Bullock looks horrendous
10 Famous Movie Scenes That Made Viewers Cringe
Even a very good movie can be ruined by a scene that is too sentimental or a romantic twist that has nothing to do with the main storyline. And this sometimes happens even in our favorite films. Movie fans discussed online what scenes could have been easily removed from movies like Titanic or The Devil Wears Prada, and they agreed that these films could have become even better without them.
The Devil Wears Prada
Anne Hathaway’s character begins her career by getting a job at a famous fashion magazine. Andrea spends almost all of her time at work, but her boyfriend Nate doesn’t like it and always tries to make her feel guilty about it. After missing his birthday party, Andrea still gives him a cupcake with a burning candle, but Nate just ignores her.
Many viewers found his behavior quite toxic. It seems that Nate wants his girlfriend to remain insecure and forget about her ambitions.
- The heroine’s boyfriend and friends are so grating and the way they make Andi feel bad for working for one year at this job drives me nuts. She certainly needed to be challenged for drinking the Kool-Aid a bit too much, but I think the film’s one mistake is that they are so grating and unlikable that you almost root for Andi to go to the “dark side.” © Mid-CenturyBoy / Reddit
- The fact that Anne Hathaway’s character ends back up with her toxic boyfriend is the only thing holding it back. © HeHasBeautifulBones / Reddit
Bullet Train
Throughout the entire movie, Brad Pitt’s character talks to his handler on the phone. We don’t know who she is, but it seems that the characters perfectly understand each other. The handler, however, shows her face at the end of the movie, and not all viewers were happy with Sandra Bullock’s cameo appearance. According to them, it would have been better to leave some room for imagination and to not reveal who she really was.
- I really hate the last 2 minutes of Bullet Train. I absolutely adore the movie up to that point, but the CGI at the end is so god awful I can barely look at it. And Bullock shouldn’t have made a physical appearance. © CrazyGoose712 / Reddit
Edge of Tomorrow
Emily Blunt’s character in this sci-fi movie about alien intervention is a strong woman who is not really into sentimental stuff. But it seems that even she couldn’t resist Tom Cruise’s charm. During the climax of the movie, her character kisses him for some reason, and many viewers were actually quite irritated about this kiss.
- Emily Blunt initiates the kiss with Tom Cruise. Her character has known this guy for less than 24 hours. She is a hardened veteran. There is no way her character would do this.
I would get it if he kissed her. They established that he had developed feelings for her, so him kissing her would make sense. But no, some idiot executive probably thought this great sci-fi movie needed some forced romance, and this unconvincing moment takes me out every time. © CosmoNewanda / Reddit
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
T-800 is a robot from the future, but even Terminator doesn’t know everything, so John Connor teaches him to high 5, say slang words, and other things to make him look like a human. But some viewers found this comical episode inappropriate.
- The scene where John is teaching Terminator slang. It comes across as really cringeworthy and doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of the movie at all. © WillemDafoesHuge**** / Reddit
Wonder Woman
In the movie finale, Diana faces her main enemy, Ares. The evil god asks her to join him and destroy the world. But Diana decides to fight him. However, viewers found this final battle irrelevant and flashy.
- I don’t know if it’s a perfect film, but I think it was about as perfect as you could expect from the genre. Then they just tossed the whole plot aside to have a big, unbearably terrible CGI fight scene. It was a truly awful way to end a movie and retroactively ruin any meaning from what was set up during the rest of the film. © Mononon / Reddit
Gangs of New York
Cameron Diaz is best known for her comedic roles. We really enjoyed her performance in the movies Charlie’s Angels or The Holiday. This is why not all viewers approved of her appearance in this criminal drama.
- Cameron is annoying in just about every scene she’s in. Awfully miscast. © BobRobot77 / Reddit
The Prestige
It’s not the first time that film director Christopher Nolan has been blamed for female characters that were not well-written. And this is exactly what happened to Scarlett Johansson’s character in the movie. Despite her beauty and charisma, her heroine often appears unconvincing.
- I think Scarlett Johansson is ordinarily a good actress, but she sticks out pretty bad in The Prestige. © D****en_Vike / Reddit
When Rose and Jack run away to the party in third class, they genuinely have fun there. She easily finds common ground with other passengers, even though she belongs to a different social circle.
However, she decides to interrupt 2 wrestling men with the words, “Let’s see if you can do this,” and stands on her tiptoes. And this scene flabbergasted some viewers because they found Rose’s behavior inappropriate.
- That bit in Titanic when Rose interrupts the 2 guys arm wrestling and says she’s tougher and stands on her tippy toes. I’m not saying it’s not harder, but it’s a very cringeworthy scene. © effypom / Reddit
Annie, performed by Sandra Bullock, seemingly keeps her emotions and the situation under control almost throughout the entire film. However, in the movie finale, Annie becomes an ordinary “damsel in distress” who has to be rescued by Keanu Reeves’ character.
- I knew in my heart that after being a total step-to-the-plate badass for the entire movie, they were going to have Annie do something stupid and banal. Sure enough, she steps out into the open, gets nabbed, and then gets put into a damsel-in-distress situation for Keanu to save. © Flahdagal / Reddit
The creators of this sci-fi movie worked together with scientific consultants to make the story trustworthy. Perhaps, this is the reason why the scene where Anne Hathaway’s character says that “love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space” was deeply criticized by the viewers. Many of them found this scene too sentimental and flashy.
- I didn’t pay much attention to these words the first time at the theater because I had fallen in love with this movie, but when I watched it again a few months later they were so cringeworthy. © lincruste / Reddit
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