Bad luck

17 Times Bad Luck Just Wouldn’t Quit

17 Times Bad Luck Just Wouldn’t Quit
year ago

Some people just can’t seem to get a break. It’s like they’re playing a never-ending game of bad luck tag. From finding a huge insect on their toilet paper to getting the completely wrong order, their life feels like a series of funny mishaps. But they don’t let it get them down — they keep rolling with the punches and finding the humor in the chaos. It just goes to show that a positive attitude can beat even the worst streaks of bad luck.

17 Celebrity Fashion Fails That They Wish They Didn’t Wear

17 Celebrity Fashion Fails That They Wish They Didn’t Wear
8 months ago

Almost every woman, including celebrities, has had that moment of looking at old photos and wondering, “What was I ever thinking about it?”. Even gorgeous dresses can create challenges, from slipping straps to torn hems, showing that wardrobe mishaps are universal. However, the reactions to these moments differ — some may blush, while others confidently navigate through, wearing broad smiles and holding their heads high.

15+ Realities of Life in Austria That Can Puzzle Newcomers

15+ Realities of Life in Austria That Can Puzzle Newcomers
year ago

Austria, located in the heart of Europe, remains a perennial favorite among tourists. Its magnetic allure attracts visitors from far and wide, seeking to explore renowned ski resorts and immerse themselves in its abundant historical and cultural treasures. The captivating landscapes of Austria never fail to inspire, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to experience them. Once enchanted by its beauty, it is no wonder that visitors yearn to return to Austria time and time again, drawn by its irresistible charm.

15 People Who Forgot Their Daily Dose of Luck at Home

15 People Who Forgot Their Daily Dose of Luck at Home
year ago

Are you going through an unlucky streak in life? While tragic events can occur from time to time, some people may feel like they are particularly unlucky. It’s easy to wonder what they did to deserve such bad luck. But, it’s also important to remember that tomorrow is another day, and things can always get better.

Is Halley’s Comet a Warning of Bad Things to Come?

Is Halley’s Comet a Warning of Bad Things to Come?
year ago

Some people, like the Andaman islanders — that’s a community living in the Gulf of Bengal — see them as burning torches thrown into the air by forest spirits. Others, like some Australian aborigines, think they’re flaming sticks ridden by shamans. If you ask an astronomer, though, they’ll tell you that a comet is a large object made of dust and ice that orbits the Sun. Arguably one of the most famous space objects of this kind is Halley’s Comet. It has left a great impact on our history and understanding of these mysterious “falling stars.” When this comet passed Earth in August 1835, for example, it was blamed for the New York City fire that kept going for several nights. At the same time, the Seminole Indians in Florida saw the comet’s long tail and believed it marked the day they would lose their independence.

What Happened to the Other Two ’Titanics’

What Happened to the Other Two ’Titanics’
year ago

Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, but not many people know that Titanic had two sister ships and that on the night of its sinking, one of them was rushing to help, but didn’t make it in time. Bad luck seemed to follow the trio of ships, but each one of them had glorious moments that live in the minds of those who sailed in them. Keep on watching to discover a story of awe, ingenuity, and ill-fate. And don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn notifications on to join us on the Bright Side of life!

16 People Whose Luck Is Running on Empty

16 People Whose Luck Is Running on Empty
year ago

You know those days when nothing seems to be going right, and it’s like the entire world is against you. Well, no matter how hard it gets, you should always remember that bad luck doesn’t last forever, and you can always start fresh the next day. And even if it’s hard to admit, there’s some comfort in the fact that there are other folks out there who have it even worse than us. Scroll down to see a collection of unfortunate situations that will make you feel bad for the person (and perhaps better about your own misfortune).

15 People Who Really Know What a Bad Day Is

15 People Who Really Know What a Bad Day Is
year ago

While most of us have the occasional bad day when nothing seems to go right for us, some people have an ability to find trouble no matter what. But the string of bad luck often provides these people with an uncanny ability to turn even the worst of situations into something to laugh at. These 15 people were certainly not having their favorite day, but chose to share it with us for a chuckle.

20 People Whose Day Turned From Yay to Nay in Record Time

20 People Whose Day Turned From Yay to Nay in Record Time
year ago

At any given moment, a great day can turn sour due to a totally unexpected event. And although we all dread facing bad luck, we have to remind ourselves that any unfortunate situation is temporary and it will soon pass. This is why it’s better to just ignore it, or even better, to look at the bright side of misfortune and turn it into a sarcastic story that will give us a good laugh whenever we remember it.

15 People Who Seem to Have Run Out of Luck a Moment Too Soon

15 People Who Seem to Have Run Out of Luck a Moment Too Soon
year ago

Even in the 21st century, there are people who still believe in superstitions. For example, in some countries, a black cat passing in front of a person is a sign of bad luck and seeing a snake is considered good luck. No matter what you believe and what actually happens to you, the most important thing is to see everything in an optimistic and positive way, just like the people in our article did.

15 Pictures That Reveal the True Meaning of Bad Luck

15 Pictures That Reveal the True Meaning of Bad Luck
year ago

Bad luck is a tricky thing. We could be doing nothing special and just minding our own business, when all sorts of misfortune can strike. But it’s comforting to know that bad luck is a universal concept and that we’re not alone. Here are 15 pictures that capture the feeling of misfortune better than anything else.

17 People Who Can Write a Novel About Their Misfortunes

17 People Who Can Write a Novel About Their Misfortunes
year ago

There are 2 ways we could approach our bad luck: we can either let it annoy and anger us, or we can accept it as a natural part of life. After all, any uncomfortable situation we encounter is temporary and will pass at some point, so it’s better not to let it ruin our precious time. And some people even turn their misfortunes into sarcastic stories they can laugh at with their friends or share online with millions of people.

18 People Whose Day Turned Into a Pure Nightmare

18 People Whose Day Turned Into a Pure Nightmare
year ago

No matter how much we dislike them, there is no way to escape a bad day every now and then. And while we usually get annoyed or angry at unfortunate events, we can also remind ourselves that this is just a temporary situation. And it might even be a blessing in disguise because bad luck teaches us to really appreciate and be grateful for a good thing when it happens to us, instead of taking it for granted.

15 Pictures of People Who Desperately Need a Hug

15 Pictures of People Who Desperately Need a Hug
year ago

No one is immune to occasional bouts of bad luck. There are moments when you feel like the universe is conspiring against you. We relate to those feelings. That’s why we collected the pictures and stories of 15 people who are having a bad day and need a warm embrace that can lift their spirits.

15 People Whose Days Went in a Completely Unexpected Direction

15 People Whose Days Went in a Completely Unexpected Direction
year ago

Bad days can happen to anyone, from messing something up at work to getting a flat tire. Sometimes, the only thing we can do in the face of such terrible luck is to laugh at ourselves and move on with our day. These 15 people faced a day that threw some unexpected things at them, but luckily, they were able to shrug it off and share it with us to make us laugh.

17 Situations That Would Make Us Stop and Scream, “Hell No!”

17 Situations That Would Make Us Stop and Scream, “Hell No!”
year ago

No matter how much we try to avoid them, we can’t escape facing unfortunate events every now and then. And instead of allowing one bad situation to anger them or ruin their entire day, some people choose to laugh it off and turn their bad luck into a hilarious story that they often joke about. After all, bad days aren’t always that bad, as they teach us to truly appreciate the value of the blessings that come our way.

15 People Who Know the Real Meaning of Being Unlucky

15 People Who Know the Real Meaning of Being Unlucky
2 years ago

It isn’t news that we all sometimes take our day-to-day life for granted. We can go about our business and complain that here and there we may have bad luck. But maybe, somewhere out there, somebody’s having a worse day than you.What is bad luck, anyway? Different cultures have their own take on the idea. For instance, in South Korea, it is believed that shaking your legs means shaking your wealth off. If you do that, you’re inviting some trouble.Bright Side collected some stories that leave no question — no matter the superstitions in place, these people know what it’s like to have luck turn its back on you.

20 People Who Were Carried Away by the Mishaps of the Day

20 People Who Were Carried Away by the Mishaps of the Day
2 years ago

Small mishaps are always there in our lives. Issues such as a spider in a teacup, badly dyed hair, or kitchen appliances of the wrong size can spoil our mood for a long time. But there are people who don’t want to feel sad and alone and gladly share photos of their bad luck with the whole world.

26 Images That Could Visually Translate the Term: Unexpected Surprise

26 Images That Could Visually Translate the Term: Unexpected Surprise
2 years ago

At times, we’ve all found ourselves with no luck. There are days when everything goes according to plan, and then there are days when we’d rather stay in bed and sleep beneath a mound of covers. Even if you wish these days were over, you can recount anecdotes about them to lighten your mood.We at Bright Side created a collection of comical accidents and other incidents of bad luck that might happen to each of us at some point in our lives.

15 Times the Universe Pulled a Prank on People

15 Times the Universe Pulled a Prank on People
2 years ago

Having a dog eat your homework or losing your brand new lost-item tracker, these stories seem straight out of a sitcom, but they actually happened to different people. It took a fair amount of bad luck, of course, but sometimes the odds are just stacked against you.

15+ People Who Don’t Know What Luck Means

15+ People Who Don’t Know What Luck Means
2 years ago

Finding money on the street or getting an A on a test you’ve forgotten to prepare for — luck can sweep into your life in the least expected forms. However, there are also times when you can’t help but feel like you’ve run out of luck. Maybe your documents arrive already expired or you drop the meal you’ve just cooked right when it’s ready.

24 People Who Will Have a Good Day, but Not Today

24 People Who Will Have a Good Day, but Not Today
3 years ago

Some of the unfortunate things we go through are purely the work of bad luck and fate, and other times, we might have a hand in the things that take us for a wrong turn. Whichever it is, we have to accept that life won’t always go our way and that a bad day every now and then is inevitable. On the flip side, these sad moments teach us to appreciate and cherish a good day even more.

16 Pregnancy Dos and Don’ts From Around the World

16 Pregnancy Dos and Don’ts From Around the World
3 years ago

There’s a saying that claims if a pregnant woman doesn’t satisfy her food craving and scratches herself, the child will be born with a birthmark in the shape of the food she’s craving. And in some other cultures, there are many food restrictions for pregnant women. And while all of these pregnancy theories are amusing, they can be confusing to new mothers. One thing is for sure though: people all over the world just want to look out for expecting mothers and their babies.

19 People That Won’t Lose Their Smile, Even on Their Worst Day Ever

19 People That Won’t Lose Their Smile, Even on Their Worst Day Ever
4 years ago

Life is made up of ups and downs. There are some days when luck is on our side and other days where it seems like everything’s against us. But have you ever noticed that when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, it feels like the universe is conspiring against you? Although episodes of bad luck are common in everyone’s daily life, some people prefer to shed a positive light on these drawbacks. Some of them even share their experiences on the Internet and manage to laugh at their bad luck.

19 People Lady Luck Has Turned Her Back On

19 People Lady Luck Has Turned Her Back On
4 years ago

It just so happens that fate seems to test our resistance and strength and fills our day with all sorts of minor hiccups. And we look at them and think: “Today, Lady Luck is clearly not smiling at me.”

18 People Who Are Having a Hard Time Catching Some Good Luck

18 People Who Are Having a Hard Time Catching Some Good Luck
4 years ago

Life is all about balancing between good and bad luck, and the people in this compilation will instantly agree with this. This is because although their day started out in an unexpected way, they were still able to laugh at themselves, grab a camera, and share their failures with us. Just take a look at the burned pizza, the keys stuck in the hood of a car, and the poorly measured door, and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

15 People Who Just Wanted to Do Their Laundry, but Luck Wasn’t on Their Side

15 People Who Just Wanted to Do Their Laundry, but Luck Wasn’t on Their Side
4 years ago

There are days when luck, unfortunately, is not on our side. It’s as if it decided to disappear at the least convenient moment. But imagine how awful it must be to have it missing when washing your clothes. If it’s already tedious to deal with laundry days, being unlucky makes the task even more difficult and... entertaining, if you have a sense of humor.

28 Times People’s Destiny Played a Trick on Them

28 Times People’s Destiny Played a Trick on Them
4 years ago

There are days when everything just goes wrong. For example, your little brother accidentally disables your smartphone or a stranger spoils your wedding picture. Of course these situations are not tragic, but they’re really irritating. The heroes of today’s article faced these very problems and will make you feel like your day isn’t that bad.