22 People Who Have a Good Reason to Be Proud of Themselves

2 years ago

Whether it’s pulling off the perfect costume or prank, creating an art piece with ordinary objects, or even saving animals while dying their hair — these people tried their best and succeeded with flying colors. And they’ve proven that great things can be achieved with motivation, hard work, and a pinch of humor or creativity.

Bright Side gathered photos from individuals who deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.

1. “My Halloween costume with my dog.”

2. “I made this sweatshirt out of a blanket I got at my local thrift store, and it’s probably my favorite thing that I’ve made so far.”

3. “I handwrote out the script to Jurassic Park.”

4. “I live in a van and this is the interior.”

5. “I made this. I tried to combine 5 paintings.”

6. “Not really able to afford eating out, so I made a fine dining meal for my family. Their joy and the way these turned out just made my week!”

7. “January 2021 to present. Decided to make the changes needed to get healthier at the start of this year.”

8. “I made a phoenix entirely out of Taco Bell hot sauce packets.”

9. “I attempted to make this copycat cake for my birthday. I wouldn’t say I nailed it.. but I’m proud of it.”

10. “My husband is so proud of his little ’80s arcade that he set up in our basement.”

11. “I made this. Currently trying to navigate the world as an artist and hoping one day I’ll have a booth!”

12. “A small portrait I did using this ballpoint pen”

13. “I need someone to appreciate this... My wife was unimpressed.”

14. “Lost 132 lbs in 12 months. I’m just so much happier than ever in my life.”

15. “My first Christmas as a single dad. I did my best and my daughter enjoyed herself, I think!”

16. “Desk I made out of 100% recycled materials for my school technology class.”

17. “I made this portrait out of Legos.”

18. “8 years ago, I got into trouble. I struggled before I found a job. Today, all my hard work paid off when I bought my first car!”

19. “First and last Sub-Zero cosplay that I made. Never stop doing what you like.”

20. “Couple costume done right.”

21. “I made this little guy to scare my husband in the morning!”

22. “I’m a rescuer for a raptor rehab, and I got the call for this guy in the middle of me dying my hair.”

Do you have any recent accomplishments — big or small — that you want to share with us? Post your stories or pictures in the comments, we’d love to take a look at them.

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

Preview photo credit Wildlife-outside / Reddit


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