16 Details of Life in the 19th Century That Would Shock Modern People

Speaking of interesting stories, Bright Side, would like to share the story of the Straus’ who gave real meaning to the saying “we’ll stay together until death do us apart.”
Born in Bavaria in 1845, Isidor was an American-Jewish businessman, politician, and co-owner of Macy’s department store. He began his fascinating career working as a clerk in his father’s business. In 1865, the young motivated man moved to New York along with his brother Nathan, where he created a name for himself in business and politics.
New York was also the place where Isidor Straus and Rosalie Ida Blun met. In 1866, Isidor was a business associate of Ida’s uncle. They ran into each other, became friends and soon lovers, and they got married in 1871 and had 7 children. They were both known among people for their philanthropy and sympathy.
Boarding the Titanic was a pure twist of fate. The couple was visiting Europe when they had to return back to the US because of a coal strike in England. They booked a large accommodation, big enough for the couple and their servants.
The Straus’ accommodation was a first-class accommodation “furnished in the best of taste and most luxuriously and they are really rooms not cabins,” as Mrs. Straus explained in a letter that she sent to her friend 4 days prior to the sinking of the ship.
As history goes, the Titanic sunk on April 15, 1912, in the North Atlantic Ocean after the ship struck an iceberg, leaving the passengers in disbelief and panic. Shortly after the collision, the captain ordered the lifeboats to be loaded and they started the evacuation.
It was decided that women and children would board the boats first. Isador, as one of the wealthiest men on the ship, was offered a seat, which he strongly refused since many women and children had not been saved yet.
first-classAs a first class passenger and a female, Ida was given a priority spot on a lifeboat to leave the sinking ship. But the 63-year-old wife stepped off of the boat the moment she realized her husband wasn’t coming with her. Despite the efforts of the officers and her husband to get her back on the boat, she refused to leave, saying, “We have lived together for many years. Where you go, I go.”
Ida asked her maid to take her spot on the lifeboat. She also gave her a coat to keep her warm and told her, “You’re going to need this more than I will.” Ida’s maid was saved among the people in that lifeboat — she kept Ida’s coat and gave it to her children afterward.
The movie portrayed the couple cuddling in bed while freezing ocean water starts filling their room. But nobody actually knows where they spent their last moment because, according to their great-great-grandson, “They were last seen standing on the deck, clasping each other, calmly waiting.”
All we know is that they lost their lives on the ship but stayed together until the very end. After the sinking, Isidor’s body was found, and he was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, New York. His wife’s body was never recovered but she was offered a memorial attached to his grave.
What do you think of the Straus story? Would you have chosen to spend your last moments with your other half too?
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