17 Unique Finds That Made People Feel Like the Universe’s Favorite

2 years ago

Imagine going to the store to buy an onion and finding one that weighs as much as your puppy. You will probably buy it, even if it isn’t very practical. Only the thought of the gigantic onion rings you could make with it would be reason enough. Unique things like this might not happen to us every day, but they sure make our lives more entertaining when they do.

Bright Side compiled 17 pictures that will make your eyes stare and wonder how they are even possible.

1. “A tiny baby hummingbird compared to the size of a raspberry”

2. Imagine a banana being almost as big as your child.

3. A giant African snail as a pet

4. “This absolute unit of an onion I bought today at 2.5 lb”

5. “Pringles released an extra-long can for Pakistan’s Independence Day.”

6. There’s nothing cuter than a polydactyl cat that, instead of 18 toes, in total, has more than 20.

7. “This house looks like it has no backside.”

8. “An absolute rotund boy of a blueberry”

9. “This cabbage at the Alaska State Fair”

10. “A western (Australian) pygmy possum”

11. A giant mushroom from the Scottish Highlands

12. These are some pretty big tires.

13. Looks like a lemon that would last you one month.

14. “This deformed sweet potato I found at work”

15. Green onions that will last you for an entire year

16. A giant friendly grasshopper

17. “She said she wanted the biggest cinnamon roll they had.”

Have you ever seen anything you felt the rest of the world had to see and rushed to take a picture of it? If so, feel free to share these unbelievable photos with us.


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