9 Actors That Are Polar Opposites of Their Characters

2 years ago

Actors embody different characters all the time. Some actors like to play someone they can see a part of themselves in. But these actors have played someone who is the complete opposite of them.

Bright Side has compiled a list of actors who have portrayed characters that are the complete opposite of themselves.

1. Keanu Reeves vs John Wick

Character: The character of John Wick that Keanu Reeves played is an assassin who seeks out revenge.

Real life: Reeves is well known for being generous and kind. He gave up some of his earnings on The Matrix movie franchise to thank the production team. He also said that he liked to keep his distance from fame.

2. Lena Headey vs Cersei Lannister

Character: Cersei is one of the most despicable villains on TV, and Game of Thrones is filled with terrible people doing awful things. Cersei may be the worst. She is cutthroat and malicious.

Real life: Lena Headey supports and works with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) that advocates for European migrants.

3. Emilia Clarke vs Daenerys Targaryen

Character: Daenerys Targaryen went on a huge journey throughout the Game of Thrones series, from her innocent beginnings to her ruthless choices. The Mother of Dragons is quite different from Emilia Clarke.

Real life: Her co-star, Jason Momoa, said anytime he sees Clarke, his cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

4. Pedro Pascal vs Javier Peña

Character: Pedro Pascal plays a dark, hot-tempered, brooding law enforcement officer on Netflix’s Narcos.

Real life: Pascal is a warm and uplifting person. He admitted to cooing over Baby Yoda when he first saw it and fell in love.

5. Kerry Washington vs Olivia Pope

Character: The character of Olivia Pope is a no-nonsense, secret-keeping, problem-solver on the TV show, Scandal. She hides the scandals of prominent figures.

Real life: Kerry Washington is an ambassador for the movement, V-Day, which aims to end all violence against women.

6. Tom Hiddleston vs Loki

Character: Loki is a maniacal, selfish, and dishonest God.

Real life: Tom Hiddleston supports charities and is an ambassador for UNICEF.

7. Rachel McAdams vs Regina George

Character: Regina George is one of the best teen movie antagonists. She is the queen of the plastic, selfish, manipulative, and aggressive personality.

Real life: Rachel McAdams does a lot of charity work. As well as being an environmentalist, she also supports the charity, Small Steps Projects, which provides shoes to children who need them.

8. Neil Patrick Harris vs Barney Stinson

Character: Neil Patrick Harris played womanizer Barney Stinson on the TV show, How I Met Your Mother.

Real life: In real life, he has been happily married to his husband, David Burtka, since 2014. They have 2 children together, a son and a daughter.

9. Meryl Streep vs Miranda Priestly

Character: Meryl Streep played a difficult boss that treated her staff very poorly.

Real life: In real life, Streep supports the charity, Girl Up, which focuses on empowering young women and girls.

What other actors are unlike their characters? Who are your favorite characters from TV and film?


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