15 hilarious old-school difficulties our kids will never understand

year ago

It’s difficult to fathom that some children born in 2008 will start school this year. And for that reason, it’s time to admit that you’re probably almost a dinosaur to them and even for older school kids.

We decided to remind you of some of the things that were painfully familiar to us not so long ago, but which it is highly unlikely the younger generation will ever face or understand. Get ready for some nostalgia!

When a programme stops responding...

What it was like playing pinball...

When you had to wake up early to watch your favourite cartoons...

That never-ending search for the right folder!

When your sound system couldn’t read the disc you’d just burned...

When this has an actual ring of truth to it...

When you lose the ball from your old-school mouse...

When it takes forever to find your favourite CD...

When it takes forever to get your hands on one song...

When you had to go to a rental store to get hold of a new CD or to watch a film

When you lose one of your pencil leads...

When you see “There’s no space for new message” terrifying notice!

When you were faced with the choice of either the internet or the telephone...

When you had to rewind a cassette tape using a pen...

Source buzzfeed


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