20+ Times Our Eyes Deceived Us and We Didn’t Even Realize It

3 years ago

Some things in this world are absolute magic, and others are just an illusion. The key point here is not to fall for things we see too fast and to at least try to do a double-take. After all, our universe has many simple yet tricky ways to catch our attention and truly deceive our eyes.

We at Bright Side have found some photos that prove, again and again, we can’t believe everything we see these days.

1. Looking through the slippers

2. “The adhesive left on my dashcam lens makes it look like an eye.”

3. “Mutant cat”

4. “Looks like my teeth but it’s a lollipop (I’m the one on the top right).”

5. “I put another type of shower gel on top of the old one, and after a few pumps they start ’raining’ down. Looks like melted wax.”

6. “A rainbow cloud that looks like a paint brush”

7. “Gatorade in a beam of sunlight looks like it’s glowing.”

8. “Double-ended giraffe”

9. “The way the sky reflected off the glass at sunset made the balconies look as though they were floating.”

10. “Hand feet”

11. “Paprika the Fox only has 2 legs.”

12. “JoJo, the dog-headed boy”

13. “Saw a dog driving a van yesterday.”

14. “Blendin’ in”

15. “This picture of a bird I took at Yellowstone made me do a double-take.”

16. “A mysterious spaceship hovers over Miami.”

17. “Kneeling giant”

18. “Double-headed rhino”

19. “A man with 2 bodies”

20. “My friend easily carrying his end of this fallen tree”

21. “Whose leg is this?”

22. “Floating prime rib”

23. “Where are the legs?”

Has the universe ever deceived your eyes? And why is it so easy to fall for it, you think? Please let us know in the comments below.

Preview photo credit KingOfTheHlll / reddit


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