Plus you did your 3 year Old got go for free but you wanted your step daughter to do stuff to earn it your 3 year is old enough to earn it also if not let the 3 year old stay with family
I Forbade My Stepdaughter From Joining Us on the Family Trip
Family vacations are meant to create lasting memories and bring families closer together. But sometimes, they can bring underlying tensions to the surface. One reader shared a difficult experience surrounding a family trip, where things quickly spiraled out of control.

Yes! The son goes free! He is 3 YEARS OLD........ Besides she didn't have to pay her way, just do some chores.

You should have got your son to do something to earn it also so yeah playing favorites just like my stepmom does. And because of what you did your stepdaughter and son might not ever be close again because me and my real Mom other daughter not even close

Trying to control her, trying to show dominance, forcing her to do chores on holiday to "teach" her... I am totally on the kids side. Why do stepmothers always think they can come in and start acting like they are blood? I would hate her too.
Thank you, Linda, for sharing your story with us. Building relationships with teenage stepchildren can be incredibly challenging, and we completely understand the difficulties that come with it. We hope the advice we’ve gathered will offer you the support and guidance you need during this tough time.
Have an honest conversation.
Take the time to sit down with your stepdaughter in a calm, private setting where she feels safe to open up. Let her speak freely about her feelings, even if they’re hard to hear. Avoid interrupting or becoming defensive; instead, focus on truly understanding her perspective. Reassure her that she’s important to you and that you want to find a way to move past the tension together.
Validate her emotions.
Even if her behavior is challenging or disruptive, try to see the situation from her point of view. Tell her you understand why she might have felt excluded or burdened by the condition to earn the trip. Validating her emotions doesn’t mean excusing her actions, but it does show her that you recognize and care about her feelings.
Establish clear boundaries without blame.
When talking about chores, explain your reasoning in a calm manner, without placing blame. Acknowledge that it may have felt like a significant responsibility for someone her age and assure her that it was never intended to make her feel excluded. Use this opportunity to establish clearer boundaries and expectations moving forward. Discuss how responsibilities can be more fairly shared in the future, ensuring that she feels appreciated and included.
Prioritize family connection.
Make a deliberate effort to plan activities that involve everyone and encourage bonding. Whether it’s a game night, a weekend hike, or a movie marathon, select activities that allow your family to enjoy quality time together without dwelling on past conflicts. Creating positive memories together can help mend the gap and lessen feelings of being left out.
Make sure she knows she’s important to you.
Regularly remind your stepdaughter that she is a valued member of your family and that your love for her is unconditional. Small gestures, such as showing interest in her hobbies, celebrating her successes, or expressing pride in who she is, can make a big difference in helping her feel secure and appreciated. Over time, these consistent reassurances can help rebuild trust and demonstrate your commitment to a strong, loving relationship, despite any past disagreements.
Building strong relationships with stepchildren can sometimes be challenging. Picture setting aside money over time for a personal goal you’ve dreamed of achieving, only to face the possibility of giving it up to meet unexpected demands. This is exactly what happened to one of our readers when she realized her long-awaited plans might have to be postponed.
she had to Earn her way onto a FAMILY vacation? Let's hold up for a second here. Now its one thing to not allow someone to go if they are being a brat or something, but to have to earn ones spot on a Family Vacation?
If it was a family vacation shouldn't she have been included? Or do you not view her as family? You blew it lady! Big time! I would be distancing myself from you to! That was just plain mean.

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