15+ Small Crimes That Went Unpunished Because the Criminals Were Too Charming
People say, “Silence is golden unless you have a toddler.” But this isn’t always true. If children or pets are quiet, it’s worth checking in on what they’re doing. Some people find this quiet to be anything but pleasant — but rather, extremely uproarious — and decide to share these photos of how their little ones explored the world so that we could all share a laugh.
Here at Bright Side, we truly think kids, dogs, and cats are little angels and even when they make a mess, sometimes it can be pretty chucklesome.
1. “My son found some ’stickers’ in the bathroom.”
2. “My kiddo cut his hair yesterday then agreed to let me have a little fun with it before we fixed it.”
3. Why you don’t mess with beanbags...
4. “My toddler is giving our toilet paper a bath.”
5. “Try working with a 4-year-old dressed like Spider-Man perched on the kitchen table behind you whispering, ’Can you hear me breathe?’”
6. “A silent toddler means trouble. Came downstairs and found this.”
7. “Everyone is posting about their dogs looking guilty and then there’s my dog, who is clearly proud of her work.”
8. “Why I can’t have nice things...”
9. “I’m glad you’re home. It’s been pretty boring around here.”

And all that happened in the first 5 minutes mom!
10. “I’ve been toilet training the cat. I think he’s learning too well.”
11. “My son just made a huge mess. This is his ’just let me explain’ face.”
12. There’s no force more destructive than a toddler left alone for 30 seconds...

wait why does pulling the keys on a keyboard look so fun?
13. “I think he enjoyed it.”
14. “My daughter’s been silent for 5 minutes. Went to investigate.”
15. “My daughter backed into a light pole and promptly got out of the vehicle and fled the scene. It was her very first hit and run.”
16. “Daddy, can you open this?”
17. “My 6-year-old has some kind of vendetta against the Roomba.”
18. This is why you don’t give kids eggs.
Have your little ones ever done similar small crimes? We’d be happy to see your pics in the comments below!
Pretty sure this little kiddo in #18 saw about the incubators somewhere and just wanted to grow a little chick!
Dog in #7 doesn't feel any regret at all! ?

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