19 Cool Kitchen Utensils That Can Make Cooking Much Easier

2 years ago

Even though many people enjoy cooking, the majority of us don’t have really good associations with the kitchen. We consider it a chore and try to find new ways to make the cooking process easier and save some time. A knife that gets heated, a hammock for fruit, cups with a secret, and so on. So many things have been invented to help us solve our daily problems.

At Bright Side, we found out which kitchen devices and utensils people use to make the cooking process enjoyable. We’ve never even heard about some of them, but they are now on our soon-to-buy list.

1. “I love my Butter Bell. I always have soft spreadable butter.”

2. “I have a utensil that is invaluable for soft boiled eggs.”

3. “My mug has a moustache protector so it doesn’t get wet.”

4. “Meet my sweet little angel egg yolk separator, that I love like my own child.”

5. “The drawer in my kitchen that is made to dispense paper towels.”

6. Do you make your own salad dressing, soup, or sauce? You need these! Lemon and/or lime squeezers.

7. This titanium-coated butter knife has internal copper alloy heat tubes. It heats up by being in your hand to make spreading butter easier.

8. “I thrifted this vintage German creamer, sugar dispenser, and salt shaker set today. Tragically pepper got separated from the flock.”

9. This grinder dispenses salt one way and pepper the other.

10. This fruit hammock

11. “I got a new lemon squeezer for my kitchen.”

12. “My favorite underrated kitchen utensil is the grapefruit spoon!”

13. “I picked it up at a thrift store just because it intrigued me. It turned out to be a corn stripper.”

14. “My garlic mincer. Open the top, stuff in some garlic cloves, and roll it on the countertop. The blades inside rotate and mince the garlic.”

15. “I love this thing. It froths and stirs my coffee. It’s the best gift I’ve received in recent memory.”

16. “I inherited this cat potato masher from my grandma and it’s my favorite kitchen utensil now.”

17. “My mug has a tea bag compartment.”

18. “If they ask me what my favorite kitchen utensil is, I’ll say this: my egg thingy. You can lower and retrieve eggs from boiling water with ease. It’s the best.”

19. “My favorite kitchen utensil is the pasta portion thing.”

Do you have a favorite kitchen utensil or accessory? What other useful and original utensils would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit beckygracelea / Twitter


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I love the meat masher. it makes hamburger or sausage into little tiny pieces when baking sausage gravy and ot spaghetti . Stuff you need to break up into minced pieces. it's one of my favorites!!!


#15 I have it in light blue. It’s great- although it does not heat the half and half (well obviously.) Mom bought herself an espresso maker and a heating milk frother. It’s wonderful, although gets it a bit hotter than I like. Not a bad problem to have but the battery operated frother I have works. Husband uses it to stir mixed drinks.

Also- it would be nice to have lemon/lime squeezers but tongs work fairly well. It was a tip from an Italian chef that likes to show people how to make things on a budget. I managed to get a good tongs set (like 4 types) as a wedding gift so no need to buy the actual “squeezers.” This is a good list though- I’m always up for a decently prized gadget that works better.


agree, the milk frothier is one of the best things. I also use mine to stir cocoa


post to indicate if you are old. If you read it and decided that you have / need/ want any of these - you are old :D


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