5 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Relationship Is Actually Toxic

5 months ago

Some things we brush off as normal might actually be signs that something is not right in the relationship. It’s easy to miss these red flags when you're in the middle of it. However, knowing what to look for can help you decide if it’s time to take action. Check if these toxic patterns are showing up in your relationship.

1. No calls or texts when you're not around.

If your partner doesn’t call or text when you’re not around, they might only think about you when you’re there. Even when apart, the emotional connection should stay strong. In a healthy relationship, time apart is fine as long as both people stay in touch.

If your partner goes silent for long periods, it could be a sign of emotional distancing. This is common for people with certain attachment styles who might ghost to avoid rejection, or for narcissists who struggle to maintain consistent emotional connections because they see people in extremes.

2. You're desperately trying to be your best self.

TIZIANA FABI/AFP/East News, Peter van den Berg / Avalon/Photoshot/East News

No matter what you do, your partner is never satisfied, and you feel like you’re always falling short. You can’t even relax around them because they always find fault with you over something minor. This pressure to be perfect makes you prioritize their needs and expectations over your own well-being.

You're trying to meet impossible standards and strive for unattainable perfection. You might be seeking a sense of fulfillment and validation, even if it's harmful to you.

3. You start spending less time with your friends.

If you feel like you're losing yourself and distancing from your friends, it's a sign that your relationship might be toxic. You might feel lonely even with your partner. Being together 24/7 blurs boundaries and leads to emotional instability.

Toxic partners often use guilt and manipulation to keep you close, causing you to pull away from others, which leads to loneliness and depression. Toxic relationships don't usually start that way, they develop over time and often lead to the loss of friends and estrangement from family.

4. They always have an excuse.

Your partner might always have an excuse for not showing up on time or canceling plans. They might claim they're too busy or that something came up, but when it happens often, it can make you feel like you’re not a priority.

You might notice that their alone time or time with others becomes more important than the time they spend with you. If they’re not willing to share details or their excuses feel lame, it could mean they’re distancing themselves or hiding something.

5. Your partner rarely looks you in the eyes.

Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News, ROBYN BECK/AFP/East News

If your partner avoids eye contact, it could be a sign of deeper issues in your relationship like hidden anger or anxiety. They might feel bored, disagree with you, or not be interested in what you're saying. It's like saying, "You're not important." If your partner used to make eye contact and suddenly stops, it’s a red flag.

According to an expert, eye contact is incredibly intimate. It shows trust, and emotional openness, and tells the partner "I'm yours." A sudden lack of eye contact could indicate a festering problem in your relationship that needs attention.

If you’ve got a gut feeling that something’s off in your relationship, you might be onto something. It’s not always about what your partner says – sometimes their actions speak louder. Body language reveals a lot about what’s really going on, even when words don’t. In this article, learn how to spot red flags early before things get worse.

Preview photo credit TIZIANA FABI/AFP/East News, Peter van den Berg / Avalon/Photoshot/East News


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