12 Beauty Tips That Help Royals Look Dashing

Tips & tricks
3 years ago

The representatives of royal families are constantly watched by millions. Every one of their public appearances is met with thousands of clicks of professional and amateur cameras, and their photos fill media outlets all over the world. That’s why members of monarchies are bound by numerous rules regarding makeup and self-care.

We at Bright Side found out what secrets let princesses and duchesses look like a million bucks and remain an example for everyone to follow.

A suitable shape for eyebrows

Kate Middleton masterfully enhances the shape of her brows by smoothly lifting their curve, which makes the eyes appear more open, while the brows look natural and accurate. The fact that the trend of plucking out brows in the past played an important role here, and Kate’s face started to look more harmonious without these manipulations.

Accentuating the jawline

It’s a real art not to overload the face with contouring, but instead, to make the right accents. Kate uses a pink shade of bronzer, which gives her face a fresh look.

Classic shades of lipstick

Charlene, the Princess of Monaco, is not afraid to use bright lipstick. But for this, she opts for classic shades of red. She always looks elegant in stylish outfits, skillfully choosing gloss and matte tones of makeup.

Natural curls

Being a student, Kate started to go for hairstyles with soft gradients, which gives volume to a hairdo. When she got engaged, the future duchess started to straighten her hair and curl the ends. Today, being a part of the royal family, Kate prefers a natural hair color and wavy tresses.

A focus on the eyes

The duchess does her makeup herself at home. Even while preparing for her wedding, she didn’t seek help from makeup artists. Recently, Kate started to give preference to smoky eyes of brown shades to bring attention to her green eyes.

Nude nail polish

The Japanese Princess, Hisako Takamado, prefers to wear short nails in a square shape, and they’re always well-groomed and ideal-looking. Most often, the princess applies nail polish of beige or nude hues.

Transparent facial tone

After becoming a member of the royal family, Meghan started to use light makeup foundation, which doesn’t hide her natural skin color and freckles. By the way, it’s better to apply such a tone with a beauty blender, not a brush.

Simple hairstyles

Modern royals avoid complex hairstyles that make the hairs stick together and appear heavy. They give preference to voluminous hairdos as well as healthy and shiny hair. Rania, the Queen of Jordan, pays special attention to acquiring volume near the roots.

Suitable products to make oneself up quickly

The cousin of Princes William and Harry, Princess Eugenie, has to always be ready for attention from the public. At the same time, her image shouldn’t resemble an “Instagram face.” She confessed that she often makes herself up in the car on her way to an event. Eugenie applies a minimal amount of cosmetics and loves to use bronzer and mascara.

Facial exercises

Meghan Markle cares about her natural beauty, and that’s why she sculpts her face with the help of exercises by the methods of Nicola Joss.

Advice from makeup artists

There are plenty of video tutorials on how to apply makeup, where we can find useful ideas available to the public today. The makeup artist, Mary Greenwell, who used to work with Princess Diana, advised her to ditch the blue eyeliner to make the natural blue color of her eyes more vivid.

Moisturizing the skin

Queen Elizabeth II also does her makeup herself. She only invites professional makeup artists when preparing for public events. It’s everyday moisturizing of the skin that helps her look much younger than her age.

What beauty tips do you use? Please share them with us in the comments.


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most of it because they are not allowed to wear any bright makeup


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