22 People Who Prove That All Great Things Start With a First Step

3 years ago

Not having time is usually the number one excuse we use when we feel like we are in a rut. But, like it or not, nothing good comes from staying in our comfort zone, and even though taking the first step might be the hardest, it’s the one that will take us the furthest.

We at Bright Side were inspired by these 22 people and decided to share a daily dose of motivation with all of you.

1. “Same spot, 3 years apart! So much happier and healthier!”

2. “There are days you need to remind yourself of the work you have already done. Honor all those yesterdays.”

3. “I don’t even look like the same person anymore, but I promise that’s me in both pictures. My son and I, a little over 1-year difference.”

4. “I can’t believe the difference a few years can make.”

5. “A photo of me on my 26th birthday vs a photo of me last night on my 28th birthday.”

6. “From struggling to climb a single flight of stairs to running my first 4-mile race!”

7. “Broke my family’s poverty cycle — my wife and I just bought our first home!”

8. “One year ago, I started to pursue my childhood dream of becoming a professional artist.”

9. “I was so miserable and frantic in the before pic. Happy to report that I’m loving life these days.”

10. “Obese my whole life and learning to eat more healthy (nutritionally and emotionally).”

11. “Local river cleanup complete!”

12. “I have finally found my confidence.”

13. “My first attempt at portrait painting vs My most recent”

14. “Tenth wedding anniversary was yesterday. Pulled out the old wedding dress to see how it fit.”

15. “Believe in yourself!”

16. “For my 50th birthday, I published my first book. You’re never too old to reach your dreams.”

17. “I have some disabilities and struggle with my mental health. It took me hours but was able to clean my room the way I deserve.”

18. “February 2020 vs July 2021. Started weight loss in April 2020.”

19. “The last time I wore a medium, it was still the 20th century.”

20. “I cleaned my way out of my depression nest so I could start the new year on a better (and cleaner) note.”

21. “It’s been a long 3 years. I had ups and downs, but I’m not ashamed of this face anymore. Matter of fact, I’m actually kind of proud.”

22. “I want to give my kids the best possible version of myself.”

Do you have any progress picks of yourself? If you do, share them with us in the comment section.

Preview photo credit bumblebb94 / Reddi


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