20+ Pics to Prove That Life With a Family Is Truly Unpredictable

Family is the compass that guides us through a wide variety of different emotions. They inspire us to reach great heights and are a great comfort if we occasionally falter. And what’s more, having extremely witty children means you never know whether to laugh out loud or clutch your pearls.

We at Bright Side have found some unique family portraits that say many fascinating things without using any words.

1. “My daughter snuck up from behind and nearly gave me a heart attack.”

2. “I’m so obsessed with this Father’s Day photo we took today.”

3. “It was my son’s (10) first time requesting a special Valentine’s Day gift for a girl at school.”

“He asked for help. I love being a mom to this precious child.”

4. “Show me you have a toddler without showing me your toddler.”

5. “My 6-year-old is reading now and told me she ’made me these sentences.’”

6. “I’ve had about 5 mini heart attacks thinking these pajamas were my baby who is actually in her crib.”

7. “Never pay for a zoo ticket again with this one simple hack.”

8. “When you try to do something nice for your daughter”

9. “My family’s attempt at stacking people 4 high in the pool.”

10. “A family playing cards on the highway while stuck in traffic”

11. “A Back to the Future obsessed dad turns 40 and this is just a taste of what this dad’s amazing family gave him.”

12. “Carry on, my wayward son.”

13. “This is the only way...”

14. “My daughter just came around the corner wearing a lavender face mask.”

15. “My daughter’s love of goldfish is out of control.”

16. “How my daughter demands going potty”

17. “My daughter insisted we throw a b-day party for our dog.”

18. “I’m proud of my daughter’s monthly pics.”

19. “It’s hard to see, but my son is actually in this photo (hiding behind the helicopter).”

20. Applause to the quality of this cabinetry

21. “My 4 year old helping me trim the bushes. With a rubber mallet haha.”

22. “Here’s my boy trying to become ’Blue Panther’. His sister helped him fulfill his 5 y/o dream.”

Do you have some fancy family portraits or interesting stories to add? Please share them all with us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit Ps*h0matt / Reddit


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