15+ People Who Got a Tattoo as a Tribute to Someone They Love

11 months ago

Tattoos don’t just serve aesthetic purposes; they can symbolize trust, love, and cherished memories, and often allow people to keep their loved ones close to them forever. While some may oppose tattoos, many find profound meaning in them, with each design telling a unique story. Above all, they can evoke powerful emotions, particularly if they’re an homage to a special someone.

1. “My new Simpsons tattoo for my late father.”

2. “A tattoo for my sister and I. Us against the universe.”

3. “Honoring my birth givers”

4. “Mom”

5. «Poppies to honor my Pop-Pop’s passing.»

6. «My wife and I got tattoos of a diagram depicting the position of the planets as they were the exact time we were married.»

7. «A matching tattoo my little sister and I got!»

8. «Dad passed away this weekend, so I got his atom in memory of him.»

9. «My parents’ wedding photo.»

10. «We’re siblings. The order from top to bottom here is the oldest, youngest, and then middle.»

11. «My Nan not letting anything get her down.»

12. «A tribute to my children and my journey through motherhood.»

13. «My grandma’s handwriting from a card she gave me before she passed.»

14. «My grandfather on Tybee Island outside Savannah, GA, 1956.»

15. «My siblings and I got Calvin & Hobbes tattoos in memory of our father.»

16. «A tattoo of my mom»

There’s nothing more special than finding “the one” and people who are fans of tattoos often decide to get one in honor of their soulmate. It’s no different with celebrities, and plenty of power couples have gotten matching tattoos, including Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. See theirs and other tattoos in this article!

Preview photo credit ayy-shane / Reddit


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