Men Reveal 15 Romantic Gestures Women Do That Melt Their Heart

8 months ago

Men seem to be more into romance than women might think. In an online thread, guys shared what things women do that really touch their hearts. From simple everyday tasks to big surprises, these loving acts show them how much you care and keep them reassured in the relationship.

  • My girlfriend gently wakes me up with a kiss and a huge hug every morning before she heads to the gym or daily errands. It doesn’t seem like much, but it honestly gives me what I need to drag my anxiety-prone self out of bed every day. She always says “I love you” before she walks out of the room. © curmudgeon-bludgeon / Reddit
  • I’m legally blind in my right eye, and one girl I was dating always made a point to get seats on the right side of theaters so that I’d be able to see everything without turning my head. Really simple but it blew me away when I caught on to her. © MachNeu / Reddit
  • On Valentine’s Day or maybe it was our anniversary, she gave me a deck of cards labelled “52 Things I Love About You,” and each card had some unique little quirk of mine. Half of them were things I didn’t even realize I did. Absolutely melted my heart. We’re not dating anymore, but I still hang onto that deck of cards, even though now it just makes me profoundly sad. © SubtleOrange / Reddit
  • Pretend to care about my day. I know it might sound condescending, but I don’t mean it that way. After a 12-hour shift and hour commute each way I just need to talk to somebody, for a minute or two about my job that I know you don’t care about. Simply the attention and a hug can turn any stress around. That alone can mean so much. © VladdyMcGee / Reddit
  • Close and emotionally charged hugs. When she buries herself in my chest or neck. Makes me feel all strong and protective and absolutely melts me. © Panasax / Reddit
  • So I’m traveling abroad for work right now, won’t get to see my girl for like six months. She sent me a stack of like 20 letters, each in a different colored envelope. Each one is labeled “Open when you’re happy” or “Open when you’re sad”, “Open when you can’t sleep”, etc. And every one contains like 2–3 pictures of us doing something together, and a letter to suit the situation. It really brings a smile to my face, and makes the distance easier. I love my chick! © JoeAgentofDOOM / Reddit
  • My wife packs my lunch everyday. When I open it up, I get warm and fuzzies because I know she made it for me. I can also tell how she’s feeling by what’s packed. No yogurt usually means that she’s stressed, so if I don’t have yogurt I try to pick up more of the shared tasks like laundry or mowing. © Brady721 / Reddit
  • My wife will put toothpaste on my toothbrush when we’re getting ready for bed. It’s the smallest thing, but it is super sweet. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • One time I told a girl I liked red plum jelly. Next time I stayed over, she had red plum jelly in the fridge. Honestly, guys like anything that shows that you care. We are very emotionally isolated most of the time. © Rookwood / Reddit
  • I used to have a girlfriend who was generally very affectionate. When we were just hanging out (either with friends, in a public place, or just sitting on the couch), she’d rub my back, run her fingers through my hair, lean on me, lean on my back, snuggle me, hold my hand, or rest her hand on me. It was very subtle, and not very PDA to the onlooker, but you bet that I noticed every time.
    She was also not clingy, if that makes sense. Near me, she’d be lovey, but never had to be right next to me 24/7, and was fine with me going out with my boys or being incredibly social when we would go out. She would never be jealous of a girl giving me hugs or kisses on the cheek, because everyone knew that we were an item, and we were pretty laid back.
    I miss her and wish she didn’t have to go back to Germany all those years ago. I would still be with her and care for her like a treasure. © parallelcompression / Reddit
  • On days I work before my girlfriend, she will get up earlier than usual to make me breakfast and a lunch for the day. It makes a HUGE difference because I am not at all a morning person. I know that may not be “romantic” but it definitely gives me warm fuzzies. © Relyt_Adiarkas / Reddit
  • Notes. One time I came home to a note on the microwave saying “DEAD ANIMAL DO NOT EAT just kidding, it’s pizza.” I’m like, this girl gets me. © nightbells / Reddit
  • When, this little woman, a foot less than myself, says, “You make me feel 10 foot tall” while we stroll down the street. I miss my late wife. © DenverBarndude / Reddit
  • If I’m walking with a girl, and she does the “wrap her arms around my arm” walk thing. It makes me feel so strong and amazing. Like I’m there simply to protect her and she feels completely safe with me. I love it. © SailCaptainSail / Reddit

Relationships are made of ups and downs, and they often require a lot of compromising from both sides. However, it’s especially difficult when you have to choose between being honest or sparing your partner’s feelings. So much so, some people turned to social media to anonymously get secrets off their chest that they’re keeping only to protect their significant other from being hurt.


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