17 Shameful Constructions We Can’t Make Sense Of

3 years ago

Before something is built, there is a certain procedure that is usually followed. We start with an idea, then we move on to drawing the design, and then proceed to construct the actual project. However, it seems that some people skip the second step and go straight to building without thinking about the possible faults. That’s why we end up with constructions that create more issues than solving the existing problems.

Bright Side wonders what some people think when they create the design for a construction and if they ever regret what they’ve done.

1. “The stairs in an Airbnb I stayed in where every step is a different height, width, and depth.”

2. This building has 2 doors and a very unsettling window placement.

3. “Everything about this annoys me. The way it’s off centered. The random balcony at the top.”

3. “Building a wall on the window.”

5. “I’ve tripped in the kitchen but never on my way to the kitchen.”

6. “Went to the park to shoot some hoops today.”

7. How on earth will you pass through this?

8. “How should I open the door on the left?”

9. “This wheelchair ramp at a shopping center”

10. “I was getting a tour of a potential home to buy but as soon as I saw this I left.”

11. “This roof over a picnic table that has a gap in the middle.”

12. “Faucets directly above outlets.”

13. “I can see into the main hallway of the building standing at the urinal.”

14. “That’s how the bike path ends.”

15. It doesn’t look like geometry is important to them.

16. “This headboard mounted over the power outlets in the hotel we’re staying at.”

17. “Stoplights in Lake Tahoe filled with snow due to not having the bottom cut out to prevent snow accumulation.”

What is the worst construction you’ve ever seen on the street or inside a house? Was it something that could cause an accident or just a funny one?


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