
Who Is Rihanna Married to? A Look Inside the Wedding Rumors

Who Is Rihanna Married to? A Look Inside the Wedding Rumors
5 months ago

Rihanna, a global sensation known for her chart-topping hits and trendsetting style, has cultivated an enigmatic persona both on and off the stage. While her professional accomplishments continue to captivate audiences worldwide, it’s her romantic endeavors that often dominate headlines. Fans and gossip mongers alike eagerly speculate about Rihanna’s love life, particularly regarding her marital status. Amidst rumors and conjecture, the burning question persists: who is Rihanna married to?

Following Ruined Wedding Plans, a Couple Gets Married on a Plane

Following Ruined Wedding Plans, a Couple Gets Married on a Plane

Every person has dreamt about their wedding day since they were a young child. We picture ourselves gearing up and making that day memorable as we tie the knot with our long-term partner. However, getting married on an aircraft is an entirely different tale. That’s precisely what happened to Pam and Jeremy when they sealed their forever union while flying on a plane bound for Las Vegas.

I Objected at My Mom’s Wedding and Brought the Day to a Screeching Halt

I Objected at My Mom’s Wedding and Brought the Day to a Screeching Halt
Family & kids
5 days ago

Ever wondered what would happen if someone actually objected at a wedding, just like in the movies? Well, one of our readers did it—at her own mother's wedding, no less. What followed was a day she'll never forget, for all the wrong reasons.Before you dive into this tale of family drama, be warned: sometimes those movie moments are best left on the silver screen. Here's how one daughter brought her mom's big day to chaos and learned a hard lesson about real-life consequences.

I Refused to Let a Family Tragedy Ruin My Wedding Day

I Refused to Let a Family Tragedy Ruin My Wedding Day
Family & kids
month ago

Family is meant to provide unwavering support during our toughest times, but life can throw us into incredibly difficult situations. Just as Leah’s wedding approached, tragedy struck: her sister’s husband and son tragically passed away just days before the ceremony. In the midst of this heartache, Leah’s sister insisted she cancel the wedding, but she stood her ground.However, what followed was a heartbreaking turn of events. Leah shared her story with us.

I Discovered My Fiancé Was Cheating on Me Right Before Our Wedding — I Decided to Teach Him a Lesson

I Discovered My Fiancé Was Cheating on Me Right Before Our Wedding — I Decided to Teach Him a Lesson
month ago

There are many different factors that can undermine the happiness of a couple, and one of them is infidelity. And it doesn't always emerge after many years of marriage; sometimes, it can appear much earlier. Recently, a couple had planned their big day, which was intended to be the most memorable day of the bride's life. Unfortunately, she received messages on her phone a few days before the wedding that changed everything. She reached out to Bright Side seeking advice.

My Sister Excluded Me From Her Wedding Because She Wants to Invite My Ex-Boyfriend

My Sister Excluded Me From Her Wedding Because She Wants to Invite My Ex-Boyfriend
Family & kids
month ago

Making a wedding guest list can seem exciting, but it can also cause tension. Couples may have different priorities, families might have their own expectations, and considering guests’ budgets and preferences can lead to disagreements. Despite these challenges, finding a balance is key to ensuring everyone enjoys the special day. This woman’s story is unique: she wasn’t invited to her sister’s wedding, but her ex was.

I Left My Wife on Our Wedding Night Because of Her Sick Surprise

I Left My Wife on Our Wedding Night Because of Her Sick Surprise
month ago

Marriage signifies the start of a new life together, and we all want our wedding day to be perfect. This was the intention of Thomas's bride on their wedding night, but what she thought would be a pleasant surprise turned unexpectedly dark, forcing him to leave her. Still in pain, he has written to us seeking advice.

A Woman Reveals, “My Sister’s Fiancé Accidentally Said My Name During Their Wedding Vows”

A Woman Reveals, “My Sister’s Fiancé Accidentally Said My Name During Their Wedding Vows”
2 months ago

In a startling and unforgettable turn of events, a woman shared her jaw-dropping experience of how her sister’s wedding took an unexpected twist when the groom accidentally uttered her name during the vows. The ceremony, which was meant to be a picture-perfect celebration of love, turned into a moment of sheer awkwardness and confusion. However, people in the comments of the video thought something was wrong.

I Forbade My Daughter to Wear Her Late Mom’s Wedding Dress, Now I’m an Enemy to the Whole Family

I Forbade My Daughter to Wear Her Late Mom’s Wedding Dress, Now I’m an Enemy to the Whole Family
Family & kids
2 months ago

Our reader, Adam, 42, wrote us a letter and shared his story, that seems to be quite painful for him personally. The man is still grieving his beloved late wife, and now he has a conflict with his eldest daughter because of a wedding dress she wants to wear to her wedding. The dress belongs to the man’s late wife, and he has a very serious reason to object against his daughter wearing mom’s dress at her own ceremony. But the whole family is now rejecting him because of his justified decision.

I Gave My Fiancé’s Family 4 Wedding Guidelines—They Got Offended and Won’t Come

I Gave My Fiancé’s Family 4 Wedding Guidelines—They Got Offended and Won’t Come
Family & kids
2 months ago

When two people from vastly different backgrounds fall in love, navigating the blending of their worlds can sometimes lead to stress. Meghan, a young woman soon to be a bride, found herself facing such a situation. She worried that her fiancé’s less privileged family wouldn’t fit into the vision she had for her wedding. In an attempt to resolve this, she came up with a solution that unfortunately exacerbated the situation. This is her story.

I Told My Stepdad to Skip My Wedding — I Didn't Expect the Brutal Consequence

I Told My Stepdad to Skip My Wedding — I Didn't Expect the Brutal Consequence
Family & kids
2 months ago

We aspire for our wedding day to be among the most joyous occasions in our lives, where we wish for all our cherished ones to be present to share in the celebration. Regrettably, Lynn found herself in the difficult position of having to choose between her father and stepfather to attend the momentous event. Despite making her decision at the time, Lynn later felt profound remorse upon realizing the repercussions. Seeking guidance, she reached out to us for counsel.

My MIL Interrupted Our Wedding Vows and Yelled at Me at Our Wedding

My MIL Interrupted Our Wedding Vows and Yelled at Me at Our Wedding
Family & kids
3 months ago

We all have some special memories from our wedding day. Some are sweet, while others may be even bitter, and some may be just comic. But anyway, this day is probably something that gets carved in our memory for the rest of our life. Our today’s heroine is a woman, whose memories about her special day turned out to be something that she wishes she could erase completely. She wrote us a letter, where she shared her story that took the most unexpected turn right on a significant day.

My Fiancé Has Shown His True Colors Right Before Our Wedding Day, I’m Disgusted

My Fiancé Has Shown His True Colors Right Before Our Wedding Day, I’m Disgusted
3 months ago

A woman, 38, wrote a letter to our editorial and shared her story with us. Her fiancé had been pretending a «nice guy» and she trusted him and thought his intentions were good. But right before their wedding, the woman’s opinion about her husband-to-be drastically changed, because he didn’t pretend for a moment when they discussed an important family thing. Since then, the woman can’t even look at her ex-beloved without feeling nauseated. Here are the details of this story with a very dramatic twist.

I’m Canceling My Wedding Because of a Nasty Truth I Learned About My Fiancé’s Past

I’m Canceling My Wedding Because of a Nasty Truth I Learned About My Fiancé’s Past
3 months ago

A woman, 37, wrote a letter to our editorial and told us her dramatic story, that couldn’t leave us indifferent. The woman complained that her husband-to-be had been hiding a very unpleasant thing from her, and she revealed it right before their special day. Her story proves that sometimes the past of our significant ones does matter, especially when we find out that there was something we should’ve been aware of, but the truth was hidden from us carefully.

We Got Some Wedding Money From Our Parents, but After We Learned Its Purpose, We’re Raging

We Got Some Wedding Money From Our Parents, but After We Learned Its Purpose, We’re Raging
3 months ago

While planning our special events, especially a wedding, some of us do want help from relatives, while others prefer to make all arrangements on their own. Our today’s heroine had an ideal picture of her special day, in her head, together with her husband-to-be. But all of a sudden, their parents wired them some nice sum, and after that really trashy things started happening.

I Asked My Stepdad Not to Attend My Wedding to Please My Dad

I Asked My Stepdad Not to Attend My Wedding to Please My Dad
Family & kids
3 months ago

On our wedding day, we aim for it to be one of the happiest days of our lives, where we want all our loved ones to be there to witness it. Sadly, for Lynn, she had to decide whether her dad or stepdad would attend the big day. Lynn made her choice, but later deeply regretted it after realizing the consequences. She reached out to us for advice.

I Want to Call Off My Wedding Because My Husband Is Embarrassed About My Culture

I Want to Call Off My Wedding Because My Husband Is Embarrassed About My Culture
4 months ago

There’re so many reasons why a husband and wife might have a major argument and the relationship may come to a dead end. Our today’s heroine is a woman, who experienced one of such incidents in her own relationship. The woman came to Reddit to ask people for a piece of advice, and she’s seriously considering to call off her wedding, because she doesn’t feel understood and respected enough.

My Mom and Entire Family Missed My Wedding Because My Step-Brother Had an Accident, but I Think It’s a Lie

My Mom and Entire Family Missed My Wedding Because My Step-Brother Had an Accident, but I Think It’s a Lie
Family & kids
4 months ago

Imagine the anticipation of your wedding day, an occasion that brims with joy and celebration, only to have it marked by an unforeseen event. This is what happened in today’s story, allegedly due to a step-brother’s sudden accident. However, in the middle of the sympathy and concern, doubts began to form, whispering that perhaps this narrative wasn’t as it seemed. The bride went online to see if her doubts made sense.

My MIL Wanted to Wear a Wedding Dress at My Wedding, So I Prepared a «Jacket of Shame» for Her

My MIL Wanted to Wear a Wedding Dress at My Wedding, So I Prepared a «Jacket of Shame» for Her
Family & kids
4 months ago

Our wedding is a special day, and we for sure want everything to go smoothly. But there are people who seem to have a vile plan to ruin it at any cost. The same happened to one woman, who wrote her story on Reddit. Her MIL wanted to wear white on her wedding day, but the bride decided to punish her for being absolutely deaf to multiple requests to wear any color but white.

I Uninvited My MIL From Our Wedding After She Wanted to Walk Me Down the Aisle

I Uninvited My MIL From Our Wedding After She Wanted to Walk Me Down the Aisle
Family & kids
5 months ago

Parents play the biggest role in our lives, bringing us into the world and guiding us on the journey called life. Mothers often have a special bond with their sons, especially if they are the only son, making life a little more complicated when it comes to welcoming a daughter-in-law into the family circle. This MIL had pretty strange requests for her son’s wedding, so the bride shared her story with the Internet.

My Family Wants Me to Give My Sister My Wedding Venue, Because She’s Pregnant and Needs It More

My Family Wants Me to Give My Sister My Wedding Venue, Because She’s Pregnant and Needs It More
Family & kids
5 months ago

A woman, 28, has recently written a letter to our editorial and told us her family story, that reached a critical point. Her sister and parents seem to take her not very seriously and put their interests ahead of hers. When it came to the woman’s wedding, her family members decided to please her sister at the cost of the woman’s wedding venue, and this became the last straw.

My Sister Wants to Be a Bride on MY Wedding Day

My Sister Wants to Be a Bride on MY Wedding Day
Family & kids
5 months ago

While being an introvert has its perks, it can occasionally hinder our ability to cultivate meaningful relationships. We recently received a poignant story from one of our readers that touched us deeply. Our reader’s sister, Kate, is facing a terminal illness and has never had the opportunity to experience romantic love. With time ticking away, she views attending our reader’s wedding as her sole chance to glimpse the joys of marriage.

My Husband Deeply Humiliated Me on Our Wedding Day, but the Revenge Came Instantly

My Husband Deeply Humiliated Me on Our Wedding Day, but the Revenge Came Instantly
5 months ago

Wedding may be one of the most important days of our life. And we all hope that everything goes by our plan. But one bride was literally brought to tears by her partner right on their special day. And before that, she even begged him not to pull any cruel pranks on her. The angry woman was distraught by what her beloved man thought was very funny — and is now getting divorced 48 hours after their wedding.

My MIL Decided to Show Up at My Wedding in a White Dress

My MIL Decided to Show Up at My Wedding in a White Dress
Family & kids
6 months ago

A woman posted on Reddit about a drama with her mother-in-law (MIL) who wants to go to her wedding in a white dress — a big no-no. This kind of move from MILs can really stir the pot, especially during the crazy times of planning a wedding. Her MIL choosing a white dress, which is usually just for the bride, really kicked off some arguments and piled on stress to an already hectic day. Her story shines a light on the tricky task of dealing with family stuff while trying to plan your big day, something a lot of people can relate to.

My In-laws Brought Their Friends to Our Wedding Without Telling Us Anything

My In-laws Brought Their Friends to Our Wedding Without Telling Us Anything
6 months ago

A wedding is a special day that we hope goes smoothly, but sometimes, small things can cause big disruptions. I suddenly discovered that my in-laws had invited extra people who weren’t on the guest list. The problem? The venue couldn’t accommodate these additional guests. It was a tough situation, but we had to think quickly and come up with a solution.