
This guy adopted a dog from a shelter and took it on a road trip across America

This guy adopted a dog from a shelter and took it on a road trip across America
year ago

It took as little as $40 for photographer Theron Humphrey to save Maddie the dog from the shelter where she’d been left. He hesitated at first, but the adorable pup was huddling at his feet with such desperation that he realised he simply couldn’t leave her behind in her cage. Since then, the two have become inseparable, and even went on a road trip across the United States.

Man With 98% Body Burns Raises Daughters Alone After His Wife Abandoned Him

Man With 98% Body Burns Raises Daughters Alone After His Wife Abandoned Him
10 months ago

Meet Chris, a man whose extraordinary journey through life has been marked by both physical and societal challenges. Despite his body being 98 percent burned, Chris has faced discrimination at every turn. His strength, however, has become a beacon of inspiration for the world. Through the highs and lows, he stands as a living example of resilience, showcasing the transformative power of hope and the ability to inspire others through the sheer force of one’s own perseverance.

How to Survive If Your Parachute Fails to Open

How to Survive If Your Parachute Fails to Open

You’ve finally made it! After all that training, you’re ready for your first skydive. Full of confidence, you reach the door of the plane as it gets to 12,000 feet. You step off into the air, but at the last second, you hear the instructor screaming something [instructor yells, “I didn’t check your chute!”]. You can’t hear him as you drop away from the plane, seeing only his concerned expression. Well, it feels like something has gone wrong! You pull the handle to release the parachute. But it hasn’t deployed correctly, opening into a big wad, and you’re now spinning faster and faster! You’re getting dizzy, but you need to pull yourself together. Each second is crucial, and from this altitude, you have less than a minute to act!

Could We Survive the Pompeii Volcano Eruption Today?

Could We Survive the Pompeii Volcano Eruption Today?
year ago

This is not some hypothetical situation or fairy tale. The Vesuvius super volcano that erased the city of Pompeii may wake up again and destroy many other towns built near the mountain. And to understand what consequences humanity would face if it awakens this time, it’s smart to know what the eruption did two thousand years ago with the ancient city.

What If the Biggest Bug to Ever Exist Came Back

What If the Biggest Bug to Ever Exist Came Back
year ago

So, you’re at a restaurant having lunch when suddenly you hear people screaming. You look out the window and see everyone running away from something. You keep eating your meal. But ripples start forming in your soup, and they get wider and wider. Car alarms are ringing, and glass is shattering. The ground is rumbling. The TV loses signal. Wait — no TV? You drop your spoon and get outside. You see some large dark figures crawling around and heading towards you. Your heart is pounding. Your legs are shaking. Yet, you’re standing still and don’t try to run away like the others.

10+ People Who Mistakenly Thought Today Was Going to Be a Good Day

10+ People Who Mistakenly Thought Today Was Going to Be a Good Day
year ago

Having a terrible day is like getting stuck in a thunderstorm — it’s wet, it’s wild, and there are puddles of water everywhere. And on top of it all, there’s no sunlight in sight, it’s all dark and gray and muddy. Just like how we can shelter under an umbrella with a friend during a storm, sharing our terrible days with others might make them more bearable. The following people know firsthand the meaning of a tough day but decided to share it to make others feel better about their own poor ones.

Your Phone Is NOT Useless If You’re Lost in the Wild

Your Phone Is NOT Useless If You’re Lost in the Wild
year ago

Welcome to an uninhabited island. How did we end up here? Well, I don’t know. But now we have to survive here for a couple of days, and I’ll teach you all I know. Gladly, wherever I go, I’m always prepared for a situation like this, so in this magical backpack, I’ve got everything we’re gonna need for survival.

When You See This in the Sky, Take Cover Immediately

When You See This in the Sky, Take Cover Immediately
year ago

Have you ever wondered why birds tend to fly in circles? It’s because of thermals. Thermal is like a big bubble of warm air that rises up from the ground. Have you ever flown a kite on a windy day and watched it go up and down? Imagine if the wind was warm instead of cold, and instead of a kite, you were a bird or a glider. So yeah, that warm wind would be a thermal!

Man Found a Huge Underground City in His Basement

Man Found a Huge Underground City in His Basement
year ago

Imagine discovering an ancient city without leaving the comfort of your home! In 1963, a man in the Nevşehir Province of Turkey did exactly that. He was renovating his house. He knocked down a wall in his basement and found a mysterious room. He continued digging and saw a tunnel. This is how Derinkuyu Underground City was found. Derinkuyu is one of the deepest multilevel underground settlements of Cappadocia and in all of Turkey. This engineering masterpiece has 8 levels. The inhabitants living on those floors had access to cellars, storage areas, chapels, a school, a study room, and other structures.

The Danger of a Purple Sky: Don’t Wait, Run!

The Danger of a Purple Sky: Don’t Wait, Run!
year ago

A purple sunset... You must have seen one of those at least once in your life. Normally, it’s nothing ominous and has to do with the way light travels. The light that the Sun produces is white. When it goes through a prism, you see light waves of different colors: from red and orange to blue, green, and indigo. Light normally travels in a straight line if there’s no obstacle in its way. The shorter light waves, including blues and purples, are scattered easier when they meet with those obstacles, like molecules and aerosols in the atmosphere. Because the Sun is low on the horizon at sunset and sunrise, its light has to pass through more molecules that scatter the violet and blue light. The colors that your eyes pick up then are yellow, orange, and red. But with the right conditions, you can see the gorgeous purple sky.

11 Myths About How to React in a Critical Situation, and What to Do Instead

11 Myths About How to React in a Critical Situation, and What to Do Instead
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

When our life is in danger, the success or failure of the outcome depends on what we do within the first few seconds. It’s extremely important to know how you are going to behave and what you are going to do at this moment. The best advice is to not panic but to act with a sense of calmness. Even if you fall down on subway tracks or find yourself in the middle of a burning forest.

15 Doggy Moments That Can Make You Consider Getting a Fluffy Friend

15 Doggy Moments That Can Make You Consider Getting a Fluffy Friend
3 years ago

People get pets for different reasons: some need a friend, others want to fulfill the dream of their childhood, and then there are those who visit the shelter and instantly find a lifelong friend. However, there’s a fourth category of people who look at dogs’ pics and suddenly realize they’re missing something in their lives.

11 Popular Dog Breeds That People Irresponsibly Buy and Then Return

11 Popular Dog Breeds That People Irresponsibly Buy and Then Return
3 years ago

There is basically one main reason for buying a dog and it usually sounds like, “I want a dog really bad!” And there are also a number of reasons to give a dog away, which include a sudden allergy, the birth of a baby, financial issues, and a lack of time. However, sometimes the owner is simply not ready for the specifics of a certain breed. While it can be easy to find the right approach to one type of dog, other types might require a certain level of preparation. Our 4-legged friends can disobey, bite us, destroy our homes, and ruin our belongings.

18 Acts of Kindness That Make This Autumn a Little Warmer

18 Acts of Kindness That Make This Autumn a Little Warmer
3 years ago

Among million things that make us feel happier, helping others has a special place. When we help animals, who can’t take care of themselves and often feel lost in the world of people, those good deeds are even more precious. Whether it’s a cat or a dog we take from a shelter to give them a loving family, or a duckling we occasionally save on the street, nothing feels more rewarding than a happy face of an animal we’ve just saved.

10 Things We Do That Stress Our Dogs Out, and Hugging Them Is One of Them

10 Things We Do That Stress Our Dogs Out, and Hugging Them Is One of Them
4 years ago

As humans, we’re used to talking about stress. In fact, most of us experience it on a daily basis. But as strange as it sounds, dogs can also suffer from a similar kind of stress. A stressed dog will show several symptoms which can be seen in hyperactivity or apathy, changes in behavior, or repetitive behavior. It could even the way that we deal with these symptoms that’s causing the problem in the first place — even if you never meant to upset your four-legged companion.