10 Times Pranks Became Stories to Share for Years

2 months ago

Pranks are all fun and games until they backfire so spectacularly that they become family reunion stories. These 10 pranks weren’t just jokes, they were unforgettable moments that left everyone laughing (or cringing) for years.


I saw a friend walking ahead of me, so did the old tap-on-the-shoulder-but-run-past-on-the-other-side maneuver. However, while concentrating on him, I didn't see the park bench, ran into it at full speed, and collapsed behind it.

Through the gaps in the seat, I could see my friend looking left and right, almost freaking out, wondering who'd tapped him in the shoulder. The tears from the pain in my leg kept me from laughing and giving myself away for about 20 seconds.

Unknown author / Reddit


My housemate was bringing a girl to the house. They'd been talking for weeks, and he was as excited as a toddler about it. He took her to dinner in town.

I went into his room, scattered rose petals and put some candles. In the center, I put a loo roll and a cheap ring in a velvet box. I lit the candles, closed the door and ran into my room. They came in, and I've never seen someone so embarrassed in my life.

StormerXL / Reddit


When I was in 3rd grade of middle school, we had a Physics teacher we didn't like. One day when we had a class with her, we all went to an empty classroom with all our belongings and someone hid in the hallway to check on her. She went to the class, saw it's empty and went to the principal. We all went back to class.

She came with the principal explaining that the class is empty, opened the door and saw us in the class. They asked where were we and we all said we were in the class the entire time and that she came to class, looked around and went out.

After that, she'd always ask us if it was a prank, and we'd left the class that day. We insisted that everyone was in the class, and we saw her coming and going out. By the end of the year, she was convinced that the room wasn't empty and for some strange reasons she hadn't seen us then.

keihaan / Reddit


I was probably 10-11 and my mom had just made brownies, the soft chewy kind. I was one of those kids that constantly played with my food, so I was squishing up brownies into bite-sized balls and quickly noticed that they looked strikingly like cat poop.

I fashioned them into cat turds and placed them in my sister's room to gross her out. She found them shortly after and started to freak out, then I casually walked in like, "Whoa, what's going on" and proceeded to pick one up, eat it in front of her and comment on the nutty taste. I'd never seen her more horrified in my life, but I felt like a true mastermind that day.

Adillsandhispickle / Reddit


I was sitting in the cafeteria eating and studying when a buddy came and sat down. Made some small talk, and then he went to get food. He came back with nothing, explained that he forgot his wallet at home. I offered him some money, but he wouldn't take it.

I offered to share my food, and he declined, but jokingly touched the edge of the crust of one of the small slices. I told him he might as well eat it now because I couldn't. I went on to explain that I can't eat food that I know someone else has touched, and that I was extremely phobic about it.

Fast-forward over ten years later, I finally had to come clean about it, after over a decade of insisting no one could touch anything I was going to eat. I explained that it was all because I didn't like the thought of him going hungry over his pride. Of course, he did spend a couple weeks touching just about everything I ate there after that.

Kithsander / Reddit


One summer when my cousin and I decided to prank everyone else. We put small piles of flour on each blade of the ceiling fan in the living room. Just enough to not be seen from the ground. A few weeks went by and nothing happened, and we had forgotten about it.

The day finally came. My mom had company over. I was in the kitchen and I heard all kinds of shouting/screaming coming from the living room. My cousin ran up to me grinning and said, “It’s happening.”

The living room looked like it had just snowed inside. Everything was coated in a dusting of flour. My mother was screaming, her guests were staring in confusion, and the dogs were running around in circles. It was so amazing - until we had to clean it all up.

sats1995 / Reddit


Cooking at school; different parts of the menu were prepared by different people. The girl tasked with the fruit salad was halving grapes when I passed her, so I commented that she wasn't peeling them. "Were we supposed to do that?" - "Of course, didn't you listen? Ask the teacher!"

A long time later, I had already forgotten the matter, not expecting to be taken seriously, I heard our teacher yell, "Anita, what are you doing?!?" Poor girl was almost done peeling a pound of grapes.

Akareyon / Reddit


You remember the Juicy Fruit gum sticks? The ones with the wrapper? I'd carefully open the gum and save the wrapper. Then I'd carve a piece of soap to look like the gum, re-wrap it and give it to my sister.

The kicker was that after she first put the gum in her mouth and discovered it was soap, I'd laugh and then offer her a real stick of gum as an apology. That second stick was also soap. She fell for it.

KnowanUKnow / Reddit


A friend of mine (Dan) was talking to his coworker (John) about one of his favorite desserts. Said dessert was a combination of chocolate pudding, corn, peanut butter, and mandarin oranges (Dan just threw together ingredients that would be disgusting). John was skeptical, so Dan promised to bring him some the next day.

Dan went home and he and his wife concocted a mixture of these ingredients and some more and packed it up for John to have the next day. When Dan gave it to John he made a face, smelt it, and very hesitantly took a bite. He chewed and swallowed while Dan tried to hold in his laughter. Then John goes, "Wow, this is good!" and proceeded to eat the entire container. Dan didn't see this coming.

r311im507 / Reddit


My housemate used to live off tinned food. He'd have a massive variety of soups, curries and veggies in his cupboards, but all tinned. I carefully removed the label off a tin of chicken soup and stuck it onto a tin of value cat food I'd bought in the supermarket for this purpose.

2 weeks pass, and I’ve sort of forgotten about the tin when he's in the kitchen making dinner, and we hear him saying in an alarmed voice, "Erm guys...What do you think of this soup? Looks a bit funny to me!" At this point, I couldn’t breathe due to laughing so hard.

sandyman83 / Reddit

Job interviews can feel just as nerve-wracking as a first date, minus the potential free meal and with way more awkward pauses. In this article, people spill their weirdest and most cringe-worthy interview stories that will make your toughest job hunt look like a walk in the park.

Preview photo credit StormerXL / Reddit


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