House plants are great decorations for almost any interior design. They make the place feel and look cozy and more alive. But you need to be careful: you run the risk of getting carried away with the process of buying plants and taking care of them. This is exactly what happened to the people in today’s compilation. Some of them realized that they had so many different flowers that they needed a separate room for all of them.
We at Bright Side also love plants and we have some in our homes. We’re excited to see photos from people that turned their homes into a real live jungle.
“I ordered it without seeing it at a local nursery. My wife hasn’t stopped laughing since it got delivered 20 minutes ago. It’s 11 feet tall!”
“My wife kept bringing home nearly dead orchids from work that her coworkers stopped caring for after they lost all of their flowers, insisting she could get them to flower again.”
“I didn’t believe her. I was very wrong.”
“My grandma’s hobby is breeding cacti so she had to have the building they are in specially built because her house got too full. She’s about to get another building to house even more.”
“’Hey I got you something,’ my husband said as he dragged a whole tree into my kitchen. What is this and what do I do with it?? It’s over 7 feet tall and I am very afraid.”
Photos taken 6 months apart
“Welcome to this little sneak peek into my wife’s plant room! She has 105 house plants and isn’t stopping the collection anytime soon!”
“My wife said I couldn’t have any more in the house. So this is my office now.”
“A section of my boyfriend’s balcony — his home feels like walking into a jungle.”
“Took a family picture today. I have a few more.”
“This collection started in winter with 3 plants my mom didn’t have room for. I added 6 more, and this weekend, my husband threatened divorce...”
“A plant corner, a.k.a. my favorite spot to drink my morning coffee”
“It’s my birthday so my partner promised he wouldn’t stop me from buying any plants today. In that case...”
“I don’t have space for any of these but — whatever!”
“My husband’s family was having a contest of sorts to see who had the most house plants. We won!”
“My very first lemons! I’ve waited 5 years for this moment.”
“And so the obsession begins! I’ve gone from 1 plant to 8 in a week. Any tips on how to sneak more in without my husband noticing would be massively appreciated.”
“When you get to the store for laundry detergent but enter through the garden center...”
“About 2 months ago, I bought a parlor palm and suddenly was addicted to indoor plants. Yesterday, my husband said to me ’I think that’s enough plants.’”
“But what does he know? Not pictured are the other 18 plants that I’ve placed throughout this room.”
“Went to the local nursery and got the biggest plant. Love my new Rojo Congo! I have a tiny compact car and it miraculously fit inside.”
“I’m not allowed to buy any more houseplants or my husband will kill me! However, if you get enough plants, your husband won’t be able to find you in the jungle that your place has become.”
— “So proud of my living room jungle!”
— “I bet you have the freshest air in the city.”
“Oh, man. I wonder if the husband will notice 2 new plants among the other 60 I have in the living room alone. Let’s see!”
What plants do you have at home? Do you prefer to have many plants or do you think that 1 to 2 is enough?