Former Baywatch Star Yasmine Bleeth Is Spotted 20 Years After Retiring, and People Are Praising Her Looks

year ago

Yasmine Bleeth was among Hollywood’s most desired women and became one of People Magazine’s “50 Most Beautiful People” in 1995. But in 2003, the Baywatch star surprised everyone with her decision to stop her career and stay completely out of the limelight. Years after her big decision, Bleeth was spotted out and about, and she’s still looking radiant and beautiful.

She’s comfortable in her own skin.

Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, LP/Coleman Rayner/East News

Nearly two decades after leaving Hollywood behind, the former actress was photographed walking her dog as she enjoyed the sunny Californian weather with a big, radiant smile on her face. She wore a black hoodie and a colorful dress underneath, and her beautiful brown locks were tied in a ponytail.

People weren’t left indifferent.

LP/Coleman Rayner/East News, LP/Coleman Rayner/East News

Fans were so glad to see pictures of their beloved star after so many years, and many of them pointed out how glowing the actress looked. Some also noted how different she looks now as one person said, “Whoa, never would’ve recognized her.”

Hundreds of people also noticed how content and glowing the gorgeous Baywatch alum looked. A commentator wrote, “She looks happy, and that’s attractive,” while another noted, “It’s quite nice to see someone move on past the Hollywood culture to live their life on their own terms.”

Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, LP/Coleman Rayner/East News

People were also praising Yasmine for looking so natural as a woman in her fifties and how she was growing older with elegance. As someone pointed out, “Very pretty lady, aging gracefully,” and another remarked, “See, this is what aging NATURALLY looks like. No plumps or tucks. No hormones. She looks great!”

Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner/Coleman Rayner/East News, Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner/Coleman Rayner/East News

In the summer of 2023, Bleeth was once again spotted outside by the cameras, and what’s for sure is that she is looking even more positively radiant than ever. Just a few days ahead of her 55th birthday, Bleeth was seen heading out for a sushi lunch, looking all glamorous in a tan skirt and trendy wedges. She had also accessorized her look with big hoop earrings.

A few months earlier, back in October, the stunning woman cut a more casual figure and appeared fresh-faced as she walked her sweet dog in her pajamas.

Yasmine’s latest sighting was just a few days ago when she hung out with her friends wearing a comfortable blue jumpsuit and a pink T-shirt. And as she was once again deemed “unrecognizable” by the media, fans were quick to applaud her for her all-natural beauty and undeniable positive glow, as one person declared, “She looks great. She hasn’t had any plastic surgery, [...], and she’s not exposing her body in inappropriate attire.”

We agree that Yasmine Bleeth looks fabulous, and she’s not the only star who has decided to age naturally and gracefully. Here are other famous women who are proving that wrinkles and fine lines are extremely beautiful.

Preview photo credit Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, LP/Coleman Rayner/East News, LP/Coleman Rayner/East News


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