5 Things You Can Do to Get Fresh Breath

2 years ago

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, affects 1 in 4 people around the world. It’s important to take good care of your oral health and keep your mouth hydrated because it may cause uncomfortable situations and anxiety. You can use some natural remedies at home to keep your breath fresh, but if this is a constant problem for you, then it’s advisable to visit your dentist.

Bright Side created a list of things that cause bad breath and advise how to prevent it.

1. Get rid of tonsil stones.

Tonsil stones are those small white blobs located in your tonsils. They are hardly seen since they are concealed inside. These fellas cause bad breath because they attract bacteria and are made of microbes.

Some natural ways to solve this issue are to use substance-free mouthwash, gargle apple cider vinegar, gargle warm salty water, and use a low-pressure water flosser that can help stop the stones from forming.

2. Don’t skip breakfast.

Eating breakfast really is the most important meal of the day for your body, including your breath. A study shows that teenagers who don’t eat breakfast suffer from bad breath more than ones who do.

It’s important to eat a healthy breakfast that is low in sugar, such as lettuce, apples, yogurt, milk, and all kinds of fiber-rich foods.

3. Breathe through your nose.

Breathing from your mouth may cause chronic bad breath because it takes a hold of the saliva production. That’s why breathing from the nose is a smarter choice, as it helps build on moisture in the air that you breathe.

However, it also has other side effects that can negatively impact your oral health. It can produce gum disease, cause stress and anxiety, and make your jaw smaller. One study concluded that even children can suffer from bad breath if they breathe through their mouths.

4. Drink water after eating strong foods.

Eating strong foods can cause bad breath because their chemicals travel through your bloodstream to your lungs and, as a result, come out through your breath. However, there is always a solution to bad breath if you decide to eat these foods.

What to do:

  • Spicy foods: Get some sugar-free chewing gum after finishing your meal.
  • Coffee and substances: Drink water before and after your meal to rinse the compounds away.
  • Tuna and fish: Add lemon to your meal before you start eating.

5. Floss your teeth to remove plaque.

Although visiting a dentist for your plaque problem is beneficial, it may only be of use temporarily because bacteria can always enter when we eat and drink.

That’s why flossing can be a good way to remove plaque from your teeth and prevent bad breath — it helps to remove all the particles that were stuck between your teeth. Try to consider mouth rinsing also, as this can take out bacteria.

Do you suffer from bad breath? How will you solve this issue after reading this list?


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