97-Year-Old Woman Is Awarded a Degree, Decades After She First Started College

9 months ago

Many people decide to go to college right after graduating from high school, while others might take a gap year, or find some other pursuit. But learning is a life-long journey, and Hazel Feldman’s story only proves that. Feldman had planned to get a college degree for most of her adult life, and finally in her late nineties she was one of the fresh graduates.

Hazel Feldman first started college in the 1980s, but life got in the way.

Hazel Feldmans embarked on her academic journey in New Jersey. In a light-hearted manner, she humorously remarked, “I graduated high school in 1943, just a couple of years ago.” However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that she resumed her educational endeavors by enrolling in college courses in New Jersey. Subsequently, her pursuit of higher education faced a pause as she relocated to San Antonio, driven by her desire to be near her daughter and seek employment opportunities.

After several years, she decided to enroll again.

Following a considerable hiatus of 15 years, Feldman took the initiative to enroll at Northeast Lakeview College, embarking on a fresh chapter of her educational journey. It became apparent that much had evolved since Feldman’s previous college experience.

Reflecting on the transition, she confessed that navigating the virtual coursework posed some challenges for her. Nonetheless, with the unwavering support of her family, friends, and professors, Feldman was able to make notable progress and accumulate college credits. Their assistance proved instrumental in facilitating her academic advancement.

Feldman was awarded a degree at 97 years old, and she aims to inspire others to never give up.

Afraid that she wouldn’t be able to finish her degree, Hazel Feldman asked the college board to recognize her life experiences in sales and business ventures as academic credit. The board of trustees acknowledged the value of her life experiences and duly awarded her an honorary Associate of Arts degree. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Feldman exclaimed that finally having a degree is the ’greatest thing you can get.’

The culmination of Feldman’s remarkable journey was marked by her graduation ceremony where she proudly strode across the stage to receive her well-deserved degree.

As Hazel Felman’s story proves, your age doesn’t have to stop you from aiming high and achieving your dreams. Nonagenarian gymnast Johanna Quaas is another great example of this. Quaas is the oldest active gymnast in the world, and she has no plans to retire.

Preview photo credit KSAT 12


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