28 Times People’s Destiny Played a Trick on Them

4 years ago

There are days when everything just goes wrong. For example, your little brother accidentally disables your smartphone or a stranger spoils your wedding picture. Of course these situations are not tragic, but they’re really irritating. The heroes of today’s article faced these very problems and will make you feel like your day isn’t that bad.

Bright Side gathered 28 photos of people who wish they had a time machine so they could avoid some of these fails. There’s a bonus in the end: the cherry on a cake called bad luck.

Something terrible happens in 3, 2, 1...

You still think you know what true shame is?

“So I ask myself, ’Why me?’ ”

So close

She was too sleepy to notice until her feet got really cold.

“Finally got it!”

“So you wanna do some yoga, do you?”

“I opened my new sketch pencils today... I don’t know what I did to deserve this.”

“My friend’s phone after my baby brother played with it.”

“They put up yellow police tape all around the beach for this wedding, yet somehow this random lady in the blue swim suit still felt the need to stand there and watch the whole thing.”

There are no tolerable captions for this pic.

When you were invited to a couples-only party.

“My friend’s desktop background. Somehow he’s ok with it.”

When you asked to have your sub cut in half.

This car is parked, by the way.

“My husband has been sticking these in places I can’t reach to annoy me. It’s working.”

“I asked for 3 donuts and a water cup. The entire staff thought I said 3 donuts in a water cup. Here’s the result.”

“Oh, let me just put these empty eggshells back in the container. I married a savage.”

“That smartphone view...”

“You mistakenly leave your phone open when heading to the bathroom, then find that your girlfriend has done this to it when you get back.”

“I asked if they could cut it in half so I could split it with my boyfriend...”

“My crystal ball paper weight burnt a hole in my homework.”

We don’t choose the sponsors.

“My ex-girlfriend went through the effort of stealing every single keycap.”

“I had a perfect pencil until this day.”

“My baby ordered $94 worth of pizza on an app.”

“When college has you so exhausted that you accidentaly grab your shaving cream instead of your cologne.”

Bonus: it could have been so tasty.

And have you ever gotten in such situations? Do you have any pictures to share with us? Let’s make this compilation even funnier!


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