
12 Unique Pedicure Ideas to Rock Your Summer Sandals

12 Unique Pedicure Ideas to Rock Your Summer Sandals
Girls stuff
7 months ago

Summer is the perfect time to flaunt your feet in stylish sandals, and a unique pedicure can elevate your look to the next level. Whether you're hitting the beach, attending a summer wedding, or just enjoying the warm weather, here are 12 creative pedicure ideas to make your toes the star of the show, plus a bonus section with what to avoid.

25+ Maya Angelou Quotes That Stir the Soul and Ignite Change

25+ Maya Angelou Quotes That Stir the Soul and Ignite Change
year ago

Maya Angelou, a renowned poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, left an indelible mark on the world through her powerful words. Her quotes have the ability to stir the soul and ignite change within individuals. In this article, we will explore a collection of Maya Angelou quotes that embody her wisdom, strength, and resilience. They have the power to inspire, motivate, and encourage people to embrace their true potential and make a positive impact on the world.

11 Camping Essentials You Don’t Want to Miss This Summer

11 Camping Essentials You Don’t Want to Miss This Summer
year ago

Going camping is a very romantic concept, but in order for everything to be pleasant you need a few essentials. From a good sleeping pad to safety precautions, certain gadgets are needed to make nature feel like home. You certainly don’t want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no clean water and good shelter. This is why we gathered 10 items those of you who camp or want to start doing it will find extremely useful.

If You’ve Never Seen Edge of Rain, That’s Why

If You’ve Never Seen Edge of Rain, That’s Why
year ago

A giant, roiling mountain of a thundercloud is moving towards you. It’s completely black and goes in stark contrast with the bright blue sky right above and behind you. You see a blinding flash and, in a few seconds, a deafening whip-like crack of thunder. And then, the rain starts gushing down from the heavens.The wind rises, you see treetops bending low towards the ground some miles away and getting closer by the second. You freeze in place, realizing you can’t escape anyway. But when the rain almost reaches you, its movement suddenly stops. Just a few feet before you, there’s a veritable flood, but right where you stand, it’s dry and even sunny. And after a short while, the angry thundercloud spills its last drops and disperses.

If There’s Ring Around the Sun, Find Shelter Fast

If There’s Ring Around the Sun, Find Shelter Fast

Aah, beautiful. You’re walking with your friend, and look up at the sky. The sun looks a bit different today... like it has some kind of ring around it, a rainbow-type thing. Huh... "Look at that!’’ Your friend pulls his head up out of his phone. “You shouldn’t look directly at the...stop everything,” he says. “It’s a sun halo, we need to find shelter now, unless you have the world’s biggest umbrella on you!”A sun halo is nature’s sign that there’s a snow or rainstorm on its way. It’s caused by clouds that are made of bazillions of small ice crystals, flying around at 20,000 feet (6 km)! Sunlight goes through those crystals, which causes the light to split and refract, like when there’s a rainbow. Now, don’t look at the sun halo directly. It’s gonna be tempting because it’s not something you see every day, plus it’s really beautiful... but ultraviolet light can burn the exposed tissue of your retina and cause serious damage. So not worth it.

20+ Pics That Made Us Rub Our Eyes in Disbelief

20+ Pics That Made Us Rub Our Eyes in Disbelief
year ago

Curiously, many things that surround us are merely optical illusions. For example, a rainbow is not at any particular distance from us but is just a reflection of light. It is beautiful and mesmerizing, but, like any other illusion, it does not last long and eventually disappears. Fortunately, today we can capture these things with a camera to prolong these sweet memories.

The Northern Lights Drifted South But Why

The Northern Lights Drifted South But Why
year ago

Bright, colorful flashes of pink and green light up the night sky. You’re watching it from your backyard in Pennsylvania. That’s not something you’re used to, but it’s very likely to happen more often in the near future as the northern lights are shifting south! Northern lights, or auroras, appear as a result of solar storms.

Something Unusual Is Happening on Earth

Something Unusual Is Happening on Earth
year ago

Hey look! Some magical stuff is happening around you! Let’s check out some real photos of overwhelming phenomena our Earth offers, and I’ll chat about the science behind them.The rainbow-colored scarf cloud is a very rare natural phenomenon. World Meteorological Organization says that this kind of cloud is called “pileus clouds.” Here’s how this rainbow scarf cloud takes shape. There are accessory clouds that depend on a larger cloud system in their development. An accessory cloud widens horizontally and gets shaped like a cap at the top. It attaches itself to the upper part of another cloud. These clouds don’t last long — similar in time to a regular rainbow. The main cloud underneath eventually rises and absorbs the rainbow cloud.

16 Rarest and Most Expensive Mining Finds

16 Rarest and Most Expensive Mining Finds
year ago

It’s kinda weird, but mining finds are often some of the most exciting discoveries. Ready for a treasure hunt? Hmm, or maybe we can just take a look at what other people found? Without leaving our comfort zone, you know.

When Skies Turn Yellow: Are You in Danger?

When Skies Turn Yellow: Are You in Danger?
year ago

You’re in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere, when it happens. You look up at the sky and notice that it’s taken an ominous yellow hue. Suddenly, a terrifying thought pops up in your mind — haven’t you read somewhere that the yellow sky means an approaching tornado? Wait, stop running! Let’s figure out if it’s true!

Why Mushrooms Grow in Circles and 14 Phenomena That Defy All Logic

Why Mushrooms Grow in Circles and 14 Phenomena That Defy All Logic
year ago

Somewhere near California, there’s a curious place with over 5,200 underwater holes located right on the seafloor. No one was bothered much about them, — those holes were known to the maritime community and weren’t a big deal. Everyone just thought it was due to underground gas. However, back in 2019, the seafloor was investigated with a robot, and guess what — no gas was found there.They did find something, though. It turned out that 15,000 more holes appeared on the seafloor. Some scientists claim those were fish that had dug those holes. Seems like they just kicked up dust to accommodate themselves, and the dust was simply washed away by the currents. Right, some fish did live in those holes, but most of them were vacant. So, the mystery is yet to be solved!

How Our Brain Deciphers Colors

How Our Brain Deciphers Colors
2 years ago

Let’s take a good look at the rainbow. How many colors can you see? I guess most of you will answer “7.” First, we have red and orange. Then, yellow, green, and blue. And to top it off: indigo and violet. I hate to break it to you, though, but there aren’t actually 7 colors in a rainbow. The correct amount would be: infinite.

7 Things You Shouldn’t Ever Do in a Dream

7 Things You Shouldn’t Ever Do in a Dream
2 years ago

YES! You did it, you managed to do that lucid dream thing, you know, when you’re dreaming, and can suddenly become aware of yourself! You can do anything you want in those dreams, have magical powers, move things with your mind, ride a flying bike, fish while sitting on a small cloud...

11+ Refreshing Facts About Everything

11+ Refreshing Facts About Everything
2 years ago

In a supermarket, you pass by a shelf with eggs and try to decide which ones are better, the white ones or the brown ones. There’s practically no difference between them. The eggs’ color depends on the breed of chicken. These birds produce two different color pigments. You can take eggs of any color because the nutritional components of the eggs are almost the same. So what came first — the brown egg or the white egg? Never mind...

18 Genuine Moments That Make Us Grin From Ear to Ear

18 Genuine Moments That Make Us Grin From Ear to Ear
2 years ago

When you’re having a rough day, there’s probably nothing better than relaxing on your couch while enjoying your favorite treat. The images on this list are like chocolate for your spirit. Not only will they give you the sweet serotonin you’ve been looking for, but they could possibly paint a rainbow on your day.

20+ Pics Where the Devil’s in Details

20+ Pics Where the Devil’s in Details
3 years ago

Sometimes details are real game-changers that turn ordinary things into something cool or weird. Your food might be silently staring at you while you’re having your coffee with a pie that contains a finger. You might also want to check your pockets, who knows what you’ve got in there. Whatever you do, little surprises will inevitably come your way, all you need is patience.

23 Stunning Places That Turned Out to Be Metro Stations

23 Stunning Places That Turned Out to Be Metro Stations
3 years ago

Would you have ever thought that underground palaces, dance salons, immersive sci-fi sites, disco night moods, or museum-like structures, could be just one step into the earth away from you? It’s true. And for many of us, they are free to use on a daily basis. Metro stations might have the bad reputation of being dark, dirty, or loud, and maybe most of them are exactly that. But the exceptions can be breathtaking.

18 Times People Received a Huge Smile From the Universe

18 Times People Received a Huge Smile From the Universe
3 years ago

Sometimes life decides to amaze us with happy coincidences that can truly make our day a bit brighter. Even if it might seem too good to be true that your friend group perfectly matches the colors of the rainbow or the lighting of the cave you’re exploring resembles your dog, you still can’t help but smile when these things happen.

20 Unique Situations That Can Amaze Literally Anyone

20 Unique Situations That Can Amaze Literally Anyone
3 years ago

TV shows and movies aren’t the only way we can witness our world’s wonders and mysteries, as they may be much closer to us than we think. From finally witnessing the end of a rainbow to discovering that your grandfather is basically your twin, some of these findings can impress even the most skeptical people.

10 Times Royal Outfits Sent Us a Subtle Message

10 Times Royal Outfits Sent Us a Subtle Message
4 years ago

Communicating through their clothing is an old tradition, carefully maintained by the members of the Royal Family. Whether they want to talk about their feelings or send a hidden message to the rest of the family, or to the public, their wardrobe becomes a powerful tool. Colors, subtle accents, and accessories — every single detail matters here.

17 People Who Were Lucky to Have Their Camera Ready at Just the Right Moment

17 People Who Were Lucky to Have Their Camera Ready at Just the Right Moment
4 years ago

Sometimes, the universe just randomly decides to show you something unusual. One day, you might tell a friend that you saw a rainbow and lightning meet each other in the sky. And they’re going to laugh it off, because they wouldn’t believe something like this without solid proof. Well, this is not the case when these things are captured right on camera. Bright Side collected some of these photos that you can only capture on one of your luckiest days.

20 Objects That Tricked Us Into Believing They Were Something Else

20 Objects That Tricked Us Into Believing They Were Something Else
4 years ago

There are times when you’re just walking down the street for no particular reason and suddenly spot something weird. At first glance, it seems like a super common object like debris from a tree that was cut but that also looks like the skyline of a futuristic metropolis or a road that looks similar to the Rainbow Road from Mario Kart. The world is full of mysteries like these and users from all over the world capture these beautiful and strange experiences to share with all of us online.

15 Spellbinding Photos Taken in the Right Place at Just the Right Moment

15 Spellbinding Photos Taken in the Right Place at Just the Right Moment
4 years ago

A lizard walking on water, horizontal lightning, or a rainbow that got caught in a cat’s ear — these may sound unreal, but people actually managed to snap these and a bunch of other rare images with their cameras. Sometimes it’s a game between light and shade, sometimes it’s the right perspective, and sometimes it’s just pure luck. Whatever it is, we’re glad the owners of these epic shots didn’t keep them to themselves.

20+ Animals Who Crashed the System Like They Were Neo From “The Matrix”

20+ Animals Who Crashed the System Like They Were Neo From “The Matrix”
4 years ago

We often come home to find our pets in some very surreal situations. Some of their stunts are so bizarre that it makes us wonder if they need to be rebooted. From a dog trying to bite a rainbow to a frog keeping the coins in a change dispenser, these are just a few performances from these 4-legged actors that could compete with Keanu Reeves and win their own Oscar.

14 Unique Birds That Can Stun You With Their Beauty

14 Unique Birds That Can Stun You With Their Beauty
4 years ago

On Earth, we can meet birds of many different colors, from ones that look like tiny cotton balls to ones that wear almost all shades of the rainbow on their feathers. We just can’t stop thinking about how much nature loves to experiment with their coats, so we suggest you admire some of their most incredible looks together.

A Hair Color Artist Spills Rainbows on His Clients’ Hair, and Each Time It’s a “Wow!”

A Hair Color Artist Spills Rainbows on His Clients’ Hair, and Each Time It’s a “Wow!”
Girls stuff
4 years ago

It looks like Jaymz Marsters, hair color artist and the owner of a hair salon in Norfolk, England, has mastered the rainbow itself and turned it into one of his instruments. His coloring formulas work like real magic and each hairstyle he creates is unique and mesmerizing. From the lightest blue to the deepest red, any color you can possibly think of — you can find it in Jaymz’s works.

An American Stylist Turns Mesmerizing Nature Images Into Hair Designs, and We Want to Dive Into Them

An American Stylist Turns Mesmerizing Nature Images Into Hair Designs, and We Want to Dive Into Them
5 years ago

Imagine that you are out for an evening walk, you are looking up at the sky, and here it is. Spark. Storm. Madness. You want the same hair color as you see up there, but it sounds impossible. Luckily, American stylist, Ursula Goff, can turn your hair into anything you want — from the northern lights to a rainbow. She constantly shares the inspo and result photos, and you can see with your own eyes that she can tame even the wildest color dreams.

25 Unexpected Things You Can Only See in Thailand

25 Unexpected Things You Can Only See in Thailand
5 years ago

Thailand is a true gem that shows more and more unexpected sides as you discover it. Actually, the name of a head city, Bangkok, is just a shortened version of the full name that contains 21 words and is the longest city name in the world! Thailand attractions have a unique vibe that makes even ordinary things seem special, from restaurants filled with condoms and poo souvenirs to houses deep in the trees to adorable corgis in a cafe. Thai people worship lifelike dolls, print their selfies on totally unexpected things, and even David Beckham has found his place in a Buddhist temple.

15+ Perfectly Timed Photos That Mess With Your Head

15+ Perfectly Timed Photos That Mess With Your Head
6 years ago

Some people don’t believe in coincidences and the photos in this article may as well be proof. For example, a rainbow that appeared because of a reflection or a photo of 2 people who didn’t want their shadow to look like Sponge Bob are the kinds of things we’re talking about!