20 Celebrities Who Stay Forever Young

year ago

Turns out that the older you get, the happier you are. The doubts automatically disappear when we take a look at these 20 celebrities who prove that age gives you a special charm. Once we look at their faces, we can’t help but nod in agreement.

1. Helen Mirren

2. Nicole Kidman

© Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com, PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP/East News

3. Charlize Theron

4. Adam Sandler

5. Willem Dafoe

6. Jackie Chan

7. Ellen DeGeneres

8. Orlando Bloom

9. Matt Damon

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot./East News, Invision/Invision/East News

10. Ashton Kutcher

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot./ East News, © Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

11. Angelina Jolie

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot./ East News, © Cubankite / Shutterstock.com

12. Mila Jovovich

13. Jennifer Aniston

14. Reese Witherspoon

15. Jamie Lee Curtis

16. Mary Steenburgen

17. Jaclyn Smith

18. Harrison Ford

19. Oprah Winfrey

20. Salma Hayek


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