10 Simple Solutions From Amazon That Will Change the Way You Think About Home Comfort

year ago

Most people agree that temperature is an important factor that adds to the feeling of being at home. And it’s time to pay attention to the next level of comfort. Namely, to the state of the environment, its cleanliness, safety, and convenience. We have a couple of ideas on how to improve this with minimal effort and maximum results!

We at Bright Side have found simple solutions for your home that will increase its comfort and safety. See how it works!

1. An electric drinking water pump that allows you to pour water from a bottle with one touch. If this device doesn’t inspire you to drink your daily water requirement, we don’t know what will!

How to use:

  • Recharge your device using the included USB cable. One charge will last you 30-40 days.
  • Install the pump on a gallon drum or bottle that fits a 2.16″ (5.5 cm) neck.
  • Press the LED button and place a glass.
  • Press again to stop the water supply. Ready!
  • And you can also arrange a real water supply in the toy kitchen to delight the children!

Promising review:

I put this in water in a tough tray on top of a small rack to slightly elevate it from the base. The pump lasts for absolutely ages and the children love pressing the button to turn it on and filling little cups/jugs etc. with it for play. Just don’t put anything small in the water that could potentially get sucked up, in case it stops the pump working. Easily recharges.

Buy this pump on Amazon HERE.

2. Silicone lid to keep your dinner from escaping. Now you can watch your favorite series without looking at the stove every minute!

How to use:

  • Set aside your standard lid and cover the dish with this silicone device.
  • The lid will remain tightly closed until the water boils, at which point the escaping steam will lift the silicone petals and reduce the pressure in the pot. You definitely won’t miss anything!
  • You can also use the lid for steaming!

Promising review:

I am an ‘unpaid’ buyer who genuinely believes in this product.
I had previously bought something similar on a well-known shopping channel, ‘Q??’ But they were wish-washy colors with a clear centerpiece that I ‘lost.’ I ‘lost’ them because of their expensive flimsiness. Now, this is a find. They’re thick silicone, bright-colored, and the ‘centerpiece’ is a different bright color, so you can find it anywhere!
This is soooo simple... Put one on top of the pan you’re boiling liquids in. The ‘force of the boiling liquid’ will force the centerpiece ‘flower’ part to rise slightly and fluid will collect WITHIN the ‘silicon lid.’ You then know to turn the heat down a bit if you’re savvy. But anyway, your fluid will not spill onto your cooker/hob.
Easy to wash up and reuse until the cows come home.😉 It’s such a clever, fantastic idea that you may ignore buying them. But don’t... I kid ye not, you’ll be chucking away those pesky saucepan lids that do nothing except cause more cleaning up!!

Buy this silicone lid on Amazon HERE.

3. A foot hammock that attaches to your desk to make your work break truly relaxing. If you can’t lie in a hammock, at least let your feet do it!

How to use:

  • Attach simple clamp holders to different ends of the table.
  • Hang the hammock under the table by hooking the ropes to the holders.
  • Adjust to a comfortable height for you: a slight rise for work, or a high position for relaxation and rest.

Promising review:

Fits nicely on my standard-size office desk from Ikea (one of their adjustable height tables). Good quality, so far it has not needed readjustment even with daily use over a month’s time.
I sprained my ankle badly playing tennis last week, and I’m now using this to keep my foot in a more comfortable position.

Buy this foot hammock on Amazon HERE.

4. Silver mirror film that will protect your home from prying eyes, UV rays, and heat in hot weather. If you have curious neighbors, this is bad news for them!

How to use:

  • Dust and degrease the window surface for a perfect fit.
  • Carefully stick the film on the glass surface. Ready! Your window turns into a mirror.
  • This can also be used for the rear windows of your car!

Promising review:

I purchased this item as I had a nosey neighbour opposite my house who would always glance over at my bedroom window, also a school mum who would walk past my house and glance up at my window (caught her a few times looking)🤣. The product came with easy-to-follow instructions. And the reflection on the street side is perfect. I found the roll I brought wasn’t merrily enough to cover my windows, so I made another purchase. It would be amazing if the product came with a knife and a squeegee as well. But nonetheless, I’m a happy customer of the product. If you are like me and have nosey people around you and don’t like having curtain nets, this is ideal.

Buy this film on Amazon HERE.

5. An inclined soap dish with a spout that will keep your soap and sponge from turning into a slippery mess!

How to use:

  • Attach the suction cup to the body of the soap dish.
  • Moisten the surface of the suction cup with water to improve the grip, and install it in the place you want.
  • Place a bar of your favorite soap or dishwashing sponge in it to keep it dry, and you’re ready to go.

Promising review:

Love these. They stop soap and shampoo bars from getting soggy through being sat in water. Highly recommend them. As long as the bath is clean, they stick very well.
Bryony Delaney

Buy these soap dishes on Amazon HERE.

6. A chrome-plated organizer with a drawer that kindly gives you access to all the tools under your sink. This will help you defeat the chaos from the scattered bottles!

How to use:

  • Place the organizer under the kitchen or bathroom sink for easy access to household items.
  • Install a drawer in your cupboard to make the most of the space.
  • Instead of diving into the depths of your locker, just pull out the drawer and grab what you need!

Promising review:

Great for organising storage in big a cupboard and nice and sturdy. Easy enough to assemble.

Buy this organizer on Amazon HERE.

7. Magnetic key holder to keep them always in the same place. If you are a fan of throwing keys anywhere and then looking for them, the magnet will surely not let you pass by!

How to use:

  • Simply attach the hooks to any metal surface. This little one is very strong and will stay in place securely!
  • Just present your keys and let them go. Done, now they won’t get lost! Strong magnet holds all your key fobs and car keys.
  • Don’t confuse keys! Assign a little man of his color to each member of your family and sort the bundles with their help.

Promising review:

We all have these in our family. Just so handy for the back door keys. We’ve had ours for donkeys years, so when my daughter left home, of course, we had to get her one or two! Highly recommended!
Amazon Customer

Buy this key holder on Amazon HERE.

8. Hanging door hooks to make your organization easier. Just hang everything you need right before you leave the room so you don’t forget anything!

How to use:

  • Simply slide the hooks onto the door leaf from above, no drilling or damage. Adjust the mounting width to suit your door.
  • Enjoy! Leave clothes that you are too lazy to put away in the closet, collect the necessary stuff for the coming day, and keep the room uncluttered!
  • Use to save space in a small bathroom to store towels and accessories.

Promising review:

Quite easy to put together and it has been so useful for reducing clutter in the kitchen. The hooks are really strong, and the whole thing is very sturdy.
Lisa W

Buy these door hooks on Amazon HERE.

9. Magnetic hooks that can hold considerable weight, which are easy to attach and rearrange on any iron surface. These are the most useful fridge magnets you’ll ever have!

How to use:

  • Make good use of the side of your kitchen refrigerator. Attach the hooks to the refrigerator to hang your spatulas and ladles, as well as a kitchen towel. The magnet holds up to 9 kg (20 lbs) horizontally, so you can even hang a string of oranges!
  • Attach hooks to your front door to hang keys, small bags, or hats.
  • Attach the hooks to the metal pieces on the ceiling and hang pots or decor. In a vertical position, the magnet can hold up to 36 kg (80 lbs)!

Promising review:

Sturdy, strong, really magnetic, and did a great job! Plus, it’s kinda fun deciding where to put them. We used them on a cruise first, and they were so helpful in the cabin to hang things — by the door, so you don’t forget, by the bed for a dressing gown, by the bathroom or wardrobe area etc. They stayed put the whole week — just don’t forget to take them off the wall and pack them at the end, as they look nice enough to be part of the room design!!
Shopping Lou

Buy these magnetic hooks on Amazon HERE.

10. Glow in the dark self-adhesive tape that is easy to apply or remove. If you always hit the corner with your baby toe in the dark, mark it with this tape!

How to use:

  • Clean and dust the surface for better contact! Glue and leave to accumulate daylight or electric light.
  • Mark stairs in your home to make them safer.
  • Mark switches, keyholes, and other little things, so you don’t have to look for them in the dark anymore.
  • Don’t forget about that ill-fated bedside table that you constantly hit with your little toe, of course!
  • Decorate the room with glowing stars to admire yourself and with your child!

Promising review:

Long-lasting glow when LED light or sunlight is applied, can be used for a multitude of hobbies/tasks/projects.
I cut and used little bits for a clock so that I could see In the dark.
The one in the pic only had 5 seconds of LED light applied to get it to glow.
From a good glow, it lasts hrs, and you can still see it when low in the darkest of rooms.
Adhesive backing tape, a bit fiddly to remove.
Used a Stanley blade to separate the backing.
Note, I have that much left, I may use some of the remainder on a bike. A glow in the dark bicycle.
Gary J

Buy this tape on Amazon HERE.

If you had to move to a wild island and live in a hut, what three things would you take with you to make life more comfortable?

Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Preview photo credit Amazon


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