17 People Whose Achievements Turned Them Into Superheroes

year ago

Perhaps there is nothing in the world more rewarding than that feeling of pride after putting in a ton of hard work for something. And we can’t help but admire the strength of these people who have pushed their boundaries and achieved wonders, inspiring us to get on with the projects we have been putting off. Scroll through these photos for some uplifting vibes.

1. “Today marks 1,000 days sober. Going into rehab and having the courage to ask for help saved my life.”

2. “In 11th grade I forged my parents’ signature, so I could shave my head and raise money for St. Baldricks.”

“They told me no, I came home bald. I raised about $1,000 for childhood cancer research ✊🏻”

3. “The left is the last picture I took before working toward who I am today.”

4. “Me holding my son at my high school graduation vs me holding my son at his high school graduation”

5. “My 91-year-old grandmother made these for me. Here she is with them the day she gave them to me.”

6. “2 paintings posted earlier this year, now to be in the 2022 Reddit recap vid”

7. “I feel like a new human being — also gained an extra inch on my hight!”

8. “F, 29, 2 years of taking care of myself”

9. “I got my teeth fixed today.”

10. “Got married yesterday after years of delays!”

11. “56 lb lost in 2 years, slow but steady! Seeing some fabulous face gains.”

12. “In July, I couldn’t hold a pencil after an accident gave my arm and hand nerve damage — today I was able to do one eye. Not perfect but feeling proud.”

13. “Proud dad moment — 5-year-old son just did 17 miles.”

14. “My dad and me at the same luau in Maui 25 years apart”

15. “I’m a GRANDMA! My youngest daughter had a baby girl. She had heart surgery for a congenital heart defect but is doing really good so far.”

“She also has a cleft lip but is still beautiful! Love her!”

16. “I’m proud of myself taking the first step toward fitness — 2.5 miles, 200 calories.”

17. “Mom finally got married today after being together for 15 years.”

Preview photo credit starshipvelcro / Reddit


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