One with yellow shorts is boy and with red is girl
8 Attention Tests That Only a Few People Can Get Right
In order to improve focus and concentration, all of us should treat our brain as a muscle and train it with different kinds of exercises every day. And while exercises can sometimes be boring, solving attention tests can be an entertaining way to give your brain a good workout.
Get ready to build some strong muscles, because we at Bright Side prepared some fun but challenging illustrations for you that will test your attentiveness. To find out what’s really wrong, just tap on the image.
Did you get all of them correct? Which one was the most challenging for you?
I got all right, i'm a Few People, I guess. *backs away, bumping head on wall, then running through the door*
Yeah, I got all of them right too. Though I had to think about the last one...
The mirror one’s mistake can also be the necklace in the mirror image