How to Leave Your Home Neat and Clean When Time Is Limited

3 years ago

There are countless times when, due to limited time and countless responsibilities, we can’t dedicate enough time to tidy up and clean our homes. For those occasions when we’re short on time, we’re in a hurry, or unexpected visitors show up, it’s more than useful to have an emergency plan so that our homes can look spotless in just a few minutes.

Bright Side has put together a guide with steps to follow along with the most effective tricks to make your home look like it came straight out of a magazine in record time.

1. Focus on the areas where guests will be spending time.

When time is scarce, the first thing you should do is determine the spaces where visitors will rest or the rooms that require greater sanitation and disinfection. The areas that guests are more likely to see are the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the entrance or hall.

Now that you know which zones are on the priority list, let’s get to work!

2. Ventilate the whole house.

To get rid of bad odors, the smell of enclosed spaces, and to ventilate the house, it’s essential to open all the windows while any cleaning takes place. Adequate ventilation will make both guests and home residents more comfortable.

3. Organize and pick stuff up.

It’s time to collect everything that was thrown everywhere, or whatever is making the house look messy. While you collect these, you can get rid of garbage and return everything to its proper place. If time is too limited, put things in boxes, baskets, or cabinets to organize later.

4. Disinfect the bathroom.

If you have guests, they will most likely use the bathroom, so it’s vital that it’s clean and thoroughly disinfected. You can have your lavatory sparkling in no time by following just a few steps.

  • Throw a disinfectant tablet in the toilet bowl and let it sit along with a jet of all-purpose cleaning liquid. You can clean the toilet seat with this cleaner as well.

  • Make sure there’s enough soap.

  • Change and arrange any towels and bath mats.

  • Rub the taps with a little lemon to make them shiny.

  • Clean the sink to remove any soap or toothpaste stains or residue.

  • Scrub the toilet bowl with a brush.

  • Clean the mirror quickly.

5. Make sure the kitchen looks presentable

Guests probably won’t make it to the kitchen, but they may want to help you clear up the coffee you served them or throw away the gum they were chewing; which why you should always leave the kitchen looking presentable. It’s possible to have the kitchen looking presentable in no time if you focus on the most transited points.

  • Pick up crumbs and food scraps.
  • If there’s a lot of garbage or food scraps that give off a strong smell, remove them.
  • If you see dirty dishes, wash them quickly, and leave them to dry. If you’re in a rush, hide them inside the sink or dishwasher and deal with them later.

6. Remove pet hair from any surfaces.

If you have pets at home, there may be lots of fur and dander everywhere, so it’s necessary to remove them with a hand vacuum or a brush, especially from the sofa, where guests will be sitting. Otherwise, you may see guests shaking dog or cat hair off their clothes before leaving.

7. Do an express sweep.

Now that you’ve collected random displaced items and there are no extra things lying around everywhere, it’s time to quickly sweep the rooms of the house that guests will set foot in. This way, if you have pets, there’ll be no hair on the ground either.

8. Remove dust and visible stains from surfaces.

Use some paper towels or a cloth and a dusting or disinfectant spray to wipe tables, dark furniture, and the television. It’s essential to clean these surfaces since dust and dirt accumulate in these spots due to frequent use.

9. Tidy up the entrance hall.

This is the first place that guests will see when entering the house, therefore, it’s where they’ll get the first impression of your home. That’s why it’s crucial to make it neat and presentable. To keep your entrance clean and tidy, store or arrange your coat rack and umbrellas, and pick up scattered shoes.

10. Mop up quickly with water.

If you’re in a rush, you probably won’t have time to mop each area of the house thoroughly, so if you’re entertaining, we recommend cleaning the floor with a little water and nothing else. This will remove any stubborn stains and dust that remain on the floor.

11. Aromatize.

To make the house smell good and eliminate possible bad odors that may remain, you can use a little air freshener, a diffuser, essential oils, aromatic candles, or natural aromatizers. This simple touch will make guests feel at ease, comfortable, and relaxed.

12. Prepare some snacks.

If you want your guests to feel at home, you can fix up some appetizers to offer them. It doesn’t have to be anything super-elaborate. You can just put ham or cheese, some nuts, or chips on a plate or some cookies with coffee.

Are you ready to welcome your guests? What tricks do you use to clean your house when you are short on time and guests arrive unexpectedly?


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Air fresheners... I love them! And candles use vanilla candles and you won't recognise the new "home sweet home"atmosphere ;)


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