
8 Ways Your Body Might Be Telling You Have a Protein Deficiency

8 Ways Your Body Might Be Telling You Have a Protein Deficiency
3 weeks ago

Protein is an important nutrition that plays a key role in the structure and function of muscles, skin, enzymes, and hormones. But not everyone is getting enough protein which can lead to different health problems. Your body may be giving signs if you’re suffering from protein deficiency, which we collected below.

18 Rarely Shared Facts That Will Make You Think Again

18 Rarely Shared Facts That Will Make You Think Again
2 years ago

Did you know that chickens can jump and fly too? Domestication of the chicken dates back to at least 2000 BCE. They do have the required feathers and muscles to fly, but they don’t do it much anymore, hundreds of years after they were domesticated. But if you give them the right motivation, they can do that.

22 Times We Looked at the Screen and Immediately Started to Smile

22 Times We Looked at the Screen and Immediately Started to Smile
2 years ago

For all of us experiencing the post-holiday blues, we can guarantee there’s nothing a cup of hot cocoa and a pinch of serotonin can’t fix. And for a dose of the latter, we searched online for the cutest moments captured on camera. So now, all you need to do is lie down on your couch and get ready to have your day brightened.

19 Pictures That Could Be Happy Pills to Help You Get Through the Week

19 Pictures That Could Be Happy Pills to Help You Get Through the Week
2 years ago

You’ve probably experienced that feeling on Sundays where you wish the weekend would last longer. Well, we’ve got you covered. These photos here will give you that second Sunday feeling during a rough week. So no matter what life throws at you, here are your daily doses of serotonin to get you through anything with a big smile on your face.

12 Popular Beliefs About Food That You Ought to Stop Following

12 Popular Beliefs About Food That You Ought to Stop Following
2 years ago

There have been many myths and misconceptions about food and diet that we’ve all been familiar with since we were kids. However, as years go by, science keeps busting more and more of them. But this doesn’t mean that everyone is aware of these myths — unless they are scientists keeping track of all the new studies. That’s why we decided to look around and see which of these misconceptions are still quite popular.

15 People Who Randomly Put Smiles on Other Folks’ Faces

15 People Who Randomly Put Smiles on Other Folks’ Faces
2 years ago

Whenever you do something out of pure love and kindness for someone you don’t know, it’s not only giving you and this newfound friend a sense of gratitude and a lighthearted feeling. It actually has a positive effect on your brain health, bringing in a healthy change with a boost in happy hormones, like serotonin and dopamine.

8 Things Your Body Might Be Hiding From You

8 Things Your Body Might Be Hiding From You
2 years ago

Science has taught us that there are many aspects of our body that we still do not fully grasp. The human body is a complex machine, and it can be extremely difficult to fathom all of its secrets. Researchers have attempted to scratch the surface of many questions, but they’ve done so in vain. For example, consciousness still remains a mystery. While the scientific community is still studying this topic, here are some fascinating facts your body is keeping a secret.

20 Photos That Make Us Believe Love at First Sight Is Real

20 Photos That Make Us Believe Love at First Sight Is Real
2 years ago

Love at first sight can be described in different ways. Some therapists describe it as an electric-type of feeling, while for others, it is a moment of connection where nothing else matters around you. And the reason for those warm feelings is that your brain is creating dopamine and serotonin. This is why you experience an instant attachment to someone the moment your eyes meet.

20 Pics That Will Make Your Aww-Ometer Break

20 Pics That Will Make Your Aww-Ometer Break
2 years ago

Scientists claim that our brain reacts more positively to all things that have infant features. We feel bigger affection even for adults and objects that have these features, like dolls, teddy bears, and even tiny miniature products. In our article, we’d love for you to have a serotonin boost by looking at photos that may make you want to squeal to the tune of 1,000 “awws.”

20 Pics That Can Help You Start the Day in a Good Mood

20 Pics That Can Help You Start the Day in a Good Mood
3 years ago

You don’t need to over caffeinate yourself when there are much better ways to start off your day. Looking at something cheerful won’t just improve your mood, but it will also make you laugh. And laughter can be highly beneficial to you after all. A bit of serotonin can go a long way to making sure we have a happy and productive day.

20+ Photos That Will Make You Burst Into a Thunderous Laughter

20+ Photos That Will Make You Burst Into a Thunderous Laughter
3 years ago

Being able to laugh is both an art and a natural skill. Babies start giggling when they’re 3 months old, and that’s even before they can speak. So a good laugh seems to be a real engine of progress! As adults, we do need this dose of serotonin sometimes and a collection of laughable pictures come to the rescue.

8 Foods That Not Only Heal Your Body but Also Boost Your Mental Health

8 Foods That Not Only Heal Your Body but Also Boost Your Mental Health
3 years ago

Healthy foods are not only healthy for your body, but also for your mind. Your mind and body are more connected than you might think. They practically interact with each other through the nervous system. When you feel stressed, your brain will tell your gut, and this can impact your mood and energy level. That’s why, if you often feel moody or nervous, it’s time to take a look at your daily food intake. You might be surprised at the impact healthy foods can have on your overall mental health.

What Can Happen to Your Body If You Eat Popcorn Every Day

What Can Happen to Your Body If You Eat Popcorn Every Day
3 years ago

From movie theater buckets to the home popped kernels, we can’t deny that popcorn is a popular snack. However, even if you are a regular kernel fan, there’s a lot about this beloved food you probably don’t know—particularly when it comes to your health.

7 Common Signs That You’re Consuming Too Much Bread

7 Common Signs That You’re Consuming Too Much Bread
3 years ago

It is estimated that each American eats 53 pounds of bread per year. The reasons are very simple since bread is delicious, convenient, and can be easily transported anywhere. However, like most things that taste so good, bread also has its negative effects on the human body. And when our bodies are bothered, they send signs so we can take care of the problem.

15+ Pics That Can Warm Our Heart Like Hot Cocoa on a Cold Day

15+ Pics That Can Warm Our Heart Like Hot Cocoa on a Cold Day
3 years ago

A boy who can’t speak due to a brain injury but comforts his brother with hugs, 2 adopted kids with different skin colors who insist that they’re twins or a funny dog with a scab that grew into a heart mark on his nose. All these are just a few examples of the heartwarming moments that can make us turn into one big smile, even if we’re not in a good mood.

15 Goofs Who Know How to Have a Good Time

15 Goofs Who Know How to Have a Good Time
3 years ago

Few know that goofing around and having a laugh can actually improve your health. This means that having a good giggle at your pet does more than just cheer you up. There’s nothing like some uplifting photos to look through to make you laugh out loud for a serotonin booster. These photos, from the crazy to the wonderful, are here to add some positivity to your day.

15 Tiny Pets Who Transformed Into Majestic Floofs

15 Tiny Pets Who Transformed Into Majestic Floofs
4 years ago

A puppy gains about 10-15% of its birth weight every day, which explains why they look bigger every time we see them! Having pets and watching them grow up is one of the best feelings in the world and to spread the happy vibes, pet owners are sharing the transformation photos of their babies.

8 Foods That’ll Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

8 Foods That’ll Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
4 years ago

If you think you are one of those people who feels sleepy after every Thanksgiving meal and who blames the turkey for your fatigue, you may have been duped. As it turns out, this is one of the biggest food myths. However, there are other ordinary foods, like certain nuts, that can actually help you to fall asleep faster. Not only that, but they can treat insomnia and help you have a peaceful sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.

Why Sleeping With a Weighted Blanket Is Good for You

Why Sleeping With a Weighted Blanket Is Good for You
4 years ago

Weighted blankets weigh anywhere from 5 to 30 pounds and they can provide you with therapeutic benefits. This is because they mimic a technique known as deep pressure. In fact, the pressure can be described as feeling like someone is hugging you. At first, this blanket was used by therapists, but it can give you different benefits on daily basis.

25+ Photos of Alpacas Who Are Their Own Rays of Sunshine

25+ Photos of Alpacas Who Are Their Own Rays of Sunshine
4 years ago

Alpacas are rapidly growing in popularity as therapy animals, and frankly, we’re not surprised. These floofsters aren’t just ridiculously cute, they’re also highly intuitive and sensitive. People are noticeably happier and more relaxed after spending some time with alpacas, so we figured looking at them might have the same effect.

7 Signs Your Gut May Be Asking for More Attention

7 Signs Your Gut May Be Asking for More Attention
4 years ago

There’s an old adage that says to “trust your gut.” Although this usually translates to trusting your instincts and intuition, the saying is also applicable to your physical well-being. Your gut or your gastrointestinal tract has everything to do with how food comes into your body and back out of it. It plays a major role in helping your body power through whatever hurdles it may come across.

10 Effective Tricks to Fight the Hunger Caused by Anxiety and Stress

10 Effective Tricks to Fight the Hunger Caused by Anxiety and Stress
4 years ago

Our modern pace of life, work, and daily concerns can very easily lead us to feel stressed and anxious. And more often than not, when we are anxious or show any symptoms of these conditions, we turn to food as a refuge to feel better and calm down. It is in that moment that food can become our worst enemy: we consume unnecessary calories and then we feel guilty for having consumed them. It becomes a vicious circle that is hard to break free from, but fortunately, there are some easy solutions.

7 Cravings That Can Tell You What Your Body Actually Needs

7 Cravings That Can Tell You What Your Body Actually Needs
4 years ago

You may go to sleep and wake up still thinking about eating that tasty piece of chocolate, or perhaps you struggle to live even one day without tomatoes. These kinds of cravings can signify that you’re stressed, but according to some researchers, you may lack certain nutrients as well.

Most People Are More Similar to Their Father Than Their Mother, Scientists Claim

Most People Are More Similar to Their Father Than Their Mother, Scientists Claim
4 years ago

Scientists discovered that most mammals are actually genetically more similar to their fathers. Many of us generally assume that children get approximately half of their DNA from their mom and half from their dad, but as it turns out, a father’s genes are more dominant. Despite the fact that genes from both sides are equally present in the child, they might act differently, creating an imbalance.

9 Reasons to Start Eating Peanut Butter

9 Reasons to Start Eating Peanut Butter
5 years ago

Weight loss, breast cancer prevention, reducing insomnia, and way more — peanut butter is a natural treasure that can promote many positive changes in the body! It is full of useful vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and elements that your body just craves. All you need to do is just enjoy it in moderation and you will see the results soon enough.

10 Tricks to Bring You Back to Life When You Feel Exhausted

10 Tricks to Bring You Back to Life When You Feel Exhausted
5 years ago

In the office, at a shopping mall, or on a walk with your kid — exhaustion can creep up at the most inopportune moments. Sometimes fatigue is caused by stress and lack of exercise, and sometimes we can feel exhausted because of a poor diet and working environment. But wherever you are and whatever you do, there’s a way to boost your energy without 10 cups of coffee or 10 hours of sleep.

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Start Eating 3 Dates Every Day for a Week

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Start Eating 3 Dates Every Day for a Week
5 years ago

Even though dates aren’t considered to be a superfood, they’re very close to it. They offer so many health benefits that it’s almost a necessity for us to eat them! And the fact that they’re sweet and taste very good makes them that much better! All it takes is a week of eating this delicious fruit and your body will thank you.

9 Easy Health Life Hacks to Make Your Body Feel Like New

9 Easy Health Life Hacks to Make Your Body Feel Like New
5 years ago

Most of the time, we think that being healthy takes a lot of effort, time, and money. But in reality, you can turn your life around and feel healthier simply by incorporating a few new habits into your daily routine. For example, you can whiten your teeth using fruit and enjoy an extra cup of hot coffee for a healthy gallbladder. In this article, we’ll show you how many natural and affordable ways there are out there to treat yourself.

How to Outsmart Hormones That Can Make Us Gain Excess Weight

How to Outsmart Hormones That Can Make Us Gain Excess Weight
6 years ago

In addition to a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet, hormones might play a certain role in gaining weight. If you’ve been on one of the popular protein diets (meaning you eat only meat and have forgotten what carbs look like) for over a month now but your weight hasn’t changed, estrogen is probably to blame. In order to balance an excess of estrogen in your body, it’s recommended to minimize the consumption of products rich in protein.