Way
Girls stuff
4 years ago

If you add up all the money you spend in a year on hair dye, bleach, lotion, spray, and other products that promise to lighten hair, you might just notice how expensive those are. On top of that, it can happen that many of them end up damaging your hair because of the large amount of chemicals they contain. Thankfully there are other options, which are not only natural, but also efficient.

15 Examples of Children’s Logic That Can Disarm Any Adult

15 Examples of Children’s Logic That Can Disarm Any Adult
Family & kids
4 years ago

If you really want to color but don’t have a yellow crayon, don’t worry — you can just squeeze a lemon and it’ll have the same effect! Or rather, that’s what a 5-year-old thinks. Children’s logic is unbeatable and no arguments, however reasonable, will manage to change their minds!

20+ Cool Cooking Hacks I Learned at a High-End Culinary School

20+ Cool Cooking Hacks I Learned at a High-End Culinary School
4 years ago

I love spending time in the kitchen, but I was never going to become a professional chef. However, I did want to cook tasty and beautiful dishes, try more new recipes, and learn some cool kitchen hacks from real cooking masters. I read books, watched tutorials from famous chefs, and ended up attending high-end cooking classes.

7 Pro Tips on How to Make Flowers Last Longer

7 Pro Tips on How to Make Flowers Last Longer
Tips & tricks
4 years ago

You don’t have to be a florist to know how to take care of flowers, nor do you have to buy fancy products. There are simple tricks you can use to keep cut flowers fresher for longer. For example, adding a mixture of sugar, lemons, and household bleach to the water is a great way to make your bouquet last a few days longer!

15 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Nice

15 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Nice
5 years ago

Add oatmeal to the trash bin, spray your favorite perfume on a light bulb, and boil some fabric softener in a pot. It may sound like a nonsense, but these life hacks can change your life forever by solving one big problem — unpleasant odors.

15 Tips to Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresher for Longer

15 Tips to Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresher for Longer
5 years ago

Sometimes when you go to buy groceries, you get too excited and throw a little bit of everything in your cart. Fruits and vegetables continue to mature and, unfortunately, you end up throwing away a lot of what you bought because it’s no longer able to be consumed. Proper food storage can save you money and prevent your fruits and vegetables from decaying quickly. It’s important that you take into account the climate of the place where you live, because this can also affect the maturation of food. The more humid and hot the place is, the more risky it is for some vegetables.