18 Famous Women Who Change Their Style as Often as We Blink Our Eyes

Girls stuff
2 years ago

During her life, every woman tries different styles of clothing, experiments with the color of their hair, hairdo, and makeup. Moreover, for celebrities, appearance is one of the tools of their popularity and that’s why they regularly change their image to please the fans.

We at Bright Side love to watch the metamorphosis happening with celebs’ looks, which is why we decided to find out how these 18 actresses and singers changed throughout their careers.

Celine Dion

Kelly Osbourne

Scarlett Johansson

Victoria Beckham


Demi Lovato

Emma Stone

Miley Cyrus

Emily Blunt

Emma Watson

Rebecca Ferguson

Billie Eilish

Anya Taylor-Joy

Jennifer Lopez

Kristen Stewart

Avril Lavigne

Gwen Stefani


Do you think these celebrities look better with age or do you think some of their earlier images suit them more?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!


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