The 4th one (create a vision board) I'm like the girl on rhe left and that's how I'm currently sitting
7 Ways to Beat Winter Depression
In the winter, magic is in the air — but not for everyone. If you’re stuck at home, grumpy and tired, it’s likely that you’re suffering from so-called winter depression.
Cold temperatures force us to be less productive and energetic. As a result, we feel stressed and unmotivated to do anything. But not to worry, Bright Side has your back. And here are some ways to ward off those winter blues.
Reduce blue light.
Your circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle) gets messed up because of blue light. Your melatonin release slows down when you’re exposed to the light for a long time. If you’re glued to your phone before bed, you will wake up feeling tired and groggy. Blue light can be found in gadgets like your phone, computer, TV, and even your not-so-harmless e-reader. Make sure you put your technology away at least an hour before you go to sleep.
Get dressed up for no reason.

Not taking care of yourself when you’re feeling your worst is a common mistake people make. Not only do you feel depressed but messy as well. Pick a nice outfit that you really like, practice some skincare, and do your hair. At the end of this self-care ritual, you’ll feel put together and more motivated to go about your day.
Dance like crazy.
If you can’t describe your emotions with words, do it through movement. You can kill 2 birds with 1 stone as you exercise and boost your mood. Dancing releases endorphins (the happy hormones) that help you ward off depression. Besides, dancing can be a nice break from boring tasks.
Create a vision board.

A vision board is basically a collage consisting of photos, text, or drawings. It serves as daily motivation to make your dreams come true. A vision board helps you understand what you want from this life. Just thinking about your bright future and success can cheer you up. Take old magazine cut-outs or print out images and put them on the board, add quotes, and maybe stick on some photos of yours. Now you’re ready to conquer the world.
Declutter your space.
Picture this: you’re feeling tired and lazy with no motivation to work whatsoever. And to top it all off, your room is a complete mess. Your cluttered space adds to your overall sense of tiredness. This isn’t good. Set a timer for at least 5 minutes, and decide what area you need to clean up. It can be a desk or even your bed. You’ll start throwing away trash along with your negativity. Maybe you’ll even put some music on, do a little dance, and voila — your bad mood will be gone!
Take a break from social media.

It’s incredibly frustrating to look at everyone’s “perfect” lives online, especially when you’re feeling down. Why torture yourself? The problem can be resolved with the snap of your fingers: just delete social media accounts that make you feel horrible. Even science can back this up: people who are exposed to social media feel lonelier and more depressed.
Get out of the house.
It’s so tempting to stay under that fluffy blanket for a little bit longer, but you’ll fall into the trap and end up feeling even worse. As an alternative to that never-ending Netflix marathon, try getting some fresh air. It has been scientifically proven that reduced sunlight produces higher levels of melatonin. In a nutshell, this is what causes winter depression.
Winter depression is a serious matter. However, some people think that winter blues are imaginary and shouldn’t be considered a real problem. Do you think people should pay attention to the issue or dismiss it?
There's another good way to beat winter depression. Move somewhere warm. :P
Ha! These really do work as I do all these things in order to be more Productive🤓😁👌
I sometimes feel so out of mood and bored from sitting at home the whole time, I try to do some make up and a fancy hairstyle for myself

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