An Artist Got Famous for Tattooing Unique Body Parts and You Might Want to Get One Too

10 months ago

In the realm of tattoos, artists are encouraged to showcase their inventiveness, often pioneering new styles that push boundaries. Belgian artist Indy Voet has carved a niche for himself by etching ink onto some of the most unconventional areas of the human body, ranging from behind the ears to the gums and even the finger webs.

Meet the artist.

A Belgian artist, specializing in unusual tattoos, has showcased his distinctive artwork by tattooing unconventional parts of the human body. Indy Voet, employed at The Purple Sun tattoo parlor in Brussels, is renowned for creating permanent tattoos in non-traditional areas such as fingers and behind ears. His most unique skill, however, lies in designing mouth roof tattoos, a craft he has perfected over approximately five years.

Utilizing the hand-poking technique, Voet employs a manually powered needle, deviating from the typical electric tattoo gun. With a vast portfolio, Voet, a former body piercing artist with a decade of experience, finds the transition to tattooing uncommon places to be a natural progression. In an interview, he emphasized his minimalistic approach, relying solely on a needle, skill, and the trust of his clients, asserting that a tattoo machine would be too harsh for such a sensitive body part.

The hand-poking technique

Hand poke tattoos diverge from traditional methods by not using a machine. In this technique, a tattoo needle is immersed in ink and meticulously inserted into the skin, dot by dot. Despite the seemingly rustic nature of the process, professional hand poke artists operate within environments that adhere to the same strict standards of sterility as licensed tattoo studios do on a daily basis.

For Voet, transitioning from a background in piercing made the shift to tattooing with the hand-poking technique feel more organic. It began with small experiments on acquaintances in the tattooing community, and from there, it gradually evolved into the work he specializes in today.

Not too long ago, he started to incorporate both techniques into his practice, thanks to encouragement and a gift from one of his friends. For him, the focus is on creating exceptional tattoos, whether done with a machine or by hand. Utilizing a machine enables him to achieve a visual outcome that may be challenging by hand, particularly for certain styles. Voet believes that this technique broadens the spectrum of possibilities, although he acknowledges that there’s still much more for him to explore and learn.

The best part of being a tattoo artist

In an interview, Voet highlighted that he genuinely enjoys the entire journey of creating a tattoo, from the search and drawing phase to meeting people. However, if he would have to pinpoint the most gratifying aspect, it would be witnessing the tattoo after it has healed and become a part of someone’s life. For him, observing individuals wear it in their everyday activities, seeing how it complements their other tattoos, and observing its interaction with their overall style is particularly fascinating.

Curiously, Voet has a preference for tattooing ears, but he also finds satisfaction in tattooing fingers, eyelids, the torso, and other areas. As long as he can technically execute a commendable job and ensure that the design harmonizes well with the chosen spot, he’s happy to continue working on various body locations.

How tattoos on the mouth works.

Voet became famous for designing mouth-roof tattoos. Contrary to expectations, Voet insists that the client’s experience is not as daunting as one might imagine. He says that nine out of 10 people describe mouth tattoos as almost painless or, at the very least, very easy to handle. The remaining 10% mostly complain about jaw muscle aches, which seems logical.

Addressing the post-tattoo care, Voet draws on his extensive experience as a professional piercer to provide guidance. Healing these tattoos is similar to any other mouth tattoo or piercing—avoid anything too spicy, steer clear of strong liquor, and exercise caution with what you put in your mouth for a couple of days. Beyond that, the natural resources of the mouth take care of the rest.

The art of tattooing is a dynamic and evolving journey for many artists, and Indy Voet’s insights provide a glimpse into the passion and versatility that define their craft. From pushing boundaries with unconventional locations to embracing both hand poke and machine techniques, the artist’s dedication to creating unique and meaningful tattoos shines through.


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