19 Witty Illustrations From a Russian Artist That Show Things We Avoid Talking About

Barbie has had more than 200 careers and many celebrities have been represented in her looks. And the Inspiring Women Series is the best place to find some of these dolls. It represents women who’ve left an important mark on history. Each of them is so remarkable that they can truly be called “sheros” and inspire others.
We at Bright Side couldn’t just pass by these astonishing women and the dolls in their likeness. They are so amazing, we’d like to show them to you.
A civil rights activist who refused to give up her bus seat for a white passenger
Rosa Parks in real life
An astonishing personality, and a supporter of feminism and the LGBT movement
Frida Kahlo in real life
A pioneer of modern nursing and a social reformer
Florence Nightingale in real life
A great female tennis player and supporter of gender equality in sports
Billie Jean King in real life
A reformer who fought against slavery and achieved the right for women to vote.
Susan B. Anthony in real life
Katherine Johnson in real life
The Queen of Jazz who got 14 Grammy Awards and released about 90 albums
Ella Fitzgerald in real life
A pioneer in aviation and the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean
Amelia Earhart in real life
The youngest American astronaut and the first American woman to fly into space
Sally Ride in real life
We believe that these dolls can become great role models for girls. What do you think? Would you like to have one of these Barbies?