
Why Eating the Same Breakfast Every Day Can Be Good for You

Why Eating the Same Breakfast Every Day Can Be Good for You
3 years ago

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” they say. But what about a plate of eggs or a cup of yogurt as your breakfast on a daily basis? While breakfast on repeat may sound boring, filling your tummy with the same thing each morning can actually make you a better person.

What Happens to Your Body If You Skip Breakfast Every Day

What Happens to Your Body If You Skip Breakfast Every Day
2 years ago

Breakfast is commonly referred to as “the most important meal of the day.” But that raises the question of whether or not this statement is true or just a myth. Approximately 25% of Americans skip this meal every day and it has even become a trend to do so.

13 utterly sublime breakfast recipes

13 utterly sublime breakfast recipes
2 years ago

The atmosphere at family meals is always imbued with a little magic. Pretty much everyone remembers those childhood moments when the whole family would wake up on the weekends to amazing smells coming from the kitchen, and you’d all gather round the table to enjoy a delicious meal.

I Sleep Instead of Cooking Breakfasts for My Kids and Everyone Shames Me

I Sleep Instead of Cooking Breakfasts for My Kids and Everyone Shames Me

My husband’s sister has a low opinion of me and my parenting skills. She never tells me directly, but she drops subtle hints, like sighing and gasping: “Oh dear, I don’t know how you can be having a rest when your kids are starving.” The whole problem is that I don’t make breakfast in the morning, and I don’t fuss over food as much as she and my mother-in-law do.

I Caught My Husband Cheating on Me After Investigating What He Ordered for Breakfast

I Caught My Husband Cheating on Me After Investigating What He Ordered for Breakfast
month ago

A woman, 38, has sent us a letter where she told us her truly detective story. She became suspicious that her husband was cheating on her, but she couldn’t confront him because she didn’t have any proof of it. But suddenly, a genius idea came to woman’s mind, and she switched on a real detective mode. Let’s see, how the witty lady found out the truth only by looking at the photo of food that her husband ordered for his breakfast.

14 People Who Felt Betrayed After Learning a Family Secret

14 People Who Felt Betrayed After Learning a Family Secret
2 months ago

When we were kids, we didn’t really get what was going on around us. Well, as we grow up, those memories start to make more sense. Sometimes, we even find out things about our past or our family that we never knew before. It’s like getting a whole new understanding of our lives.

10 goofy products that are also very practical

10 goofy products that are also very practical
5 months ago

These products not only serve a purpose but also bring laughter to your everyday life. It is fun just to look at them, and it’s even more fun to do it together! So grab your popcorn (or kale chips if you’re feeling fancy), kick back, and join us on this quirky journey.

10+ Bizarre Moments That Left People in Utter Shock and Confusion

10+ Bizarre Moments That Left People in Utter Shock and Confusion
8 months ago

Every once in a while, life throws strange situations at us that defy any logical explanation, even causing people to question their own beliefs. From inexplicable sightings to mind-blowing coincidences, these puzzling moments challenge the very foundations of what we understand. In the quest for understanding, people often turn to social media to share their perplexing encounters.

“You Have to Show Up,” Alexis Ohanian Opens Up About His Marriage to Serena Williams

“You Have to Show Up,” Alexis Ohanian Opens Up About His Marriage to Serena Williams
8 months ago

Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian are celebrating their 6th wedding anniversary in November, and fans are loving their lasting love story. The Reddit co-founder gave a glimpse into their family life, highlighting how simple moments matter more to them than grand gestures. Even though he once took his wife to Italy simply because she wanted Italian for dinner, Ohanian finds real happiness in simple things and shows how down-to-earth he and his wife are.

I Admitted to My Wife That I Wish Our Kids Were Never Born

I Admitted to My Wife That I Wish Our Kids Were Never Born
Family & kids
9 months ago

Becoming a parent comes with more uncertainty than many other choices in life. However, it can also bring immense happiness. Research indicates that approximately 17-18% of parents feel sorry about choosing to have children. Recently, a reader of Bright Side, who is part of this group, faced a tough situation when he told his wife that he wished he hadn’t become a parent.

6 Things We Do Everyday That Quietly Wreck Our Skin

6 Things We Do Everyday That Quietly Wreck Our Skin
9 months ago

Although your skincare routine may appear to be well-suited to address all your skin’s requirements, there is still a possibility that you’ve inadvertently committed some mistakes that are hindering your path to achieving a flawless complexion. These errors can range from sticking to the same daily breakfast routine to applying sunscreen solely when outdoors, and they may not be immediately apparent. Still, they can contribute to frustrating breakouts or premature wrinkles.

I Refused to Cook All Three Meals of the Day to My Husband, and His Reaction Shocked Me

I Refused to Cook All Three Meals of the Day to My Husband, and His Reaction Shocked Me
Family & kids
10 months ago

Many women struggle with the expectation to cook for their husbands every day, especially if they have other responsibilities or preferences. But what happens when a woman decides to stop cooking all three meals of the day for her husband and let him fend for himself? That’s what one Reddit user did, and she shared her story on the site. In this article, we’ll tell you what she did, why she did it, and how her husband reacted. You might be surprised by the outcome.

What If We Had to Print the Entire Internet

What If We Had to Print the Entire Internet
year ago

You get a notification on your phone saying that the Internet will cease to exist in 7 days. You toss your gadget aside and continue watching TV. Suddenly, you see a “breaking news” notification pop up. And the news presenter repeats what you’ve just read in the message! The channel broadcasts live footage of people panicking in the streets and losing their minds. You look out of the window of your apartment and see people running around carrying their phones and laptops. You go down and try to avoid the chaos by standing in an alleyway. Behind you, someone is mindlessly walking around muttering “no more Internet” over and over. You get a call from an unknown number telling you that you have to meet someone in an unknown location. You open the map on your phone and go there by car. From the outside, it seems to be an abandoned building. But from the inside, it’s a Hi-Tech facility with scientists in hazmat suits and lab coats. You’ve made it just in time for the briefing. A scientist with gray hair walks into the projector room and begins his presentation.

What If You Got Stuck in a Movie Theater for a Year

What If You Got Stuck in a Movie Theater for a Year
year ago

Zzzzzz.... Hey, what’s that noise? How long have you been sleeping? You try to move your neck. It’s a little bit stiff. You’ve had a good nap but fell asleep in an uncomfortable position... In the movie theater! Oh, now you remember! The movie was really boring, you were tired after a long day at work, so you couldn’t help it. You look around — everyone’s out. You’re alone. Everything is clean, with no popcorn or soda cans on the floor. Weird.

If You Do That in a Hotel, You’ll Shock the Staff

If You Do That in a Hotel, You’ll Shock the Staff

Carefully arranging your used towels isn’t the best thing to do in a hotel. You’re just not helping. The general rule is: dump them somewhere like the bathroom floor or in the bathtub. Then the staff can see that they need to change the towels. If you keep them all nice and folded, the staff may just get it wrong and leave them as they are, thinking that they’re still fresh.

One Place You Can Hide If Asteroid Hit Earth Suddenly

One Place You Can Hide If Asteroid Hit Earth Suddenly
year ago

This is it... the end! You’re packing up everything you can in whatever bags you have. Food, clothes, toiletries. The news in the background goes on, red alerts flash all over the screen. You check your watch, and you know it’s time. You haven’t even finished packing yet.

What If You Played Video Games for a Year Non-Stop

What If You Played Video Games for a Year Non-Stop
year ago

It all started a year ago when I got a new job. I have to admit I’m quite a gamer. So when I saw the ad in the paper, I called them immediately. Wanted: Video Game Player. It turned out the offer wasn’t that simple. Yes, my job was to play video games. But all day long. 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days in total. I’d have 8 hours to sleep and half an hour in the morning and in the evening to eat and shower. No days off, no vacation. Take it or leave it. It scared me, and I was reluctant to agree. But then the employer told me my yearly salary, and I was in. If I did it for a year, I’d never have to work again. So, I decided to give it a try.

15+ Situations in Movies That Never Happen in Real Life

15+ Situations in Movies That Never Happen in Real Life
year ago

In movies and TV shows, characters live ideal lives: they always look good, they never sneeze or hiccup, and even office workers are perfectly dressed. And if a female character suddenly finds herself stranded in the Amazon jungle, you can be sure that everyday issues like menstruation won’t bother her.

Put an Onion in Your Sock Before Bed, Wake Up to This!

Put an Onion in Your Sock Before Bed, Wake Up to This!
Tips & tricks
10 months ago

Friday night after work, you decide to drive over to your grandma’s for the weekend. She cooks you a delicious dinner and listens to all your stories. You mention the office AC must have given you a slight cold — you coughed a couple of times. Grandma says nothing and just nods and smiles like she’s up to something. You go to bed and fall asleep like a baby. The next morning, you wake up with onions in your socks and a tennis ball tied to your back! Grandmaaaa! What’s all that supposed to mean?

Simple Morning Tricks to Have Energy All Day

Simple Morning Tricks to Have Energy All Day
Tips & tricks
10 months ago

The snooze button seems like a remedy for a bad morning, when you give yourself some time to nestle up in your cozy bed for a couple of minutes. Don’t get into that trap: this trick only makes you groggier and grumpier. The snooze button makes your body believe you’re gonna sleep some more, so it obviously enters another sleep cycle. This way, it starts releasing sleep hormones that won’t make you feel any peppier. If you get out of your bed right after the alarm goes off, your doziness won’t last over 30 minutes. Instead, getting up after even a short lie-in gets you 4 hours of sleepiness. Not a fresh start.

Rich and Poor: What Was Life Like in Tudor Times

Rich and Poor: What Was Life Like in Tudor Times
10 months ago

We may enjoy a variety of fabrics today, but back in Tudor’s era there was a sort of “fabric hierarchy”. Thing is, not everyone was allowed to wear posh clothes made of silk — since silk was reserved for the members of the royal family. Knights could opt for velvet. Also, common people had to be really careful about colors — for instance, it was prohibited to wear purple. As ridiculous as it might seem today, in 15th and 16th century England, the wrong color and fabric choice could land people in legal trouble.

Why the Products You’re Buying Are Getting Smaller

Why the Products You’re Buying Are Getting Smaller
10 months ago

Are chocolate bars really getting smaller as time goes by, or is it just an optical illusion? The truth is, it has nothing to do with packaging or the way these snacks are molded these days. Chocolate bars are indeed getting smaller. Some well-known brands have dropped off as much as 0.3 oz from their standard chocolate bar. When asked why, most companies tend to say it’s because of what consumers want. The answer is a bit more complicated than that. First, we have to look at the global chocolate market. People really do love chocolate, and the global demand for the sugary treat becomes larger each year. These days, we’re talking about a whopping 18,000 tons of chocolate per day, which translates to over 40 million bars. But in order to have chocolate, you first need to harvest cocoa beans.

Don’t Hesitate to Get These 13 Products That You Can Use on the Go

Don’t Hesitate to Get These 13 Products That You Can Use on the Go
year ago

A daily dose of yogurt can make your breakfast better and might even help with high blood pressure. So, next time, don’t forget to add some to your cereal. You can even snack on it on the go if you have the right jars. And if you’re constantly busy or on the road a lot, check out our list of portable essentials to find these goods as well as many other products that can give you back some quality time.

5 Beauty Secrets From Kate Winslet That Will Change Your Routine Forever

5 Beauty Secrets From Kate Winslet That Will Change Your Routine Forever
11 months ago

Kate Winslet may be the epitome of a natural, down-to-earth kind of woman who always strives to be true to herself in any way possible. As she’s getting older, she believes it only gets better, and she has more important things that concern her other than how she looks. “Honestly, I have learned that health comes before reaching for a mirror or a bottle of product,” claimed the actress.