Kaley Cuoco Reveals In-Flight Incident That Made Her “So Angry” as a Mom, Sparks Debate

9 months ago

Kaley Cuoco, known for her role in The Big Bang Theory, opened up about a frustrating incident she experienced during a flight with her 9-month-old daughter. The new mom was already feeling anxious about traveling for the first time with her baby, but then the steward approached her with a passenger’s unexpected request.

Kaley and her husband tried to prepare for the flight to their best.

Before getting into the airplane drama, Cuoco shared her worries about flying with her baby. She was terrified and wanted to make sure the flight went smoothly. So, the couple got ready for the trip as much as they could in advance. Cuoco and Pelphrey, did everything to make Matilda comfy. They even brought a sound machine to help her sleep during the flight.

The flight turned out to be anything but easy for the new parents.

Newborn being a newborn, Matilda started crying on the flight. After much struggle, the actors were able to put her to sleep on Tom’s lap. The comforting hum of the sound machine helped her sleep.

Then, a flight attendant came over with a surprising request. Another passenger wanted them to turn off the sound machine.

Cuoco, surprised, talked about this nerve-wracking moment on Jimmy Kimmel Live. She explained how tense it felt when the flight attendant passed on the message. The situation got even more awkward as Kimmel understood how tough it must have been for the flight attendant to share the passenger’s request. Kaley adds the situation made her so angry.

The passenger didn’t stop there.

After landing, the couple found out that the person causing them trouble was the lady sitting right in front of them. Matilda, happily clueless, enjoyed being free after the flight. But things got a bit sour when the other passenger commented on Matilda’s sudden cheerfulness. “Oh, so your daughter does know how to smile,” she said sarcastically to the couple.

Cuoco shared how annoyed that made her. “It was in that moment where I understood why women end up on Dateline,” she told Kimmel.

She wishes people on flights were more sympathetic to babies.

Talking about the flight, Cuoco wished people on planes were more understanding when there are babies around. She talked about how hard it is for parents during flights with little kids. Kimmel agreed with her, questioning what are new parents supposed to do in such situations. Kaley reveals she has seen various posts on social media about people getting mad at babies on flights, and she seeks justice for the little ones.

The actress also humorously added that on a different flight, a couple with a baby were sitting next to her, and she couldn’t help but ask them for tips. She asked them if they distracted the baby with shows, and was utterly surprised when they said they don’t allow screen time for the baby. She laughs and adds that she does the opposite and watches shows with her baby daughter, who has her own iPad. She also admits she has never read a parenting book and doesn’t know how to sanitize something.

She received backlash for her opinion.

Kaley’s views have sparked a debate around babies in flights. While some people are agreeing with her and showed support, some thought the passenger’s request wasn’t exactly rude. “Once the baby fell asleep, it is not outrageous to ask if you could kindly turn the machine down...Nothing wrong with the lady asking,” commented a person.

“I understand it’s frustrating flying with a baby, but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. If you’re on a public plane, it’s not really the responsibility of other passengers to deal with something that is annoying for them...it’s not appropriate for Kaley to be so angry at someone else,” added another.

Kaley became a mom in March 2023 and shared that she only wanted kids after meeting Tom Pelphrey. Read more about the couple here.


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