I Got My Husband a Girlfriend Who Looks Just Like Me and It Saved Our Failing Marriage

Some people come up with bizarre solutions to keep their marriage intact. One such idea was born in one woman’s family in Long Island, NY. The loving wife decided to find her own lookalike and bring her into her collapsing marriage. She did the impossible to keep her husband’s eyes right on her, and it seems like everyone is now more than happy in this relationship.

She took this step to keep her husband’s eyes from wandering outside the home.

Tehmeena Quintana was heartbroken when her husband Bryant Quintana cheated on her less than 3 years into their happy marriage and thought an open marriage might be the solution.

“In the past, Bryant hasn’t been faithful,” Tehmeena says. “I feel that if you are with a man, you should do whatever is required to make that work,” she continues. “I want him for the rest of his life. Whatever he wants, whatever makes him happy, I will give it to him.

The solution was to turn to social media to find her own lookalike to join her and Bryant in a polyamorous relationship. “I did feel insecure when we were looking for a third,” says the loving wife. “But I knew that it would keep the attention of Bryant here. It’s fair to say I was looking for a girl who looked like me because Bryant likes that.”

Tehmeena eventually found Australian model, Kyrah Johnson, who looks like her doppelgänger. Kyrah was enthusiastic about the idea of joining the couple and soon flew to New York to meet Tehmeena and Bryant.

The unusual union brought a new life to the relationship.

Kyrah reveals that their relationship is built from a strong friendship. She has unofficially joined the marriage, and now the 3 members of the family literally share everything.

Kyrah also admits that she loves how much she looks like Tehmeena. “When we go out in public, we always get asked if we’re sisters or twins!” says the woman.

Both women have even started wearing matching clothing in order to highlight their striking similarities.

As for the husband, Bryant says he is fully satisfied with their union now and will not be looking for any more extramarital affairs.


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