15 Pregnant Women Share the Most Stunning Highlights of Their Pregnancy

3 years ago

There is no doubt that pregnancy is an unforgettable experience. While every woman experiences it differently, they all agree that carrying another human inside their belly is a wonderful, festive, and magical journey during which many stunning moments take place.

The Bright Side team has searched the Internet to find the most memorable moments of several women’s experiences during pregnancy.

1. Sneaknig while pregnant isn’t very sneaky.

2. “A gift my husband made for me to use when strangers/family get too grabby toward my belly without asking first”

3. “My wife is pregnant and she thought it would be funny to take a picture of our dog’s feet looking like they are hers.”

4. Crepes in the middle of the night? Why not?

5. “My 39-week pregnant wife went to the store to ’get stuff for dinner.’ This is what she came home with.”

6. “Pregnancy brain is so real. My daughter’s daycare lady sent me this. I’m so embarrassed.”

7. Sympathy pregnancy

8. “On my way to see Deadpool 2

9. “No one asked for this but...I had to. 9 months pregnant with my second!”

10. “19 years ago today, on Halloween, this is how I announced to my students and colleagues that I was pregnant.”

11. “My pregnant belly helped me this Halloween. I present to you: Nacho Libre maternity wear.”

12. “35 years old, divorced, and living in a van down by the river...”

13. Pregnant belly stickers

14. Belly bump art

15. “My pregnant wife is practicing her swaddling.”

Which pregnancy highlight was your favorite? Do you have a pregnancy highlight of yourself, a friend, or your partner? Let us know in the comments.

Preview photo credit Stacieinhorrorland / Reddit


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