16 Things That Can Blend in With Their Surroundings Better Than Chameleons

3 years ago

If you’ve ever spent hours searching for a thing that was “hidden” right in front of your eyes, then you’ve probably seen those objects that can completely merge with their surroundings. Sometimes the thing and the background match so perfectly, it takes time and effort to see what is where, and it turns out these “chameleons” are not that rare — you may have one at your own house.

Here at Bright Side, we’ve found 16 gurus of camouflage in the world of inanimate things. Let’s see if they manage to also trick your vision.

1. There’s a chip on the table. Can you see it?

2. “My friend’s water bottle matches my other friend’s shirt.”

3. “The way this carpet matched my shoes”

4. This cleaner perfectly blends in with the countertop it is meant for.

5. This phone is a real chameleon.

6. “My wife’s single-purpose camouflage socks”

7. “My shirt matches my mom’s wallpaper.”

8. “Pesto pizza camouflaged on the counter”

9. It looks like someone has to search for their wallet pretty often.

10. “I looked down to find that my shoes matched the rug.”

11. When the tissue box is wearing the same dress as you...

12. “My luggage matched the train I rode in Amsterdam.”

13. There’s a chair in this pic, but it took us quite a while to see it.

14. “Socks that match my carpet a little bit.”

15. 3 Tic Tacs that perfectly merge with the background

16. “I just realized that my cheese plate matches my kitchen counters.”

When was the last time life surprised you with a curious match? If you took a photo of that scene, show it to us in the comments!


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