10 Facts About Everyday Foods You Probably Didn’t Know

2 years ago

We’ve been lied to so many times about so many food facts that we should now start questioning everything we hear. For example, chocolate isn’t bad for you and diet soda isn’t better than actual full-calorie soda. These are only two things that many people still believe to this day. But we are here to try and bust a few myths and show a whole new world of truths about food.

Bright Side did some research and has prepared 10 interesting facts that could change your dietary choices that many people may not know about.

1. The lettuce game

  • Iceberg: 100 grams of this type of lettuce has 1 gram of protein and fiber, 7% of folate, and 20% of vitamin K. Vitamin K is important for bone and heart health. But overall, this lettuce isn’t at the top of its category.
  • Romaine: 100 grams has 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of fiber. It has 34% of the recommended daily value of folate, 48% of vitamin A, and 85% of vitamin K. Its antioxidants protect against heart problems and inflammation.

2. The better and worse bread

  • White bread: Packaged white bread is very popular around the world, but its nutrition properties aren’t very good. It doesn’t contain too many whole grains and therefore lacks essential minerals, vitamins, and fiber. It’s okay to eat it once in a while in a sandwich, but probably not multiple times a day.
  • Sourdough: It’s ranked as one of the healthiest types of bread out there. One reason for this is the probiotics produced during fermentation, which help with digestion. It also has a low glycemic index. Just one slice of sourdough bread gives you 3 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein.

3. Not all kinds of honey are the same.

There are several different types of honey, but many store-bought brands aren’t what they claim to be. It’s easy to find mixtures of varieties of syrups labeled as “honey” on the shelves. This happens because highly processed honey lasts longer than natural honey. That’s why it’s important to check labels thoroughly if you want to buy the real deal and not end up with fake, processed honey.

The first thing to look out for is an ingredient list; 100% honey shouldn’t have one. Also, if you see the words “honey blend,” chances are you’re buying syrups, not honey.

4. Granola isn’t better than rice.

  • The pros of each: Granola is an excellent source of riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, dietary fiber, iron, potassium, and protein. On the other hand, rice is also a good source of protein and vitamin A, and it doesn’t contain as much sugar and fat as granola.
  • The cons of each: Just 100 grams of rice has 91% carbs, while the same amount of granola has 45% fat. Also, a serving of granola has 489 calories, while one of rice has only 130 calories.
  • Bottom line: They both have their pros and cons, but granola comes with a lot more calories than rice for a small amount. It might also offer you a lot more than rice, but if it comes down to how fattening it is, it loses massively.

5. The “healthy” option isn’t always low in calories.

Many people will opt for a salad when at a fast-food chain because they want to go for the healthy, low-calorie option. However, a simple Caesar salad has 403 calories, 21 grams of fat, 22 grams of carbs, and 30 grams of protein. On the other hand, a regular cheeseburger with a beef patty, bun, and cheese comes at 350 calories. 14 grams of that are fat, 35 grams are carbs, 6 grams are sugar, and 630 mg are salt.

In comparison, the salad has 1.150 mg of sodium, which is almost double the amount of the cheeseburger. The bottom line is that while the salad looks like the healthier choice, it contains more sodium and calories. This proves that it’s not easy to find something truly healthy at fast-food chains.

6. Not all nuts have the same amount of calories.

It is widely known that nuts are healthy for us, but they come with certain calories attached. In fact, some of the various types of nuts have many more calories than others. For example, just 3 Brazil nuts have 99 calories, while it takes 8 walnuts and 10 pecans to reach approximately the same number. Almost the same calories can be found in 15 almonds, 25 pistachios, or 90 pine nuts.

7. Basil helps with unwanted gas.

Basil leaves and seeds can do wonders for intestinal issues, such as digestion, bloating, gas, and spasms. It works by helping good bacteria grow in your gut and decreasing harmful bacteria that cause problems. The obvious way to use it is by adding it to your food, but you can also dilute some essential oil and massage your abdomen with it after every meal.

8. Some of the healthiest foods on the planet

  • Garlic: This tasty but smelly plant keeps bacteria away and has been fighting diseases for ages. It helps with high cholesterol and blood pressure and prevents inflammation in the body.
  • Beetroot: This vegetable is rich in folate, magnesium, and vitamin C. It can be considered a superfood, since it strengthens your brain and can lower high blood pressure.
  • Dark chocolate: The more cocoa a chocolate bar has, the more beneficial it will be for you. Because dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, it helps with cholesterol and boosts your mood very efficiently. A small amount of it per day can be very good for your health.

9. The best foods for your body

  • Eyes: Carrots are very rich in beta-carotene, which reduces the chances of getting muscular degeneration, the leading cause of loss of sight. Its vitamins and antioxidants can keep your eyes healthy even during old age.
  • Brain: Good brain function needs omega-3 fatty acids, and walnuts are rich in them.
  • Lungs: Grapes contain something called proanthocyanidin, which helps with asthma and allergies.
  • Heart: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which reduces the risk of heart disease. You can combine it with some source of fat to increase its absorption.
  • Bones: Our bones need calcium, and celery is rich in it. It’s also high in manganese, which helps improve bone density.
  • Stomach: Morning sickness, colic, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and nausea are some of the stomach ailments that ginger can help treat. Also, it strengthens the mucus layer in our stomach.

10. Is matcha or coffee better?

  • Pros and cons of matcha: It’s a great way to relax your brain without feeling drowsy. Also, your oral and liver health will benefit from it. Matcha is loaded with antioxidants that help prevent the growth of cancerous cells. However, consuming too much matcha can damage your liver. There’s also the risk that matcha leaves may be contaminated with heavy metals that can end up in your body.
  • Pros and cons of coffee: Like matcha, it has antioxidants that can protect oral and gastric health. It can also lower the risk or improve type 2 diabetes. However, unlike matcha, coffee could make you dependent on it since its high content of caffeine can be addictive. It can also cause side effects, such as insomnia, increased heart rate, anxiety, and headaches.

Did you know any of the facts mentioned above? If this is your first time hearing about them, what surprised or even shocked you the most?


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